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Title Abbreviation Status Current title
Libyca Libyca Ceased publication
Lietuvos TSR Moksl Akademijos darbai A serija Liet TSR Moksl Akad Darb Ser A Ceased publication
Little World studies Little Wld Stud Ceased publication
Lore and language Lore Lang Ceased publication
L’Anthropologie Anthropologie Paris Ceased publication
L’Uomo Uomo Ceased publication
Magazine of the LSE Anthropology Society Mag LSE Anthrop Soc Ceased publication
Makedonski folklor Makedon Folkl Ceased publication
Man and culture in Oceania Man Cult Oceania Ceased publication
Man and life Man Life Ceased publication
Man in New Guinea Res Melanes Ceased publication
Man in the Pacific Man Pacif Ceased publication
Mare Erythræum Mare eryth Ceased publication
Markets and traders in south Asia Mkts Traders S Asia Ceased publication
Masterkey Masterkey Ceased publication
Material'naya kul'tura Tadzhikistana Mater Kul't Tadzhik Ceased publication
Materialy k antropologii Kavkaza Mater Antrop Kavk Ceased publication
Materialy po etnografii Gruzii Mater Etnogr Gruz Ceased publication
Materialy starozytne Mater staroz wczesno redniow Ceased publication
Materialy starozytne i wczesno redniowieczne Mater staroz wczesno redniow Ceased publication
Materialy wczesno redniowieczne Mater staroz wczesno redniow Ceased publication
Materiały i prace antropologiczne Mater Pr antrop Ceased publication
Maya News Maya News Ceased publication
Mayab Mayab Ceased publication
Memoirs of the Museum of Victoria: anthropology and history Mem Mus Vict Anthrop Hist Ceased publication
MERA forum MERA Forum Ceased publication
Meyibó Meyibo Ceased publication
Miscelánea antropológica ecuatoriana Misc antrop ecuator Ceased publication
Mitológicas Mitologicas Ceased publication
Mitteilungen aus dem Museum für Völkerkunde Mitt Mus Volkerk Lpz Ceased publication
Mitteilungen der Arbeitsgruppe Anthropologie der biologischen Gesellschaft in der DDR Mitt Sekt Anthrop biol Ges DDR Ceased publication
Mitteilungen der Sektion Anthropologie der biologischen Gesellschaft in der DDR Mitt Sekt Anthrop biol Ges DDR Ceased publication
Mosaico: revista de ciências sociais Mosaico: Rev cien soc Ceased publication
Münchner Beiträge zur Völkerkunde Münch Beitr Volkerk Ceased publication
Mundo precolombino: revista del Museo chileno de Arte precolombino Mundo precolomb Ceased publication
Muntu Muntu Ceased publication
Native Americas Native Amer Ceased publication
Native Americas Native Amer art Ceased publication
New Arabian studies New Arab Stud Ceased publication
New diffusionist Hist Diffusionism Ceased publication
New scholar New Schol Ceased publication
New society New Society Ceased publication
Nigeria magazine Nigeria Mag Ceased publication
Nigerian teacher Nigeria Mag Ceased publication
North Atlantic studies N Atlant Stud Ceased publication
Northeast Indian quarterly Native Amer art Ceased publication
Norveg Norveg Ceased publication
Nsi Nsi Ceased publication
Nutritional anthropology Nutr Anthrop Ceased publication
Oceanos Oceanos Ceased publication