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Journal search results

Title Abbreviation Status Current title
Voprosy antropologii Vopr Antrop No longer indexed
Voprosy Arkheologii Gruzii Vopr Arkheol Gruz Ceased publication
Waka Kuaka: Journal of the Polynesian Society J Polynes Soc Currently Indexed
Wen Wu Wen Wu No longer indexed
West African archaeological newsletter W Afr J Archaeol Currently Indexed
West African journal of archaeology W Afr J Archaeol Currently Indexed
West African Museums Programme Bulletin WAMP Bull No longer indexed
West Papuan issues W Papuan Issues Ceased publication
Western Canadian journal of anthropology Canad J Anthrop Ceased publication
Whispering wind Whisper Wind Selectively indexed
Wiadomości archeologiczne Wiad archeol Currently Indexed
Wicazo Sa review Wicazo Sa Rev Selectively indexed
Wiener ethnohistorische Blätter Wien ethnohist Bl Ceased publication
Wiener völkerkundliche Mitteilungen Wien volkerk Mitt Ceased publication
Winak Winak No longer indexed
Wissenschaftliche Mitteilungen Wiss Mitt bosn-herzeg Landesmus No longer indexed
Word Word No longer indexed
World archaeological bulletin Wld archaeol Bull Ceased publication
World archaeology Wld Archaeol Currently Indexed
World art Wld Art Currently Indexed
World of tribal arts Tribal Art Selectively indexed
World of tribal arts Art Tribal Ceased publication
Yagl-Ambu Yagl-Ambu Ceased publication
Yaxkin Yaxkin No longer indexed
Yearbook for traditional music Yb trad Music Currently Indexed
Yearbook of physical anthropology Yb phys Anthrop No longer indexed
Yearbook of symbolic anthropology Yb symb Anthrop Ceased publication
Yearbook of the International Folk Music Council Yb trad Music Currently Indexed
Yumtzilob: tijdschrift over de Americas Yumtzilob Ceased publication
Zambezia Zambezia No longer indexed
Zambezia: the education supplement Zambezia Educ Suppl Selectively indexed
Zambia museums journal Zambia Mus J No longer indexed
Zbornik Zbornik Currently Indexed
Zbornik radova Zbornik Currently Indexed
Zborník slovenského národného Múzea v Martine Zborn slov nar Muz Martin Currently Indexed
Zborník slovenského národného Múzea: etnografia Zborn slov nar Muz Martin Currently Indexed
Zeitschrift für Archäologie Z Archaol Ceased publication
Zeitschrift für Eingeborenen-Sprachen Afr Ubersee No longer indexed
Zeitschrift für Ethnologie Z Ethnol Currently Indexed
Zeitschrift für Kolonial-Sprachen Afr Ubersee No longer indexed
Zeitschrift für schweizerische Archäologie und Kunstgeschichte Z schweiz Archaol No longer indexed
Zeitschrift für vergleichende Rechtswissenschaft Z vergl Rechtswiss No longer indexed
Zeitschrift für Völkerpsychologie und Soziologie Sociologus Currently Indexed
Zeszyty Zesz pań Muz etnogr No longer indexed
Zeszyty Zesz pa Muz etnogr No longer indexed
Zeszyty etnograficzne Museum Kultury i Sztuki ludowej w Warszawie Zesz pa Muz etnogr No longer indexed
Zhivaia Starina (NS) Zhiv Star (NS) Selectively indexed
Zimbabwean prehistory Zimb Prehist Currently Indexed
Zimbabwean prehistory Zimbabwea No longer indexed
Zpravodaj anthropologické Spolecnosti Ceska Antrop No longer indexed