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TitleDateReferenceAuthorsCall #ISSN
The identity and demographic situation of Russian Old Believers in Estonia. (With regard to the period of 18th to the early 21st century) 2005 Pro ethnologia 19 (): 7-31
  • Jaanus Plaat
H6/KF [PRO-] 1406-9962
Latvian 20th century history from the perspective of oral history sources. The view of Russians from eastern Latvia 2005 Pro ethnologia 19 (): 33-42
  • Irēna Saleniece
H6/KF [PRO-] 1406-9962
How the Russians turned into the image of the 'national enemy' of the Estonians 2005 Pro ethnologia 19 (): 43-58
  • Olaf Mertelsmann
H6/KF [PRO-] 1406-9962
The strategy of identity re-construction in post-Soviet Estonia 2005 Pro ethnologia 19 (): 59-84
  • Triin Vilahemm
H6/KF [PRO-] 1406-9962
Do we understand them? Experience of Estonian-speaking students from fieldwork in Narva 2005 Pro ethnologia 19 (): 85-98
  • Riina Reinveld
H6/KF [PRO-] 1406-9962
The gift, the taiga, the shaman's ritual. A tribute to the ethnography of the Tsaatans 2004 Pro ethnologia 18 (): 11-21
  • Tomasz Rakowski
H6/KFO [PRO-] 1406-9962
In the reindeer forest and on the tundra. Modern reindeer management and the meaning of local ecological knowledge 2004 Pro ethnologia 18 (): 23-48
  • Helena Ruotsala
H6/KFO [PRO-] 1406-9962
Life-ways in the Setu cultural landscape 2004 Pro ethnologia 18 (): 49-67
  • Hannes Palang
  • Kadri Semm
H6/KFO [PRO-] 1406-9962
Trees in Komi (Zyrian) rituals and beliefs 2004 Pro ethnologia 18 (): 69-86
  • Alexander Chuvyurov
H6/KFO [PRO-] 1406-9962
Ivan-da-marja 2004 Pro ethnologia 18 (): 87-95
  • Valeria B. Kolosova
H6/KFO [PRO-] 1406-9962
On the formation of the Estonians' concepts of homeland and home place 2004 Pro ethnologia 18 (): 97-114
  • Aivar Jürgenson
H6/KFO [PRO-] 1406-9962
As in the old days: aspects regarding the ways of using tradition(ality) in today's Estonia 2004 Pro ethnologia 18 (): 115-29
  • Kristel Rattus
  • Liisi Jääts
H6/KFO [PRO-] 1406-9962
The world of Seto female autobiographers 2004 Pro ethnologia 17 (): 11-30
  • Andreas Kalkun
H6/KF [PRO-] 1406-9962
The 20th century in the Setu Kalevala-metric tradition and Anne Vabarna's address-songs as the marks of changes in the overall genre system 2004 Pro ethnologia 17 (): 31-48
  • Madis Arukask
H6/KF [PRO-] 1406-9962
Transition rituals in the life of an Udmurt girl/maiden/woman in the late 19th to 20th centuries 2004 Pro ethnologia 17 (): 49-70
  • Svetlana Karm
H6/KF [PRO-] 1406-9962
Perception of death in Lithuanian traditional culture 2004 Pro ethnologia 17 (): 71-9
  • Radvilė Racėnaitė
H6/KF [PRO-] 1406-9962
The image of people of other religions in Lithuanian folklore 2004 Pro ethnologia 17 (): 81-93
  • Laima Anglickienė
H6/KF [PRO-] 1406-9962
Yuri Vella's worldview as a tool for survival: what filming reveals 2004 Pro ethnologia 17 (): 95-114
  • Eva Toulouze
  • Liivo Niglas
H6/KF [PRO-] 1406-9962
Sacrifice or robbery? One event in the light of different worldviews 2004 Pro ethnologia 17 (): 115-26
  • Tatiana Bulgakova
H6/KF [PRO-] 1406-9962
The role of Soviet ideology in the transformation of Komi traditional holiday culture in the 1920s 2004 Pro ethnologia 17 (): 127-47
  • Irina Kotyleva
H6/KF [PRO-] 1406-9962
The religious practice of Mirskoye Obmiraniye: the motifs of old Slavonic apocrypha reflected in Ingrian folk narratives 2004 Pro ethnologia 17 (): 149-74
  • Taisto Raudalainen
H6/KF [PRO-] 1406-9962
The Livs of Svētciems Pagasts in the late 18th and 19th century 2003 Pro ethnologia 15 (): 11-27
  • Saulvedis Cimermanis
Virulased, a multiethnic and multicultural community in Ryzhkovo village, West-Siberia 2003 Pro ethnologia 15 (): 29-47
  • Anu Korb
The politization of the concepts of culture and ethnicity: an example from northern Norway 2003 Pro ethnologia 15 (): 49-65
  • Marjut Anttonen
Family in transition: transnational family ties and identity negotiation 2003 Pro ethnologia 15 (): 67-93
  • Pihla Vuorinen
The forest Nenets as a double language minority 2003 Pro ethnologia 15 (): 95-108
  • Eva Toulouze
Minority and mission: christianisation of the European Nenets 2003 Pro ethnologia 15 (): 109-30
  • Laur Vallikivi
Nanai shamans under double oppression. Was the persecution by Soviet power stronger than the power of shamanistic spirits? 2003 Pro ethnologia 15 (): 131-57
  • Tatyana Boulgakova
Gathering the female body in Komi everyday life and rituals 2003 Pro ethnologia 15 (): 159-67
  • Lyubov Sazhina
Confessional factor in the ethno-cultural processes of the upper-Vychegda Komi 2003 Pro ethnologia 15 (): 169-96
  • Alexander Chuvyurov
  • Olga Smirnova
Latvians' ethnic stereotypes regarding the ethnic and cultural minorities of Latvia 2003 Pro ethnologia 15 (): 197-206
  • Ilze Boldāne
On the identity of the members of the Võru society in Tallinn 2003 Pro ethnologia 15 (): 207-20
  • Marju Kõivupuu
Relationships between personal and social: strategies of everyday life in the process of radical social changes 2003 Pro ethnologia 16 (): 9-19
  • Baiba Bela-Krūmiņa
H6/KFO [PRO-] 1406-9962
The establishment of collective farms and their early years as an image of history in the Estonians' life stories 2003 Pro ethnologia 16 (): 21-38
  • Reet Ruusmann
H6/KFO [PRO-] 1406-9962
Space of lifestyles in Estonia in 1991. Society with soviet heritage, in the light of Bourdieu's theory 2003 Pro ethnologia 16 (): 39-59
  • Liis Palumets
H6/KFO [PRO-] 1406-9962
What people tell about their working life in the ESSR, and how do they do it ? Source-centred study of a civil servant's career biography 2003 Pro ethnologia 16 (): 61-88
  • Kirsti Jõesalu
H6/KFO [PRO-] 1406-9962
Sacrifice and hope. Contemporary ghosts of modernisation 2003 Pro ethnologia 16 (): 89-98
  • Tomasz Rakowski
H6/KFO [PRO-] 1406-9962
An attempt to describe life, in a soviet military garrison, through biographical material 2003 Pro ethnologia 16 (): 99-112
  • Aida Hachaturyan-Kisilenko
H6/KFO [PRO-] 1406-9962
Europe as a measure of change: Soviet-time values and the construction of Estonia's post-communist turn to Europe 2003 Pro ethnologia 16 (): 113-33
  • Pille Runnel
H6/KFO [PRO-] 1406-9962
Special ethical code of the researcher-propagator: 'emotional contact' and [impassive observation] 2002 Pro ethnologia 13 (): 11-26
  • Alexandra Bobretsova
Free lunches, or why I do not want to go to the Caucasus anymore 2002 Pro ethnologia 13 (): 27-61
  • Marika Mikkor
Reflexivity and some ethical problems in studying middle class women in Kenya 2002 Pro ethnologia 13 (): 63-74
  • Johanna Latvala
Hermeneutic temptation of shamanistic research 2002 Pro ethnologia 13 (): 75-88
  • Tatyana Boulgakova
To the problem of verification of the materials of ethnographical and folkloristic research (on the basis of research materials on Komi priestless old believers) 2002 Pro ethnologia 13 (): 89-102
  • Alexander Chuvyurov
Between copyright and privacy: the experience of ethnographic research ethics in the 20th century Lithuania 2002 Pro ethnologia 13 (): 103-13
  • Irena Regina Merkienė
Ethical issues in the research on written life history material 2002 Pro ethnologia 13 (): 115-19
  • Pauliina Latvala
Ethics and ethnographicity in the Estonian documentaries of the 1990s 2002 Pro ethnologia 13 (): 121-41
  • Pille Runnel
Home-mosaic of meaning 2002 Pro ethnologia 14 (): 11-26
  • Anu Kannike
'You forget about Tartu, if you don't go there.' About the use of city space by retired people in Tartu 2002 Pro ethnologia 14 (): 27-46
  • Maris Leponiemi
Reception of the topic of repression in the Estonial society 2002 Pro ethnologia 14 (): 47-65
  • Terje Anepaio