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TitleDateReferenceAuthorsCall #ISSN
An early Inuit workshop at a Qassi, a men's house, Nuulliit, northwest Greenland 2022 Arctic anthropology 59 (1): 3-38
  • Anne Birgitte Gotfredsen
  • Antoine Zazzo
  • Asta Mønsted
  • Bjarne Grønnow
  • Claire Houmard
  • Martin Appelt
  • Olivier Tombret
  • Sophie Cersoy
*H6 [ARCTIC-] 0066-6939
In the eye of the beholder: using microscopic analysis in the interpretation of Tuniit (Dorset Paleo-Inuit) art 2022 Arctic anthropology 59 (1): 39-56
  • Matilda I. Siebrecht
  • Sean P.A. Desjardins
*H6 [ARCTIC-] 0066-6939
Breastfeeding in late medieval to early modern Iin Hamina, Finland, according to δ13C and δ15N analyses of archaeological dentin 2022 Arctic anthropology 59 (1): 57-70
  • Mikko Finnilä
  • Sanna Lipkin
  • Tiina Väre
  • Titta Kallio-Seppä
*H6 [ARCTIC-] 0066-6939
Traditional Aboriginal and Inuit judicial proceedings: a comparative study 2022 Arctic anthropology 59 (1): 71-86
  • Christophe Darmangeat
*H6 [ARCTIC-] 0066-6939
An examination of indigenous halibut fishing technology on the Northwest Coast of North America 2022 Arctic anthropology 59 (1): 87-105
  • Iain McKechnie
  • Jacob Salmen-Hartley
*H6 [ARCTIC-] 0066-6939
An analysis of 600-year-old gut-skin parkas of the early Thule period from the Nuulliit site, Avanersuaq, Greenland 2022 Arctic anthropology 59 (2): 107-30
  • Anne Lisbeth Schmidt
*H6 [ARCTIC-] 0066-6939
Inland substistence and seasonality in the Kodiak Archipelago, Alaska 2022 Arctic anthropology 59 (2): 131-44
  • Catherine West
  • Chloe Brasket
  • Erin Mooneyham
*H6 [ARCTIC-] 0066-6939
A legacy across two continents: the Poniatowski-Arseniev collection at the Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History 2022 Arctic anthropology 59 (2): 145-65
  • Igor Krupnik
*H6 [ARCTIC-] 0066-6939
Unangax ecosystem engineers: a constructed fisher-hunter-gatherer landscape and seascape 2022 Arctic anthropology 59 (2): 166-78
  • Katherine L. Reedy
*H6 [ARCTIC-] 0066-6939
Who constructs the Izhma Komi's heritage today? The social contract as a nonlegal tool to realize the human right to cultural heritage 2022 Arctic anthropology 59 (2): 179-92
  • Karolina Sikora
*H6 [ARCTIC-] 0066-6939
Dwelling in ice: a relational approach to the Finnish seal-hunting tradition on the Bothnian Bay 2022 Arctic anthropology 59 (2): 193-211
  • Heidi Konttinen
*H6 [ARCTIC-] 0066-6939
Alutiiq ancestors' use of birds during the Ocean Bay period at Rice Ridge (49-KOD-363), Kodiak Island, Alaska 2021 Arctic anthropology 58 (1): 1-33
  • Amy Shannon
  • Brittany Falconer
  • Elizabeth McGuire
  • Jensen Wainwright
  • Madonna L. Moss
  • Molly R. Casperson
  • Scott Blumenthal
*H6 [ARCTIC-] 0066-6939
Interpreting prehistoric labor north and south of the forager-agricultural frontier in central Fennoscandia, northern Europe 2021 Arctic anthropology 58 (1): 34-53
  • Aki Hakonen
*H6 [ARCTIC-] 0066-6939
More-than-human intimacies and traditional knowledge among hunting families in northwest Greenland 2021 Arctic anthropology 58 (1): 54-65
  • Elizabeth Rink
  • Gitte Adler Reimer
  • Malory Peterson
  • Michael Anastario
*H6 [ARCTIC-] 0066-6939
Subjective well-being and the importance of nature in Greenland 2021 Arctic anthropology 58 (1): 66-79
  • Naja Carina Steenholdt
*H6 [ARCTIC-] 0066-6939
Tales and traditions of the Nganasans 2021 Arctic anthropology 58 (1): 80-97
  • Alexander B. Dolitsky ed
  • Boris O. Dolgikh
  • Henry N. Michael transl
  • J. David McMahan ed
*H6 [ARCTIC-] 0066-6939
On the Kenai in the extreme northwest America 2021 Arctic anthropology 58 (1): 98-101
  • Anonymous
  • Richard L. Bland transl
*H6 [ARCTIC-] 0066-6939
"It was not a whale, but a strange monster": Qikertarmiut storytelling and seasonal relations through early Russian invasions 2021 Arctic anthropology 58 (2): 105-24
  • Colton Brandau
*H6 [ARCTIC-] 0066-6939
Late Holocene animal use in southern Kamchatka 2021 Arctic anthropology 58 (2): 125-53
  • Alexander I. Lebedintsev
  • Katsunori Takase
  • Masaki Eda
  • Michael A. Etnier
*H6 [ARCTIC-] 0066-6939
Zooarchaeological analysis of late Holocene multicomponent village site near Shaktoolik, Norton Sound, Alaska 2021 Arctic anthropology 58 (2): 154-99
  • Christyann M. Darwent
  • Jason I. Miszaniec
  • John Darwent
  • Kelly A. Elridge
*H6 [ARCTIC-] 0066-6939
The bear trap: reinvestigation of a unique stone structure on the northwest tip of the Nuussuaq Peninsula, Greenland 2021 Arctic anthropology 58 (2): 200-17
  • Daniel F. Carlston
  • Matthew J. Walsh
  • Pelle Tejsner
  • Steffen Thomsen
*H6 [ARCTIC-] 0066-6939
Wrapping the body: Inuit dolls as fields of real and metaphorical play 2021 Arctic anthropology 58 (2): 218-47
  • Peter Whitridge
*H6 [ARCTIC-] 0066-6939
Unresolved questions about site formation, provenience, and the impact of natural processes on bone at the Bluefish Caves, Yukon Territory 2020 Arctic anthropology 57 (1): 1-21
  • John C. Blong
  • Kathryn E. Krasinski
*H6 [ARCTIC-] 0066-6939
Russian resistance to human sacrifice among the Tlingit Indians (1819-1867) 2020 Arctic anthropology 57 (1): 22-34
  • Andrei V. Ginëv
*H6 [ARCTIC-] 0066-6939
Reconstruction of dietary habits of a local upper Taz Selkup group in the 18th and 19th centuries based on archaeoparasitology, osteology, stable isotope analysis, and archival documents 2020 Arctic anthropology 57 (1): 35-52
  • Dmitry I. Razhev
  • Olga E. Pshekhonova
  • Sergey M. Slepchenko
  • Vladimir N. Adaev
  • Zhanna V. Marchenko
*H6 [ARCTIC-] 0066-6939
Signs of cultural diversity in the 13th to 15th centuries AD coastal region of the Bothnian Bay in northwestern Fennoscandia 2020 Arctic anthropology 57 (1): 53-71
  • Jari-Matti Kuusela
*H6 [ARCTIC-] 0066-6939
"Spirit-charged" humans in Siberia: interrelations between the notions of individual ("spirit-charge" and "active imprint") and (ritual) action 2020 Arctic anthropology 57 (1): 72-99
  • Alexandra Lavrillier
*H6 [ARCTIC-] 0066-6939
Entering trance, entering relationships: liminality at Finnish rock-art sites 2020 Arctic anthropology 57 (1): 100-30
  • Ulla Valovesi
*H6 [ARCTIC-] 0066-6939
Body metamorphosis and interspecies relations: an exploration of relational ontologies in Bering Strait prehistory 2020 Arctic anthropology 57 (2): 131-48
  • Feng Qu
*H6 [ARCTIC-] 0066-6939
Japan's World War II on Kiska Island: previosly undocumented features on the Vega Bay coastline 2020 Arctic anthropology 57 (2): 149-66
  • Caroline Funk
  • Debra Corbett
  • Hans Harmsen
  • Steve Goranson
*H6 [ARCTIC-] 0066-6939
A case study in recognizing prehistoric subsistence organization through the interpretation of faunal remains 2020 Arctic anthropology 57 (2): 167-82
  • Marina L. Steffen
*H6 [ARCTIC-] 0066-6939
Hunting and giving or working and selling? Contemporary entanglements of Innu economy and cosmology 2020 Arctic anthropology 57 (2): 183-96
  • Émile Duchesne
*H6 [ARCTIC-] 0066-6939
Freshwater fishing strategies in early modern Sami households 2020 Arctic anthropology 57 (2): 197-211
  • Eva-Lotta Päivö Sjaunja
  • Jesper Larsson
*H6 [ARCTIC-] 0066-6939
Challenging tourism landscapes of southwest Greenland: identifying social and cultural capital for sustainable tourist development 2020 Arctic anthropology 57 (2): 212-28
  • Albina Pashkevich
  • Hannu I. Heikkinen
  • Lill Rastad Bjørst
*H6 [ARCTIC-] 0066-6939
Marginal no more: introduction to a special issue on the archaeology of northern coasts 2019 Arctic anthropology 56 (1): 1-3
  • Christopher B. Wolff
*H6 [ARCTIC-] 0066-6939
Nunalleq: archaeology, climate change, and community engagement in a Yup'ik village 2019 Arctic anthropology 56 (1): 4-17
  • Charlotta Hillerdal
  • Rick Knecht
  • Warren Jones
*H6 [ARCTIC-] 0066-6939
Bridging past and present: a study of precontact Yup'ik masks from the Nunalleq site, Alaska 2019 Arctic anthropology 56 (1): 18-38
  • Anna Mossolova
  • Rick Knecht
*H6 [ARCTIC-] 0066-6939
Foxes and humans a the late Holocene Uyak site, Kodiak, Alaska 2019 Arctic anthropology 56 (1): 39-51
  • Catherine F. West
  • Reuven Yeshurun
*H6 [ARCTIC-] 0066-6939
Paradise gained, lost, and regained: pulse migration and the Inuit archaeology of the Quebec lower north shore 2019 Arctic anthropology 56 (1): 52-76
  • William W. Fitzhugh
*H6 [ARCTIC-] 0066-6939
The Stock Cove site: a large Dorset seal-hunting encampment on the coast of southeastern Newfoundland 2019 Arctic anthropology 56 (1): 77-95
  • Christopher B. Wolff
  • Donald H. Holly jr.
  • John C. Erwin
  • Lindsay Swinarton
  • Tatiana Nomokonova
*H6 [ARCTIC-] 0066-6939
Late Dorset deposits at Iita: site formation and site destruction in Northwestern Greenland 2019 Arctic anthropology 56 (1): 96-118
  • Chrystiann M. Darwent
  • Genevieve M. LeMoine
  • Hans Lange
  • John Darwent
*H6 [ARCTIC-] 0066-6939
Marine shielings in medieval Norse Greenland 2019 Arctic anthropology 56 (1): 119-59
  • Christian Madsen Koch
*H6 [ARCTIC-] 0066-6939
Northern Dene constellations as worldview projections with case studies from the Ahtna, Gwich'in, and Sahtúot'įnę 2019 Arctic anthropology 56 (2): 1-26
  • Charles Hubbard
  • Charlie Neyelle
  • Chris M. Cannon
  • Paul Herbert
  • Wilson Justin
*H6 [ARCTIC-] 0066-6939
The art of hunting: coordinating subsistence laws with Alaska Native harvesting practices 2019 Arctic anthropology 56 (2): 27-38
  • Amber Lincoln
*H6 [ARCTIC-] 0066-6939
Palaeoenvironmental analyses from Nunalleq, Alaska illustrate a novel means to date pre-Inuit and Inuit archaeology 2019 Arctic anthropology 56 (2): 39-51
  • Paul M. Ledger
  • Véronique Forbes
*H6 [ARCTIC-] 0066-6939
"They taste like Tuurngait": wolves and how Nunavut elders see them 2019 Arctic anthropology 56 (2): 52-62
  • Frédéric Laugrand
*H6 [ARCTIC-] 0066-6939
The legend of Qajuuttaq: exploring the potential of Inuit oral history in south Greenland 2019 Arctic anthropology 56 (2): 63-83
  • Mikkel Sørensen
  • Pauline Knudsen
*H6 [ARCTIC-] 0066-6939
Finnish planning and housing models Molding Skolt culture in the 20th century 2019 Arctic anthropology 56 (2): 84-99
  • Anu Soikkeli
*H6 [ARCTIC-] 0066-6939
Iyatayet revisited: a report on renewed investigations of a stratified middle-to-late Holocene coastal campsite in Norton Sound, Alaska 2018 Arctic anthropology 55 (1): 1-23
  • Andrew H. Tremayne
  • Christyann M. Darwent
  • Jeffrey T. Rasic
  • John Darwent
  • Kelly A. Eldridge
*H6 [ARCTIC-] 0066-6939
Cultural continuity from pre-Dorset to Dorset in the eastern Canadian Arctic highlighted by bone technology and typology 2018 Arctic anthropology 55 (1): 24-47
  • Claire Houmard
*H6 [ARCTIC-] 0066-6939