Anthropological Index Online

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Title Abbreviation Status Current title
Journal of the International Folk Music Council Yb trad Music Currently Indexed
Journal of the Polynesian Society J Polynes Soc Currently Indexed
Journal of visual culture J vis Cult Currently Indexed
Kobie: antropología cultural Kobie Currently Indexed
Kon-Tiki Museum occasional papers Kon-Tiki Mus occ Pap Currently Indexed
Kroeber Anthropological Society papers Kroeber anthrop Soc Pap Currently Indexed
L'homme Homme Currently Indexed
Latin American antiquity Latin Amer Antiq Currently Indexed
Law & anthropology Law Anthrop Currently Indexed
Levant Levant Currently Indexed
Lietuvos archeologija Liet Archeol Currently Indexed
Lietuvos etnologija (NS) Liet etol Currently Indexed
Lithic technology Lithic Techn Currently Indexed
Lud Lud Currently Indexed
L’Ethnographie Ethnographie Currently Indexed
L’Ethnographie: création, pratiques, publics Ethnographie Currently Indexed
Man and culture in Oceania Peop Cult Oceania Currently Indexed
Man in India Man India Currently Indexed
Man in the northeast NE Anthrop Currently Indexed
Mana: estudos de antropologia social Mana Currently Indexed
Mankind Aust J Anthrop Currently Indexed
Material religion Mater Relig Currently Indexed
Materiały archeologiczne Mater archeol Cracow Currently Indexed
Materiały archeologiczne Nowej Huty Mater archeol Nowej Huty Currently Indexed
Medical anthropology: cross-cultural studies in health and illness Med Anthrop Currently Indexed
Medicine Anthropology Theory Medic Anthrop Theory Currently Indexed
Mexicon Mexicon Currently Indexed
Midcontinental journal of archaeology Midcont J Archaeol Currently Indexed
Mitteilungen aus dem Museum für Völkerkunde Mitt Mus Volkerk Hamburg Currently Indexed
Mitteilungen der anthropologischen Gesellschaft in Wien Mitt anthrop Ges Wien Currently Indexed
Mitteilungen des Archäologischen Instituts der Ungarischen Akademie der Wissenschaften Antaeus Currently Indexed
Mitteilungen für Anthropologie und Religionsgeschichte Mitt Anthrop ReligGesch Currently Indexed
Mitteilungen zur Kulturkunde Paideuma Currently Indexed
Museum Ethnographers' Group newsletter J mus Ethnogr Currently Indexed
Museum of Far Eastern Antiquities bulletin Mus Far East Antiq Bull Currently Indexed
Narodna umjetnost Nar Umjetn Currently Indexed
Národopisný sborník Narod Zborn Currently Indexed
Národopisný zborník Narod Zborn Currently Indexed
Native South Nat S Currently Indexed
Ñawpa Pacha Nawpa Pacha Currently Indexed
Néprajzi értesítő Nepr Ert Currently Indexed
New Zealand journal of archaeology J Pacif Archaeol Currently Indexed
Newsletter Commission on Nomadic Peoples Nomad Peopl Currently Indexed
Newsletter of the New Zealand Archaeological Association Archaeol NZ Currently Indexed
Nigerian heritage: journal of the National Commission for Museums and Monuments Niger Heritage Currently Indexed
Nomadic peoples Nomad Peopl Currently Indexed
Nomadic peoples (NS) Nomad Peopl Currently Indexed
North American archaeologist N Amer Archaeol Currently Indexed
Northeast anthropology NE Anthrop Currently Indexed
Northwest anthropological research notes J NW Anthrop Currently Indexed