Title | Abbreviation | Status | Current title |
Studies in Folklore and Popular Religion | Stud Folk pop Relig | Ceased publication | |
Studies in physical anthropology | Stud phys Anthrop | Ceased publication | |
Studies in the anthropology of visual communication | Stud visual Comm | Ceased publication | |
Studies in visual communication | Stud visual Comm | Ceased publication | |
Studii şi cercetari de antropologie | Stud Cercet Antrop | Ceased publication | |
Sumatra research bulletin | Sumatra res Bull | Ceased publication | |
Suomen Museo | Suom Mus | Ceased publication | |
Suplemento antropológico | Supl antrop Asuncion | Ceased publication | |
Suplemento antropológico de la Revista del Ateneo paraguayo | Supl antrop Asuncion | Ceased publication | |
Sussex anthropology | Sussex Anthrop | Ceased publication | |
Sussex essays in anthropology | Sussex Anthrop | Ceased publication | |
Tawantinsuyu: an international journal of Inka studies | Tawantinsuyu. Int J Inka Stud | Ceased publication | |
Tebiwa | Tebiwa | Ceased publication | |
Tennessee anthropologist | Tenn Anthrop | Ceased publication | |
Tennessee archaeologist | Tenn Archaeol | Ceased publication | |
Textile Museum journal | Text Mus J | Ceased publication | |
Thai-Yunnan Project newsletter | Thai-Yunnan Project Newsl | Ceased publication | |
The conch | Conch | Ceased publication | |
The Margaretologist: the journal of the Center for Bead Research | Margaretol J Cent bead Res | Ceased publication | |
Transactions and proceedings of the Fiji Society | Trans Proc Fiji Soc | Ceased publication | |
Transactions of the Rhodesia Scientific Association | Trans Zimb sci Ass | Ceased publication | |
Transactions of the Westermarck Society | Trans Westermarck Soc | Ceased publication | |
Transactions of the Zimbabwe Scientific Association | Trans Zimb sci Ass | Ceased publication | |
Travaux du Laboratoire d'Anthropologie de Préhistoire et d'Ethnologie des Pays de la Méditerranée Occidentale | Trav Lab Anthrop Pays Medit occid | Ceased publication | |
Travaux du Laboratoire d'Anthropologie et d'Archéologie préhistoriques du Musée du Bardo | Libyca | Ceased publication | |
Tropical Man | Tropical Man | Ceased publication | |
Trudy po antropologii | Trud Antrop Tartu | Ceased publication | |
Tumivut | Tumivut | Ceased publication | |
U tz’ib | U tz’ib | Ceased publication | |
Universitetets etnografiske Museum årbok | Univ etnogr Mus Oslo Yb | Ceased publication | |
Uqaqta | Uqaqta | Ceased publication | |
Vestník Národopisné Společnosti československé při ČSAV a Slovenskej Národopisnej Spoločnosti při ČSAV | Vestn narodop Spolec sl | Ceased publication | |
Véstník Národopisné Společnosti Československé v Praze | Vestn narodop Spolec sl | Ceased publication | |
Vierte Welt Information | Bedroh Volk | Ceased publication | |
Vjesnik arheološkog Muzeja v Zagrebu | Vjesn arheol Muz Zagreb | Ceased publication | |
Voprosy Arkheologii Gruzii | Vopr Arkheol Gruz | Ceased publication | |
West Papuan issues | W Papuan Issues | Ceased publication | |
Western Canadian journal of anthropology | Canad J Anthrop | Ceased publication | |
Wiener ethnohistorische Blätter | Wien ethnohist Bl | Ceased publication | |
Wiener völkerkundliche Mitteilungen | Wien volkerk Mitt | Ceased publication | |
World archaeological bulletin | Wld archaeol Bull | Ceased publication | |
World of tribal arts | Art Tribal | Ceased publication | |
Yagl-Ambu | Yagl-Ambu | Ceased publication | |
Yearbook of symbolic anthropology | Yb symb Anthrop | Ceased publication | |
Yumtzilob: tijdschrift over de Americas | Yumtzilob | Ceased publication | |
Zeitschrift für Archäologie | Z Archaol | Ceased publication | |
Ðerdapske Sveske | Derdap Sveske | Ceased publication |