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TitleDateReferenceAuthorsCall #ISSN
Indigenous languages of the Niger-Benue confluence region: their classification and its implications for pre-history 1988 Muntu (): 45-53
  • Kay Williamson
A pharmacodynamic study of the liver-protecting action of 'mbrututu' ('Cochlospermum angolensis Welw.') 1988 Muntu (): 132-51
  • Manuela M Batalha
The juridical aspect of traditional medicine 1988 Muntu (): 102-16
  • Ba Meya Bayona
The identification of Gabonese Bantu language-units and their internal classification 1988 Muntu (): 54-64
  • Jérôme T Kwenzi-Mikala
Archaeological research at the Omar Bongo University: a scientific balance-sheet 1988 Muntu (): 26-44
  • Michel Locko
A glimpse at the use of music in traditional medicine among the Bantu: a case of healing among the Bemba speaking people of Zambia 1988 Muntu (): 117-23
  • Mwesa I Mapoma
Agroforestry in a peasant milieu: a study of the behaviour of 'Musa sapietum' associated with 'Termilia superba' 1988 Muntu (): 183-90
  • A Ngaka
  • A Ngouissani
  • A Ns. Matondo
The nutritional interest of 'Gnetum africanum Welw.' leaves: a gymnospermous plant widely grown in central Africa 1988 Muntu (): 161-70
  • Fidèle Mialoundama
The anthropological implication of Bantu medicine (diagnosis and prognosis) 1988 Muntu (): 124-31
  • Anacleto Olo Mibuy
On the antiasthmatic principle of 'Lycopodiella cernua' 1988 Muntu (): 152-60
  • Georges Vicens
  • Jean-Yves Le Deaut
  • Philippe Rasoanaivo
Oral historiography and the history of technology in Nigeria: problems and prospects 1988 Muntu (): 65-73
  • Gloria Thomas-Emeagwali
The metallurgy of the Chap group of the Cameroon grassfields 1988 Muntu (): 9-25
  • Jean-Pierre Warnier
Land administration and agrarian structures in the Middle-Ogooué (Gabon) 1988 Muntu (): 74-101
  • Emmanuel Ekarga Mba
A critical reappraisal of the chronological framework of the early Urewe iron age industry [French, Portugese and Spanish summaries] 1987 Muntu (): 35-62
  • Bernard Clist
The plantain banana-tree: a commercial peasant cultivation in Fernan-Vaz (Gabon) 1987 Muntu (): 153-69
  • Galley Yawo Ganyo
A physico-chemical analysis of the 'safou' or 'atanga': a regional fruit from the Gulf of Guinea 1987 Muntu (): 137-51
  • S Kiakouama
  • T Silou
Songs of the Bantu [French, Portuguese and Spanish summaries] 1987 Muntu (): 5-207
  • Jan Knappert
The 'Bantu's' specific vision of the world, as a code of behaviour conditioning their evolution in time and space 1987 Muntu (): 209-16
  • Anacleto Olo Mibuy
The foundations of 'Bantu' physics 1987 Muntu (): 79-98
  • Chabunda Mwanza
  • Ilunga Nsenda
  • Mfika Mubumbila
Edible insects in central African societies 1987 Muntu (): 171-8
  • Etienne Nkouka
The evolution of man in Africa during ancient times 1987 Muntu (): 11-34
  • F L van Noten
Notes on the 'Bantu's' knowledge of astronomy 1987 Muntu (): 63-78
  • Théophile Obenga
Des millions de pages sur le Mozambique 1987 Muntu (): 217-24
  • René Pélissier
On traditional law and justice (Angola) 1987 Muntu (): 179-93
  • Pedro Redinha
Chemistry in 'Bantu' civilizations 1987 Muntu (): 99-104
  • Kabele Ngiefu
  • Rulinda Rwagaju
The study of aromatic plants in central Africa 1987 Muntu (): 121-36
  • Thomas Silou
'Bantu' cosmology: the origin of life, the world and of God among the Fang 1987 Muntu (): 105-
  • Blandine Engonga Bikoro
The mode and the phases of transmission of Rwandan dynastic poetry 1986 Muntu 4/5 (): 243-63
  • Cyprien Rugamba
Results of ethnopharmacological studies on toxic and therapeutic plants in upper Zaïre 1986 Muntu 4/5 (): 57-70
  • Armin Prinz
  • Laku Heke
A contribution to the study of plastic arts in Cameroon 1986 Muntu 4/5 (): 165-222
  • Jean-Paul Notué
  • Louis Perrois
'Guineaisms' in the Spanish spoken in Equatorial Guinea 1986 Muntu 4/5 (): 265-8
  • Carlos Nsue Otong
Characteristics of 'Bantu' music in Angola 1986 Muntu 4/5 (): 223-41
  • Jorge Macedo
African graphic systems with particular reference to the Benue-Congo or 'Bantu' languages zone [French, Portuguese and Spanish summaries] 1986 Muntu 4/5 (): 71-135
  • Gerhard Kubik
Ancient iron-working techniques in Gabon: first elements of a synthesis 1986 Muntu 4/5 (): 47-55
  • Bernard Clist
  • Bernard Peyrot
  • Richard Oslisly
Bantu iron civilization and oral tradition 1986 Muntu 4/5 (): 11-46
  • S M Eno Belinga
The sculptural art of Bantu Africa 1986 Muntu 4/5 (): 137-63
  • Marie-Louise Bastin
An archaeological reconsideration of Bantu expansion [French, Spanish and Portuguese summaries] 1985 Muntu (): 69-84
  • David W Phillipson
Traditional 'Bantu' technology: the methods and ritual involved in building a dug-out canoe and its tackle in Cap Santa Clara (Gabon) 1985 Muntu (): 101-
  • Basile Allainmat-Mahine
Traditional 'Bantu' medicine and pharmacopoeia [Angola] 1985 Muntu (): 69-84
  • Maria Manuela Batalha
On the reconstruction of Bantu technology and its vocabulary [French, Portuguese and Spanish summaries] 1985 Muntu (): 121-35
  • Patrick R Bennett
The Bantu town in the urban history of Africa 1985 Muntu (): 121-40
  • Michel-Marie Dufeil
The organization of agricultural space in Woleu Ntem 1985 Muntu (): 41-68
  • Galley Yawo Ganyo
Traditional iron-working techniques among the Balega of Pangi (Zaïre) 1985 Muntu (): 85-99
  • Kyankenge Masandi Kita
Bantu words relating to plants, food and drink in Cartagena de Indias 1985 Muntu (): 85-109
  • Nicolas del Castillo Mathieu
Comparative Bantu semantics and etymology: the case of agriculture 1985 Muntu (): 35-68
  • Théophile Obenga
Nutritional traditions and customs in the 17th century 'Kongo' country 1985 Muntu (): 17-40
  • Théophile Obenga
Note on linguistic research into the Bubi language (Equatorial Guinea) 1985 Muntu (): 137-44
  • Innocent Moïse Rurangwa
Migrations, fusions and historical foundations of the western Bantu peoples [Angola] 1985 Muntu (): 111-20
  • Simao Souindoula
An historical outline of agriculture in a forest environment (equatorial Africa) 1985 Muntu (): 5-34
  • Jan Vansina
The history of institutions. Different types of ethnic community 1984 Muntu (): 99-118
  • Henrique Abranches