Title | Abbreviation | Status | Current title |
Libyca | Libyca | Ceased publication | |
Lietuvos TSR Moksl Akademijos darbai A serija | Liet TSR Moksl Akad Darb Ser A | Ceased publication | |
Little World studies | Little Wld Stud | Ceased publication | |
Lore and language | Lore Lang | Ceased publication | |
L’Anthropologie | Anthropologie Paris | Ceased publication | |
L’Uomo | Uomo | Ceased publication | |
Magazine of the LSE Anthropology Society | Mag LSE Anthrop Soc | Ceased publication | |
Makedonski folklor | Makedon Folkl | Ceased publication | |
Man and culture in Oceania | Man Cult Oceania | Ceased publication | |
Man and life | Man Life | Ceased publication | |
Man in New Guinea | Res Melanes | Ceased publication | |
Man in the Pacific | Man Pacif | Ceased publication | |
Mare Erythræum | Mare eryth | Ceased publication | |
Markets and traders in south Asia | Mkts Traders S Asia | Ceased publication | |
Masterkey | Masterkey | Ceased publication | |
Material'naya kul'tura Tadzhikistana | Mater Kul't Tadzhik | Ceased publication | |
Materialy k antropologii Kavkaza | Mater Antrop Kavk | Ceased publication | |
Materialy po etnografii Gruzii | Mater Etnogr Gruz | Ceased publication | |
Materialy starozytne | Mater staroz wczesno redniow | Ceased publication | |
Materialy starozytne i wczesno redniowieczne | Mater staroz wczesno redniow | Ceased publication | |
Materialy wczesno redniowieczne | Mater staroz wczesno redniow | Ceased publication | |
Materiały i prace antropologiczne | Mater Pr antrop | Ceased publication | |
Maya News | Maya News | Ceased publication | |
Mayab | Mayab | Ceased publication | |
Memoirs of the Museum of Victoria: anthropology and history | Mem Mus Vict Anthrop Hist | Ceased publication | |
MERA forum | MERA Forum | Ceased publication | |
Meyibó | Meyibo | Ceased publication | |
Miscelánea antropológica ecuatoriana | Misc antrop ecuator | Ceased publication | |
Mitológicas | Mitologicas | Ceased publication | |
Mitteilungen aus dem Museum für Völkerkunde | Mitt Mus Volkerk Lpz | Ceased publication | |
Mitteilungen der Arbeitsgruppe Anthropologie der biologischen Gesellschaft in der DDR | Mitt Sekt Anthrop biol Ges DDR | Ceased publication | |
Mitteilungen der Sektion Anthropologie der biologischen Gesellschaft in der DDR | Mitt Sekt Anthrop biol Ges DDR | Ceased publication | |
Mosaico: revista de ciências sociais | Mosaico: Rev cien soc | Ceased publication | |
Münchner Beiträge zur Völkerkunde | Münch Beitr Volkerk | Ceased publication | |
Mundo precolombino: revista del Museo chileno de Arte precolombino | Mundo precolomb | Ceased publication | |
Muntu | Muntu | Ceased publication | |
Native Americas | Native Amer | Ceased publication | |
Native Americas | Native Amer art | Ceased publication | |
New Arabian studies | New Arab Stud | Ceased publication | |
New diffusionist | Hist Diffusionism | Ceased publication | |
New scholar | New Schol | Ceased publication | |
New society | New Society | Ceased publication | |
Nigeria magazine | Nigeria Mag | Ceased publication | |
Nigerian teacher | Nigeria Mag | Ceased publication | |
North Atlantic studies | N Atlant Stud | Ceased publication | |
Northeast Indian quarterly | Native Amer art | Ceased publication | |
Norveg | Norveg | Ceased publication | |
Nsi | Nsi | Ceased publication | |
Nutritional anthropology | Nutr Anthrop | Ceased publication | |
Oceanos | Oceanos | Ceased publication |