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TitleDateReferenceAuthorsCall #ISSN
The great outboard debate: negotiating materiality and dispossession in a Southeast Asian marine hunting community An urban political from the "end of the world": do Anthropological quarterly 97 (1): 153-82
  • AbdouMaliq Simone
H6 [PRIMITIVE-] 0003-5491
Settling history in Silwan: state emblems and public secrets in occupied East Jerusalem 2024 Anthropological quarterly 97 (1): 5-32
  • Alejandro I. Paz
H6 [PRIMITIVE-] 0003-5491
Multiculturalism and the fetishization of ethnic difference in Mauritius 2024 Anthropological quarterly 97 (1): 33-62
  • Leo Couacaud
H6 [PRIMITIVE-] 0003-5491
Transcendent images: saint devotion, art, and indigenous sovereignty in Oaxacan transnational migration 2024 Anthropological quarterly 97 (1): 63-94
  • Myriam Lamrani
H6 [PRIMITIVE-] 0003-5491
Navigating through the cracks of the state system: shifting spaces of hope in the Portuguese mobility regime 2024 Anthropological quarterly 97 (1): 95-124
  • Elizabeth Challinor
H6 [PRIMITIVE-] 0003-5491
The great outboard debate: negotiating materiality and dispossession in a Southeast Asian marine hunting community 2024 Anthropological quarterly 97 (1): 125-52
  • Florence Durney
H6 [PRIMITIVE-] 0003-5491
Introduction: the administration of everyday life 2024 Anthropological quarterly 97 (2): 205-18
  • Andrew Haxby
H6 [PRIMITIVE-] 0003-5491
Between eating and being fed: competing ethics of community-based road building in Nepal 2024 Anthropological quarterly 97 (2): 219-52
  • Elsie Lewison
  • Katharine Rankin
  • Lagan Rai
  • Shyam Kunwar
H6 [PRIMITIVE-] 0003-5491
Equivocating houses: kinship, materiality, and bureaucratic practice in post-earthquake Nepal 2024 Anthropological quarterly 97 (2): 253-84
  • Sara Shneiderman
H6 [PRIMITIVE-] 0003-5491
Financing a middle class utopia: income and retail loans in Kathmandu 2024 Anthropological quarterly 97 (2): 285-310
  • Andrew Haxby
H6 [PRIMITIVE-] 0003-5491
Mining the energy transition: an introduction 2024 Anthropological quarterly 97 (2): 311-28
  • Angela Kronenburg-García
  • Nikkie Wiegnik
H6 [PRIMITIVE-] 0003-5491
Mining hopes in Andalusian wastelands: the promises and materiality of greened extraction 2024 Anthropological quarterly 97 (2): 329-60
  • Doris Buu-Sao
H6 [PRIMITIVE-] 0003-5491
Of crystals and semiotic slippage: lithium mining, energy ambitions, and resource politics in Bolivia 2024 Anthropological quarterly 97 (2): 361-6
  • Mark Goodale
H6 [PRIMITIVE-] 0003-5491
Energopolitics of transition: the political ecology of anticipation in the Portuguese lithium rush 2024 Anthropological quarterly 97 (2): 387-412
  • Antonio Maria Pusceddu
H6 [PRIMITIVE-] 0003-5491
"Good sweat, bad sweat": the affectional community of gay sports groups in Seoul, South Korea 2023 Anthropological quarterly 96 (1): 5-36
  • John (Song Pae) Cho
H6 [PRIMITIVE-] 0003-5491
"Making the wound bleed": nostalgia, mourning, and morality among Turkish revolutionaries in Istanbul 2023 Anthropological quarterly 96 (1): 37-64
  • Lorenzo D'Orsi
H6 [PRIMITIVE-] 0003-5491
Attuned fathering and the moral dimensions of caring 2023 Anthropological quarterly 96 (1): 65-90
  • Aaron J. Jackson
H6 [PRIMITIVE-] 0003-5491
The traitor at the court: a tale of moral categories from the House of Kurds 2023 Anthropological quarterly 96 (1): 91-120
  • Özge Korkmaz
H6 [PRIMITIVE-] 0003-5491
The bearable lightness of being LiNK: anti-aesthetic banality and student humanitarianism concerning North Korean refugeees 2023 Anthropological quarterly 96 (1): 121-48
  • Robert Oppenheim
H6 [PRIMITIVE-] 0003-5491
Thinking through right-wing populism and progressive elites: on the caviar as a politico-cultural category in Peru 2023 Anthropological quarterly 96 (1): 149-76
  • Francisca Moraga Núñez
  • Joseph R. Feldman
H6 [PRIMITIVE-] 0003-5491
Introduction: Timely matters 2023 Anthropological quarterly 96 (2): 209-28
  • Jeremy F. Walton
  • Patrick Eisenlohr
  • Sasha Newell
H6 [PRIMITIVE-] 0003-5491
The time of clutter: anti-Kairos and storage space in North American domestic life 2023 Anthropological quarterly 96 (2): 229-54
  • Sasha Newell
H6 [PRIMITIVE-] 0003-5491
Latent cosmologies, latent media: the material temporality of twelver Shi'i media practices in Mumbai 2023 Anthropological quarterly 96 (2): 255-78
  • Patrick Eisenlohr
H6 [PRIMITIVE-] 0003-5491
Developmental speculation: materializing the future in China's urban planning museums 2023 Anthropological quarterly 96 (2): 279-306
  • Leksa Lee
H6 [PRIMITIVE-] 0003-5491
Projecting a body politic: photographs, time, and immortality in the Kurdish movement 2023 Anthropological quarterly 96 (2): 307-34
  • Marlene Schäfers
H6 [PRIMITIVE-] 0003-5491
Historical alchemy: buried gold, buried pasts 2023 Anthropological quarterly 96 (2): 335-60
  • Anoush Tamar Suni
H6 [PRIMITIVE-] 0003-5491
Infopolitics and technology contracts 2023 Anthropological quarterly 96 (4): 611-24
  • Katrien Pype
  • Victoria Bernal
H6 [PRIMITIVE-] 0003-5491
Screen media, technological innovation and the state in Nigeria 2023 Anthropological quarterly 96 (4): 625-50
  • Alessandro Jedlowski
H6 [PRIMITIVE-] 0003-5491
Crazy, stupid, lying, traitors: Eritrean politics and extreme speech online 2023 Anthropological quarterly 96 (4): 651-82
  • Victoria Bernal
H6 [PRIMITIVE-] 0003-5491
Attuning to opacity: interpreting "post-crisis" refusals on Abidjan's local airwaves 2023 Anthropological quarterly 96 (4): 683-710
  • Fabien Cante
H6 [PRIMITIVE-] 0003-5491
Remoteness and connection on a Congolese humanitarian radio network 2023 Anthropological quarterly 96 (4): 711-38
  • Ross Scott
H6 [PRIMITIVE-] 0003-5491
The intimate infopolitics of township sociality in Cape Town: mobile phones, mothers, and respectability 2023 Anthropological quarterly 96 (4): 739-62
  • Nanna Thorsteinsson Schneidermann
H6 [PRIMITIVE-] 0003-5491
The politics and poetics of aging: ethnography of an older women's club in Santiago 2022 Anthropological quarterly 95 (1): 5-34
  • Francisca Ortiz Ruiz
  • Herminia Gonzálvez Torralbo
  • Manara Lube Guizardi
H6 [PRIMITIVE-] 0003-5491
Caught between spectacles: migrant "clean-ups," gendered performance, and the state in a China-Russia border town 2022 Anthropological quarterly 95 (1): 35-64
  • Ed Pulford
H6 [PRIMITIVE-] 0003-5491
A double standard in development encounters: language and the making of green entrepreneurs in Tanzania 2022 Anthropological quarterly 95 (1): 65-96
  • Jessica Pouchet
H6 [PRIMITIVE-] 0003-5491
Forensic apophenia: sensing the bioinformation archive 2022 Anthropological quarterly 95 (1): 97-124
  • E.J. Gonzalez-Polledo
  • Silvia Posocco
H6 [PRIMITIVE-] 0003-5491
Volunteering for "bitterness": the self-fashioning power of volunteering teaching in China 2022 Anthropological quarterly 95 (1): 125-56
  • Chenyu Wang
H6 [PRIMITIVE-] 0003-5491
"Phylology's a thing of God!": Edward Sapir and the Jewish subtexts of American anthropology 2022 Anthropological quarterly 95 (1): 157-84
  • Nehemia Stern
H6 [PRIMITIVE-] 0003-5491
Introduction 2022 Anthropological quarterly 95 (2): 241-76
  • Chloe Ahmann
H6 [PRIMITIVE-] 0003-5491
Postindustrial futures and the edge of the frontier 2022 Anthropological quarterly 95 (2): 277-310
  • Chloe Ahmann
H6 [PRIMITIVE-] 0003-5491
What else is there? Vacancy as development problem and solution 2022 Anthropological quarterly 95 (2): 311-31
  • Elizabeth Youngling
H6 [PRIMITIVE-] 0003-5491
Carceral structures: financialized displacement and captivity in Detroit 2022 Anthropological quarterly 95 (2): 333-61
  • Nicholas L. Caverly
H6 [PRIMITIVE-] 0003-5491
Hostility as technique: making White space in a Black city (observing a city over time through collective filmmaking and collaborative research) 2022 Anthropological quarterly 95 (2): 363-86
  • Damani James Partridge
H6 [PRIMITIVE-] 0003-5491
Cultivating politics of sight for vacant land uses in cities 2022 Anthropological quarterly 95 (2): 387-416
  • Ali Kenner
  • Eliza Nobles
  • Sara Stalcup
H6 [PRIMITIVE-] 0003-5491
Rethinking vacancy, or thinking with the going home 2022 Anthropological quarterly 95 (2): 417-36
  • Catherine Fennell
H6 [PRIMITIVE-] 0003-5491
I feel Brandenburg: temporality, vacancy, and migration in Germany's model Socialist city 2022 Anthropological quarterly 95 (2): 437-64
  • Samantha Maurer Fox
H6 [PRIMITIVE-] 0003-5491
Infinite parking lots 2022 Anthropological quarterly 95 (2): 465-74
  • Kathryn Marie Dudley
H6 [PRIMITIVE-] 0003-5491
Introduction: the terms of culture: idioms of reflexivity among indigenous peoples in Latin America 2022 Anthropological quarterly 95 (3): 513-32
  • Anath Ariel de Vidas
  • Vincent Hirtzel
H6 [PRIMITIVE-] 0003-5491
From Talel to cultural rights: the challenge of translating transnational discourses on indigenous rights in the Tseltal area 2022 Anthropological quarterly 95 (3): 533-56
  • Marie Chosson
H6 [PRIMITIVE-] 0003-5491
From custom to culture: the archaeology of two identification terms among Bolivian and Mexican Amerindians 2022 Anthropological quarterly 95 (3): 557-86
  • Anath Ariel de Vidas
  • Vincent Hirtzel
H6 [PRIMITIVE-] 0003-5491