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TitleDateReferenceAuthorsCall #ISSN
Gestures of care and recognition: an introduction 2020 Cultural anthropology 35 (1): 1-5
  • Lauren Cubellis
H6 [CULTURAL-] 0886-7356
Looking away 2020 Cultural anthropology 35 (1): 6-13
  • Lisa Stevenson
H6 [CULTURAL-] 0886-7356
Sympathetic care 2020 Cultural anthropology 35 (1): 14-22
  • Lauren Cubellis
H6 [CULTURAL-] 0886-7356
Care and the nonhuman politics of veteran drunk driving 2020 Cultural anthropology 35 (1): 23-30
  • Ken MacLeish
H6 [CULTURAL-] 0886-7356
Underground inscriptions 2020 Cultural anthropology 35 (1): 31-9
  • Michele Lancione
H6 [CULTURAL-] 0886-7356
Mourning, affect, sociality: on the possibilities of open grief 2020 Cultural anthropology 35 (1): 40-7
  • Zoë Wool
H6 [CULTURAL-] 0886-7356
Mining leftovers: making futures on the margins of capitalism 2020 Cultural anthropology 35 (1): 48-73
  • Pablo Jaramillo
H6 [CULTURAL-] 0886-7356
Circularity and enclosures: metabolizing waste with the black soldier fly 2020 Cultural anthropology 35 (1): 74-103
  • Amy Zhang
H6 [CULTURAL-] 0886-7356
On cynicism: activist and artistic responses to corruption in Ghana 2020 Cultural anthropology 35 (1): 104-33
  • Girish Daswani
H6 [CULTURAL-] 0886-7356
Solidarity dilemmas in times of austerity: auto-ethnographic interventions 2020 Cultural anthropology 35 (1): 134-66
  • Dimitrios Theodossopoulos
H6 [CULTURAL-] 0886-7356
The civilizations choir of Antakya: the politics of religious tolerance and minority representation at the national margins of Turkey 2020 Cultural anthropology 35 (1): 167-95
  • Seçil Dağtaş
H6 [CULTURAL-] 0886-7356
Critical security and anthropology from the Middle East 2020 Cultural anthropology 35 (2): 197-203
  • Giulia El Dardiry
  • Sami Hermez
H6 [CULTURAL-] 0886-7356
Security against the state in revolutionary Yemen 2020 Cultural anthropology 35 (2): 204-10
  • Ross Porter
H6 [CULTURAL-] 0886-7356
Trust without confidence: moving medicine with dirty hands 2020 Cultural anthropology 35 (2): 211-17
  • Kali Rubaii
H6 [CULTURAL-] 0886-7356
Nested (in)securities: commodity and currency circuits in an Iran under sanctions 2020 Cultural anthropology 35 (2): 218-24
  • Emrah Yıldız
H6 [CULTURAL-] 0886-7356
The long turning: a Palestinian refugee in Belgium 2020 Cultural anthropology 35 (2): 225-30
  • Diana Allan
H6 [CULTURAL-] 0886-7356
The spy who came in from the South 2020 Cultural anthropology 35 (2): 231-6
  • Darryl Li
H6 [CULTURAL-] 0886-7356
The work of disaster: building bach otherwise in post-earthquake Nepal 2020 Cultural anthropology 35 (2): 237-63
  • Aidan Seale-Feldman
H6 [CULTURAL-] 0886-7356
Masculinity, migration, and forced conscription in the Syrian war 2020 Cultural anthropology 35 (2): 264-89
  • Kristin V. Monroe
H6 [CULTURAL-] 0886-7356
Biopolitical paternalism and its maternal supplements: kinship correlates of community mental health governance in China 2020 Cultural anthropology 35 (2): 290-316
  • Zhiying Ma
H6 [CULTURAL-] 0886-7356
Structures of resentment: on feeling - and being - left behind by health care reform 2020 Cultural anthropology 35 (2): 317-43
  • Emily K. Brunson
  • Jessica M. Mulligan
H6 [CULTURAL-] 0886-7356
Exhuming dead persons: forensic science and the making of post-fascist publics in Spain 2020 Cultural anthropology 35 (3): 345-73
  • Jonah S. Rubin
H6 [CULTURAL-] 0886-7356
Immigrant sensibilities in tech worlds: sensing hate, capturing dissensus 2020 Cultural anthropology 35 (3): 374-403
  • Sareeta Amrute
H6 [CULTURAL-] 0886-7356
The city otherwise: the deferred emergency of occupation in inner-city Johannesburg 2020 Cultural anthropology 35 (3): 404-34
  • Matthew Wilhelm-Solomon
H6 [CULTURAL-] 0886-7356
Making kin from gold: dowry, gender, and Indian labour migration to the Gulf 2020 Cultural anthropology 35 (3): 435-61
  • Andrea Wright
H6 [CULTURAL-] 0886-7356
The right to the remainder: gleaning in the fuel economies of East Africa's Northern Corridor 2020 Cultural anthropology 35 (3): 462-86
  • Amiel Bize
H6 [CULTURAL-] 0886-7356
'Jurisprudential massage': legal fictions, sectarian citizenship, and the epistemics of dissent in post-socialist China 2020 Cultural anthropology 35 (4): 487-515
  • Andrea E. Pia
H6 [CULTURAL-] 0886-7356
Animate earth, settler ruins: mound landscapes and decolonial futures in the Native South 2020 Cultural anthropology 35 (4): 516-45
  • Leigh Bloch
H6 [CULTURAL-] 0886-7356
Time at its margins: cattle smuggling across the India-Bangladesh border 2020 Cultural anthropology 35 (4): 546-74
  • Malini Sur
H6 [CULTURAL-] 0886-7356
Birthing from within: nature, technology, and self-making in Silicon Valley childbearing 2020 Cultural anthropology 35 (4): 602-30
  • Andrea Ford
H6 [CULTURAL-] 0886-7356
Banking on digital money: Swedish cashlessness and the fraying currency tether 2020 Cultural anthropology 36 (1): 1-24
  • Gustav Peebles
H6 [CULTURAL-] 0886-7356
Beyond compassionate aid: precarious bureaucrats and dutiful asylum seekers in Italy 2020 Cultural anthropology 36 (1): 25-51
  • Daniela Giudici
H6 [CULTURAL-] 0886-7356
Sovereignty in drag: on fakes, foreclosure, and unbecoming states 2020 Cultural anthropology 36 (1): 52-82
  • Rebecca Bryant
H6 [CULTURAL-] 0886-7356
Air pressure: temporal hierarchies in Nepali aviation 2020 Cultural anthropology 36 (1): 83-109
  • Tina Harris
H6 [CULTURAL-] 0886-7356
Magendo: arbitrage and ambiguity on an East African frontier 2020 Cultural anthropology 36 (1): 110-37
  • Kevin P. Donovan
H6 [CULTURAL-] 0886-7356
Vengeful animals, involuntary mourning, and the ethics of Ndyuka autonomy 2020 Cultural anthropology 36 (1): 138-65
  • Stuart Earle Strange
H6 [CULTURAL-] 0886-7356
Work without labor: life in the surround of a rural prison town 2020 Cultural anthropology 36 (2): 167-92
  • Heath Pearson
H6 [CULTURAL-] 0886-7356
Labors of love: on the political economies and ethics of bovine politics in Himalayan India 2020 Cultural anthropology 36 (2): 193-221
  • Radhika Govindrajan
H6 [CULTURAL-] 0886-7356
Toward an affective sense of life: artificial intelligence, animacy, and amusement at a robot pet memorial service in Japan 2020 Cultural anthropology 36 (2): 222-51
  • Daniel White
  • Hirofumi Katsuno
H6 [CULTURAL-] 0886-7356
The limits of corporate chains and brand management: 'loyalty' and the efficacy of vernacular markets in the Andes 2020 Cultural anthropology 36 (2): 252-81
  • Juliane Müller
H6 [CULTURAL-] 0886-7356
Becoming-after: the lives and politics of Quinine's remains 2020 Cultural anthropology 36 (2): 282-311
  • Townsend Middleton
H6 [CULTURAL-] 0886-7356
Legal care and friction in family detention 2020 Cultural anthropology 36 (2): 312-39
  • Erin Routon
H6 [CULTURAL-] 0886-7356
'L’enfer, c’est les autres': proximity as an ethical problem during COVID-19 2020 Cultural anthropology 36 (3): 341-9
  • L. L. Wynn
  • Susanna Trnka
  • Thomas Strong
H6 [CULTURAL-] 0886-7356
The pandemic imaginerie: infectious bodies and military-police theater in Australia 2020 Cultural anthropology 36 (3): 350-9
  • L. L. Wynn
H6 [CULTURAL-] 0886-7356
Necropolitics versus biopolitics: spatialization, white privilege, and visibility during a pandemic 2020 Cultural anthropology 36 (3): 360-7
  • Carolyn M. Rouse
H6 [CULTURAL-] 0886-7356
Be kind: negotiating ethical proximities in Aotearoa/New Zealand during COVID-19 2020 Cultural anthropology 36 (3): 368-80
  • Susanna Trnka
H6 [CULTURAL-] 0886-7356
The end of intimacy 2020 Cultural anthropology 36 (3): 381-90
  • Thomas Strong
H6 [CULTURAL-] 0886-7356
Proxemics, COVID-19, and the ethics of care in South Africa 2020 Cultural anthropology 36 (3): 391-9
  • Lenore Manderson
  • Susan Levine
H6 [CULTURAL-] 0886-7356
Plants, pathogens, and the politics of care: Xylella fastidiosa and the intra-active breakdown of Mallorca's almond ecology 2020 Cultural anthropology 36 (3): 400-27
  • Emily Reisman
H6 [CULTURAL-] 0886-7356
Life before vegetables: nutrition, cash, and subjunctive health in Samoa 2020 Cultural anthropology 36 (3): 428-57
  • Jessica Hardin
H6 [CULTURAL-] 0886-7356