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TitleDateReferenceAuthorsCall #ISSN
From the gospel to the bear in imperial Russia: how were animist peoples made to swear an oath? 2007-2008 Etudes mongoles et sibériennes, centrasiatiques et tibétaines 38-39 (): 19-43, 493-4
  • Jean-Luc Lambert
*H6/KW [ETUDES-] 0766-5075
The land register of the district of Temnikov (1613/14) as a possible source: continuous reading and statistical analysis 2007-2008 Etudes mongoles et sibériennes, centrasiatiques et tibétaines 38-39 (): 45-74, 494-5
  • Élisabeth Teiro
*H6/KW [ETUDES-] 0766-5075
The invisible city of Kitež as reflected in the prose of the silver age 2007-2008 Etudes mongoles et sibériennes, centrasiatiques et tibétaines 38-39 (): 75-118, 495-6
  • Delphine Desprez
*H6/KW [ETUDES-] 0766-5075
The lost war of the Khanty and forest Nenets (the Sovietization in the Ostjako-Vogul'sk National District, 1930-1938) 2007-2008 Etudes mongoles et sibériennes, centrasiatiques et tibétaines 38-39 (): 119-95, 496-7
  • Dominique Chambourg
  • Samson Normans
*H6/KW [ETUDES-] 0766-5075
Sacred sites in the valley of the Üstüü-Iškin (Tuva): oral tradition and ritual practices 2007-2008 Etudes mongoles et sibériennes, centrasiatiques et tibétaines 38-39 (): 197-223, 497-8
  • Ksenia Pimenova
*H6/KW [ETUDES-] 0766-5075
Dairy food at the contemporary Sakha festival yhyax 2007-2008 Etudes mongoles et sibériennes, centrasiatiques et tibétaines 38-39 (): 225-45
  • Csaba Mészaáros
*H6/KW [ETUDES-] 0766-5075
Le poteau d'attache: du monument communiste au symbole culturel iakoute 2007-2008 Etudes mongoles et sibériennes, centrasiatiques et tibétaines 38-39 (): 247-56
  • Émile Maj
*H6/KW [ETUDES-] 0766-5075
Chanson soviétiques bouriates: louanges du 'progrès' et de la collectivisation 2007-2008 Etudes mongoles et sibériennes, centrasiatiques et tibétaines 38-39 (): 257-67
  • Tilman Musch
*H6/KW [ETUDES-] 0766-5075
Kiakhta and the broadness of the borders 2007-2008 Etudes mongoles et sibériennes, centrasiatiques et tibétaines 38-39 (): 271-338, 499
  • Dany Savelli
*H6/KW [ETUDES-] 0766-5075
Trade in Kiakhta in the 1840-1860s 2007-2008 Etudes mongoles et sibériennes, centrasiatiques et tibétaines 38-39 (): 339-60, 500
  • Nina Edinarxova
*H6/KW [ETUDES-] 0766-5075
The Chinese in Kiakhta (1728-1917) 2007-2008 Etudes mongoles et sibériennes, centrasiatiques et tibétaines 38-39 (): 361-91, 500-1
  • Alexandre I. Petrov
*H6/KW [ETUDES-] 0766-5075
History of the regional museum V.A. Obručev of Kiakhta 2007-2008 Etudes mongoles et sibériennes, centrasiatiques et tibétaines 38-39 (): 393-407, 501-2
  • E.V. Smol'nikova
  • N.A. Xarabadze
*H6/KW [ETUDES-] 0766-5075
Kiakhta and globalisation (Kiakhta on the internet and the internet in Kiakhta in 2003) 2007-2008 Etudes mongoles et sibériennes, centrasiatiques et tibétaines 38-39 (): 409-17, 502
  • Kirill Titaev
*H6/KW [ETUDES-] 0766-5075
In memoriam 2007-2008 Etudes mongoles et sibériennes, centrasiatiques et tibétaines 38-39 (): 549-52
  • Jean-Luc Lambert
*H6/KW [ETUDES-] 0766-5075
Herding directions. Aspects of orientation in contemporary pastoral practices and ritual performances of reindeer herders in northern Kamchatka 2005/2006 Etudes mongoles et sibériennes, centrasiatiques et tibétaines 36-37 (): 21-60, 407
  • Patrick Plattet
*H6/KW [ETUDES-] 0766-5075
'Facing the sunrise...': orientation in ritual and everyday life among the Chukchee reindeer herders (Siberian Arctic) 2005/2006 Etudes mongoles et sibériennes, centrasiatiques et tibétaines 36-37 (): 61-93, 408
  • Virginie Vaté
*H6/KW [ETUDES-] 0766-5075
Rivers as spatial, social and ritual system of orientation among the Evenks of southeastern Siberia 2005/2006 Etudes mongoles et sibériennes, centrasiatiques et tibétaines 36-37 (): 95-138, 408-9
  • Alexandra Lavrillier
*H6/KW [ETUDES-] 0766-5075
Space marked out with livestock 2005/2006 Etudes mongoles et sibériennes, centrasiatiques et tibétaines 36-37 (): 139-62, 409
  • Carole Ferret
*H6/KW [ETUDES-] 0766-5075
Orientation referring to the techniques of the body 2005/2006 Etudes mongoles et sibériennes, centrasiatiques et tibétaines 36-37 (): 163-86, 409-10
  • Gaëlle Lacaze
*H6/KW [ETUDES-] 0766-5075
The ducks, the turtles and the toad. About the practice of fengshui in Ulaanbaatar 2005/2006 Etudes mongoles et sibériennes, centrasiatiques et tibétaines 36-37 (): 187-205, 410-11
  • Grégory Delaplace
*H6/KW [ETUDES-] 0766-5075
From a mobile to a fixed dwelling. Foundations and changes of orientation within the Mongol domestic space 2005/2006 Etudes mongoles et sibériennes, centrasiatiques et tibétaines 36-37 (): 206-37, 411
  • Alexandra Marois
*H6/KW [ETUDES-] 0766-5075
The orientation of Mongolian monasteries 2005/2006 Etudes mongoles et sibériennes, centrasiatiques et tibétaines 36-37 (): 239-82, 412
  • Isabelle Charleaux
*H6/KW [ETUDES-] 0766-5075
The Sa Chog. Violence and veneration in a Tibetan soil ritual 2005/2006 Etudes mongoles et sibériennes, centrasiatiques et tibétaines 36-37 (): 283-323, 412-13
  • Alexander Gardner
*H6/KW [ETUDES-] 0766-5075
Geography, symbolic representations and uses of space in the shamanic songs of west Nepal 2005/2006 Etudes mongoles et sibériennes, centrasiatiques et tibétaines 36-37 (): 325-47, 413-14
  • Barbara Berardi
*H6/KW [ETUDES-] 0766-5075
Tuvinian and Uzbek taming melodies. Context and musical system 2005/2006 Etudes mongoles et sibériennes, centrasiatiques et tibétaines 36-37 (): 351-72, 414
  • Frédéric Léotar
*H6/KW [ETUDES-] 0766-5075
The Seven Rongstan brothers in Ladakh. Myth, territory and possession 2005/2006 Etudes mongoles et sibériennes, centrasiatiques et tibétaines 36-37 (): 373-406, 414-15
  • Pascale Dollfus
*H6/KW [ETUDES-] 0766-5075
Walter Heissig (5 décembre 1913 - 5 septembre 2005) 2005/2006 Etudes mongoles et sibériennes, centrasiatiques et tibétaines 36-37 (): 464-9
  • Françoise Aubin
*H6/KW [ETUDES-] 0766-5075
The mythical figure of the shaman in its audio visual western representations 2004 Etudes mongoles et siberiennes 35 (): 17-68, 231
  • Charles Stépanoff
From the blue city to the grey metropolis. Foundation, protection and destruction of Kökeqota (Huhehaote) 2004 Etudes mongoles et siberiennes 35 (): 69-116, 231-2
  • Isabelle Charleux
Elbegdorz̆ Rincłino. Questionning the Mongol identity: construction and stakes of the idea of nation in a changing world 2004 Etudes mongoles et siberiennes 35 (): 117-54, 232
  • Xavier Hallez
Shamanism and social transformation in Tuva 2004 Etudes mongoles et siberiennes 35 (): 155-83, 233
  • Charles Stépanoff
Rituals for the local gods among the Bod of Paldar 2004 Etudes mongoles et siberiennes 35 (): 185-201, 233
  • Isabelle Riaboff
The ritual musical game (glu /klu rol) of the village of Sog ru (Reb gong) in A mdo 2004 Etudes mongoles et siberiennes 35 (): 203-29, 234
  • Katia Buffetrille
Sortir la nuit: essai sur le chamanisme nganassane (Arctique sibérien) 2002/2003 Etudes mongoles et siberiennes 33/34 (): 1-562
  • Jean-Luc Lambert
The Turkic oral epic of Central Asia: religious inspiration and secular interpretation 2001 Etudes mongoles et siberiennes 32 (): 9-162, 173-6
  • Karl Reichl
Clanic revenge in Nanai epic tales: an interpretation from a shamanistic point of view 2001 Etudes mongoles et siberiennes 32 (): 163-72, 176
  • Tatiana Bulgakova
Walking, dancing, playing. The performance of the procession groups in Taiwan 1999/2000 Etudes mongoles et sibériennes 30/31 (): 181-235, 434-5
  • Fiorella Allio
The choule in Tricot 1999/2000 Etudes mongoles et sibériennes 30/31 (): 277-317, 436
  • Françoise Forget-Decloquement
The connotation of [playinģ] in the ritual vocabulary of the Altaic peoples 1999/2000 Etudes mongoles et sibériennes 30/31 (): 11-45, 431-2
  • Roberte Hamayon
Rite of renewal or national festival. Wrestling and archery in the Mongolian manly games 1999/2000 Etudes mongoles et sibériennes 30/31 (): 73-123, 432-3
  • Gaelle Lacaze
The reindeer herder's Nenets festival 1999/2000 Etudes mongoles et sibériennes 30/31 (): 47-72, 432
  • Jean-Luc Lambert
Saint-Jean-Porte-Latine at Montségur 1999/2000 Etudes mongoles et sibériennes 30/31 (): 255-76, 436
  • Jean-Luc Lambert
Playing football to celebrate God. The cult of a Korean messianic church 1999/2000 Etudes mongoles et sibériennes 30/31 (): 405-29, 438
  • Nathalie Luca
Spring games in Zanskar: archery in Zangla. Buffoons and heroes, kings and strangers 1999/2000 Etudes mongoles et sibériennes 30/31 (): 137-79, 433-4
  • Isabelle Riaboff
Uigur fun and games 1999/2000 Etudes mongoles et sibériennes 30/31 (): 125-35, 433
  • Sabine Trebinjac
'Le métal ça s'travaille'. Pétanque or how technique transforms a world ruled by chance 1999/2000 Etudes mongoles et sibériennes 30/31 (): 349-67, 437
  • Helene Vouhé
The construction of ritual in competitive chess 1999/2000 Etudes mongoles et sibériennes 30/31 (): 277-317, 436-7
  • Thierry Wendling
Eyes of stone. Ritual and games in Hinduist context 1999/2000 Etudes mongoles et sibériennes 30/31 (): 369-403, 437-8
  • Martine van Woerkens
The ludic aspect of Aztec celebration of Tlacaxipehualiztli 1999/2000 Etudes mongoles et sibériennes 30/31 (): 237-53, 435
  • Anne-Marie Wohrer
Des hautes et des bas en linguistique mongole: quelques parutions récentes 1998 Etudes mongoles et siberiennes 29 (): 219-47
  • Marie-Lise Beffa