Anthropological Index Online

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Journal search results

Title Abbreviation Status Current title
Ciência & trópico Cienc Trop Selectively indexed
Ciencias sociales y religion Cienc soc relig Selectively indexed
Cimbebasia Cimbebasia No longer indexed
City and society City Soc Selectively indexed
Civilisations Civilisations Selectively indexed
Clava Clava Currently Indexed
Collaborative anthropologies Coll anthrop Currently Indexed
Collection and research Coll Res No longer indexed
Colonial Latin American historical review CLAHR Colon Latin Amer hist Rev Ceased publication
Colonial Latin American review Colon Latin Amer Rev Selectively indexed
COMA: bulletin of the Conference of Museum Anthropologists of Australia COMA Bull Conf Mus Anthrop Ceased publication
Comechingonia: Revista de Arqueología Comechingonia rev arqueol Currently Indexed
Committee on Research in Dance news Dance Res J No longer indexed
Communicationes archaeologicae Hungariae Commun archaeol Hung Selectively indexed
Comparative sociology Comp Soc Selectively indexed
Comparative studies in society and history Comp Stud Soc Hist Selectively indexed
Comunicação: programa de pós-graduação em antropologia social Antrop social Rio No longer indexed
Congo-Tervuren Afr-Tervuren Ceased publication
Connaissance des arts tribaux Art Tribal Ceased publication
Contemporary Japan Contemp Japan Selectively indexed
Contributions to Indian sociology Contr Indian Sociol Currently Indexed
Contributions to southeast Asian ethnography Contr SE Asia Ethnogr No longer indexed
Cookeia Cookeia No longer indexed
Cosmos: the journal of the Traditional Cosmology Society Cosmos Currently Indexed
Council on Anthropology and Education newsletter Anthrop Educ Q Selectively indexed
Council on Anthropology and Education quarterly Anthrop Educ Q Selectively indexed
Critica d'arte: Africana supplemento Crit arte Afric Supp Ceased publication
Critical interventions: journal of African art history and visual culture Crit Interv Selectively indexed
Critique of anthropology Crit Anthrop Currently Indexed
Cross-cultural research Cross-cult Res Currently Indexed
Cuadernos de antropología Cuad Antrop Ceased publication
Cuadernos de antropología Cuad Antrop Univ S Carlos Guat Ceased publication
Cuadernos de antropología (Costa Rica) Cuad Antrop Costa Rica No longer indexed
Cuadernos de antropología social Cuad Antrop social (Buenos Aires) Currently Indexed
Cuadernos de antropología social Cuad Antrop social (Buenos Aires) No longer indexed
Cuadernos de arquitectura mesoamericana Cuad Arquit mesoamer No longer indexed
Cuadernos de investigación del Archivo Tello Cuad Invest Archiv Tello Currently Indexed
Cuadernos del Instituto nacional de Antropología Cuad Inst Antrop B Aires No longer indexed
Cuadernos del Instituto nacional de Investigaciones folkloricas Cuad Inst Antrop B Aires No longer indexed
Cuadernos del Sur. Ciencias sociales Cuad Sur Cienc social No longer indexed
Cuadernos prehispánicos Cuad prehispan Ceased publication
Cultura antiqua Cult antiq No longer indexed
Cultura de Guatemala Cult Guat Ceased publication
Cultura, hombre, sociedad: revista de ciencias sociales y humanas Cult Hombre Soc Ceased publication
Cultural anthropology Cult Anthrop Currently Indexed
Cultural dynamics Cult Dynam No longer indexed
Cultural survival newsletter Cult Survival Q Selectively indexed
Cultural survival quarterly Cult Survival Q Selectively indexed
Culture & history Cult Hist Ceased publication
Culture & history Culture Ceased publication