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TitleDateReferenceAuthorsCall #ISSN
Burlesquin blackness: racial significations in canival and the carnivalesque on Colombia's Caribbean coast 2019 Public culture 31 (1): 5-20
  • Melissa M. Valle
H6/KF [PUBLIC-] 0899-2363
Measurement and modernity: height, gender, and Le Corbusier's modulor 2019 Public culture 31 (1): 21-43
  • Dave Tell
H6/KF [PUBLIC-] 0899-2363
Charlie Hebdo: withe content and black analytics 2019 Public culture 31 (1): 45-67
  • Alana Lentin
H6/KF [PUBLIC-] 0899-2363
Banana brokers: communicative labor, translocal translation, and transnational law 2019 Public culture 31 (1): 69-92
  • Matthew Canfield
H6/KF [PUBLIC-] 0899-2363
Radio Meydan: "eastern music" and the liminal sovereign imaginaries of Crimea 2019 Public culture 31 (1): 93-116
  • Maria Sonevytsky
H6/KF [PUBLIC-] 0899-2363
Radio, citizenship, and the "sound standards" of the a newly independent India 2019 Public culture 31 (1): 117-44
  • Isabel Huacuja Alonso
H6/KF [PUBLIC-] 0899-2363
Extracting affect: televised cadre confessions in China 2019 Public culture 31 (1): 145-71
  • Christian Sorace
H6/KF [PUBLIC-] 0899-2363
The death of an Argentine prosecutor and the moral economy of truth 2019 Public culture 31 (1): 173-96
  • Karen Ann Faulk
H6/KF [PUBLIC-] 0899-2363
Interrogating the histories and futures of "diversity": transnational perspectives 2019 Public culture 31 (2): 197-214
  • Damani J. Partridge
  • Matthew Chin
H6/KF [PUBLIC-] 0899-2363
Of climate and chilling effects 2019 Public culture 31 (2): 215-34
  • Jessica R. Cattelino
H6/KF [PUBLIC-] 0899-2363
Exile and plurality in neoliberal times: Turkey's academics for peace 2019 Public culture 31 (2): 235-59
  • Esra Özyürek
  • Nil Mutluer
  • Seçkin Sertdemir Özdemir
H6/KF [PUBLIC-] 0899-2363
State sovereignty and the politics of indifference 2019 Public culture 31 (2): 261-73
  • Mayanthi L. Fernando
H6/KF [PUBLIC-] 0899-2363
Meritocracy and democracy: Indian reservations and the politics of caste 2019 Public culture 31 (2): 275-88
  • Ajantha Subramanian
H6/KF [PUBLIC-] 0899-2363
Decolonizing diversity: the transnational politics of minority racial difference 2019 Public culture 31 (2): 289-322
  • Anneeth Kaur Hundle
H6/KF [PUBLIC-] 0899-2363
Tracing "gay liberation" through postindependence Jamaica 2019 Public culture 31 (2): 323-41
  • Matthew Chin
H6/KF [PUBLIC-] 0899-2363
The politics of nonracialism in South Africa 2019 Public culture 31 (2): 343-71
  • Ciraj Rassool
H6/KF [PUBLIC-] 0899-2363
Woke to weary 2019 Public culture 31 (2): 373-91
  • Carla Moore
  • Gabrielle Cabrera
  • Gloria Diaz
  • Laura Yakas
H6/KF [PUBLIC-] 0899-2363
The end of diversity 2019 Public culture 31 (2): 393-408
  • Rinaldo Walcott
H6/KF [PUBLIC-] 0899-2363
Violence work and the police order 2019 Public culture 31 (3): 409-18
  • Madiha Tahir
H6/KF [PUBLIC-] 0899-2363
Drones as 'atmospheric policing': from US border enforcement to the LAPD 2019 Public culture 31 (3): 419-45
  • Andrea Miller
  • Caren Kaplan
H6/KF [PUBLIC-] 0899-2363
Speculative policing 2019 Public culture 31 (3): 447-68
  • Rivke Jaffe
H6/KF [PUBLIC-] 0899-2363
Policing intensity 2019 Public culture 31 (3): 469-96
  • Andrew M. Carruthers
H6/KF [PUBLIC-] 0899-2363
The closing: heart, mouth, word 2019 Public culture 31 (3): 497-520
  • Fatima Mojaddedi
H6/KF [PUBLIC-] 0899-2363
James Baldwin and the anti-Black force of law: on excessive violence and exceeding violence 2019 Public culture 31 (3): 521-38
  • Jesse A. Goldberg
H6/KF [PUBLIC-] 0899-2363
The police are the punishment 2019 Public culture 31 (3): 539-61
  • Didier Fassin
H6/KF [PUBLIC-] 0899-2363
Elimination politics: punishment and imprisonment in Palestine 2019 Public culture 31 (3): 563-80
  • Ilana Feldman
H6/KF [PUBLIC-] 0899-2363
Carceral oversight: force-feeding and visuality at Guantánamo Bay detention camp 2019 Public culture 31 (3): 581-600
  • Michelle C. Velasquez-Potts
H6/KF [PUBLIC-] 0899-2363
To protect and serve themselves: police in US politics since the 1960s 2019 Public culture 31 (3): 601-23
  • Stuart Schrader
H6/KF [PUBLIC-] 0899-2363
Bodycams and gender equity: watching men, ignoring justice 2019 Public culture 31 (3): 625-44
  • Kim Shayo Buchanan
  • Phillip Atiba Goff
H6/KF [PUBLIC-] 0899-2363
The exceptional prison 2019 Public culture 31 (3): 645-63
  • Graham Denyer Willis
  • Samira Bueno
H6/KF [PUBLIC-] 0899-2363
Captivity: a provocation 2018 Public culture 30 (1): 3-18
  • Jatin Dua
  • Kevin Lewis O'Neill
H6/KF [PUBLIC-] 0899-2363
Black aesthetics, black value 2018 Public culture 30 (1): 19-34
  • Lewis R. Gordon
H6/KF [PUBLIC-] 0899-2363
Affect matters: strolling through heterological ecologies 2018 Public culture 30 (1): 35-59
  • Dorothy H.B. Kwek
  • Robert Seyfert
H6/KF [PUBLIC-] 0899-2363
Rural voids 2018 Public culture 30 (1): 61-84
  • Miriam Driessen
H6/KF [PUBLIC-] 0899-2363
The afterlives of a killing: assassination, Thanatos, and the body politic in South Asia 2018 Public culture 30 (1): 85-112
  • Townsend Middleton
H6/KF [PUBLIC-] 0899-2363
Uncle Sam needs your ideas: a brief history of embodied knowledge in American World War II posters 2018 Public culture 30 (1): 113-42
  • Bregje F. van Eekelen
H6/KF [PUBLIC-] 0899-2363
See something, say something: security rituals, affect, and US nationalism from the Cold War to the War on Terror 2018 Public culture 30 (1): 143-71
  • Deepa Kumar
H6/KF [PUBLIC-] 0899-2363
Electro-Dabke: performing cosmopolitan nationalism and borderless humanity 2018 Public culture 30 (1): 173-96
  • Nadeem Karkabi
H6/KF [PUBLIC-] 0899-2363
Niceness in a neoliberal age 2018 Public culture 30 (2): 329-50
  • Carrie Tirado Bramern
H6/KF [PUBLIC-] 0899-2363
A bookmobile critique of institutions, infrastructure, and precarious mobility 2018 Public culture 30 (2): 305-27
  • Jessa Lingel
H6/KF [PUBLIC-] 0899-2363
Assembling the living archive: a media-archaeological excavation of Occupy Wall Street 2018 Public culture 30 (2): 283-303
  • Jason W. Buel
H6/KF [PUBLIC-] 0899-2363
Of cures and curses: toward a critique of curative reason 2018 Public culture 30 (2): 277-82
  • Bharat Jayram Venkat
H6/KF [PUBLIC-] 0899-2363
Cures, tuberculiosis, and deterritorialized biomedical narratives 2018 Public culture 30 (2): 269-76
  • Chris Degeling
  • Greg Foz
  • Jennifer Ho
  • Paul H. Mason
H6/KF [PUBLIC-] 0899-2363
Secularism and secular people 2018 Public culture 30 (2): 245-68
  • Joseph Blankholm
H6/KF [PUBLIC-] 0899-2363
Retooling the discourse of objectivity: epistemic postmodernism as shared public life 2018 Public culture 30 (2): 221-43
  • Brandon Inabinet
  • J. Aaron Simmons
H6/KF [PUBLIC-] 0899-2363
Israel's biospatial politics: territory, demography, and effective control 2018 Public culture 30 (2): 199-220
  • Neve Gordon
  • Yinon Cohen
H6/KF [PUBLIC-] 0899-2363
Buying into the dream: the religion of racial capitalism in Coca-cola's world 2018 Public culture 30 (3): 483-508
  • Lucia Hulsether
H6/KF [PUBLIC-] 0899-2363
A divided conscience: the clost convictions of human rights? 2018 Public culture 30 (3): 367-92
  • Tobias Kelly
H6/KF [PUBLIC-] 0899-2363
Film that brings human rights to life 2018 Public culture 30 (3): 393-412
  • Kate Nash
H6/KF [PUBLIC-] 0899-2363
Never having been racist: explaining the blackness of blackface in the Netherlands 2018 Public culture 30 (3): 509-26
  • Sébastien Chauvin
  • Timo Koren
  • Yannick Coenders
H6/KF [PUBLIC-] 0899-2363