Anthropological Index Online

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Title Abbreviation Status Current title
Anthropologie et préhistoire Anthrop Praehist Currently Indexed
Anthropologischer Anzeiger Anthrop Anz Currently Indexed
Anthropology and archeology of Eurasia Anthrop Archeol Eurasia Currently Indexed
Anthropology and art Anthrop art Currently Indexed
Anthropology and Photography Anthrop photog Currently Indexed
Anthropology of consciousness Anthrop Consc Currently Indexed
Anthropology of the contemporary Middle East and central Eurasia ACME Currently Indexed
Anthropology of the Middle East Anthrop M East Currently Indexed
Anthropology today (incorporating RAIN) Anthrop today Currently Indexed
Anthropology: journal for socio-cultural anthropology Anthropology J soc cult anthrop Currently Indexed
Anthropos Anthropos St Augustin Currently Indexed
Antipoda: revista de antropología y arqueología Antipoda Currently Indexed
Antiquity Antiquity Currently Indexed
Antropología americana Antrop amer Currently Indexed
Antropologia portuguesa Antrop port Currently Indexed
Antropológica Antropologica Currently Indexed
Antropologichni izsledvaniia Antropolog Izsled Currently Indexed
Antropološki zvezki Antrop Zvezki Currently Indexed
ANUAC: rivista della Società Italiana di Antropologia Culturale ANUAC: Riv Soc Ital Antrop Cult Currently Indexed
Anuario antropológico Anu antrop Currently Indexed
Anuario antropologico (Rio) Anu antrop Currently Indexed
Anuario de Eusko folklore Anu Eusko Folkl Currently Indexed
Anuario de la Sociedad de Eusko-folklore Anu Eusko Folkl Currently Indexed
Anuarul Institutului de Etnografie i Folclor ‘Constantin Brăiloiu’ Anu Inst Etnogr Folcl ‘C Brailoiu’ Currently Indexed
Applied anthropology Hum Org Currently Indexed
Archaeologia historica Archaeologia Currently Indexed
Archaeologia polona Archaeol pol Currently Indexed
Archaeology and anthropology: journal of the Walter Roth Museum of Anthropology Archaeol Anthrop Georgetown Currently Indexed
Archaeology in New Zealand Archaeol NZ Currently Indexed
Archaeology in Oceania Archaeol Oceania Currently Indexed
Archaeology of eastern North America Archaeol east N Amer Currently Indexed
Archaeology, ethnology and anthropology of Eurasia Archaeol Ethnol Anthrop Eurasia Currently Indexed
Archeologia africana: saggi occasionali Archeol afric Currently Indexed
Archeologia polski Archeol polski Currently Indexed
Archeological papers Archeol Pap Amer anthrop Ass Currently Indexed
Archeologické rozhledy Archeol Rozhl Currently Indexed
Archiv für Völkerkunde Arch Volkerk Currently Indexed
Archiv Weltmuseum Wien Arch Welt Wien Currently Indexed
Archivio per l'antropologia e la etnologia Arch Antrop Etnol Currently Indexed
Archivos Archivos Currently Indexed
Archivos de información sobre el idioma y la cultura de los nahuas Arch Idioma Cult Nahuas Currently Indexed
Arctic anthropology Arct Anthrop Currently Indexed
Arheologia Arkheolohiia Currently Indexed
Arheološki radovi i rasprave Arheol Rad Raspr Currently Indexed
Arheološki vestnik Arheol Vestn Currently Indexed
Arkheologicheskie vesti Arkheol vesti Currently Indexed
Arkheolohiia Arkheolohiia Currently Indexed
Arqueología mexicana Arqueol mex Currently Indexed
Arqueologia y vida Arqueol vida Currently Indexed
Arqueologia: revista do Centro de Estudos e Pesquisas Arqueológicas Arqueologia Curitiba Currently Indexed