Title | Abbreviation | Status | Current title |
Préhistoire ariégoise | Prehist arieg | No longer indexed | |
Préhistoire spéléologie ariégeoise Toulouse | Prehist arieg | No longer indexed | |
Préhistoires méditerranéennes | Prehist Medit | Currently Indexed | |
Prehistoric American | Prehist Amer | No longer indexed | |
Preistoria alpina | Preist alp | No longer indexed | |
Primitive man | Anthrop Q | Currently Indexed | |
Primitive Peoples Fund news | Survival int Rev | No longer indexed | |
Pro ethnologia | Pro Ethnol | Ceased publication | |
Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society | Proc Amer philos Soc | Selectively indexed | |
Proceedings of the annual spring meeting of the American Ethnological Society | Proc Amer ethnol Soc | No longer indexed | |
Proceedings of the Central States Anthropological Society selected papers | Cent Issues Anthrop | Ceased publication | |
Proceedings of the Prehistoric Society | Proc prehist Soc | Currently Indexed | |
Proceedings of the Prehistoric Society of East Anglia | Proc prehist Soc | Currently Indexed | |
Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy | Proc R Irish Acad | No longer indexed | |
Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland | Proc Soc Antiq Scotl | No longer indexed | |
Proceedings Rhodesia Scientific Association | Trans Zimb sci Ass | Ceased publication | |
Progress | Informa | Ceased publication | |
Progressus | Informa | Ceased publication | |
Przegląd antropologiczny | Anthrop Rev off Pub Pol Anthrop Soc | Currently Indexed | |
Przegląd archeologiczny | Przegl archeol | Currently Indexed | |
Public culture | Publ Cult | Selectively indexed | |
Publicaciones | Publs Inst Invest arqueol | Currently Indexed | |
Publicaciones del Centro de Investigaciones de la Facultad de Filosofía y Humanidades de la Universidad Nacional de Córdoba (Argentina): Arqueología | Publs CIFFyH Arqueol | No longer indexed | |
Publicaciones del Instituto de Antropología | Publs CIFFyH Arqueol | No longer indexed | |
Pueblos indígenas y educación | Puebl indig Educ | No longer indexed |