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Journal search results

Title Abbreviation Status Current title
Middle East journal Mid E J No longer indexed
Mila Mila No longer indexed
Millennium Millennium No longer indexed
Minzu Yanjiu Minzu Yanjiu No longer indexed
Miscelánea antropológica ecuatoriana Misc antrop ecuator Ceased publication
Miscellanea musicologica Misc music No longer indexed
Missiology Missiology No longer indexed
Missouri Archaeological Society Quarterly Missouri archaeol Soc Q No longer indexed
Missouri archaeologist Missouri Archaeol No longer indexed
Mitológicas Mitologicas Ceased publication
Mitteilungen aus dem Museum für Völkerkunde Mitt Mus Volkerk Hamburg Currently Indexed
Mitteilungen aus dem Museum für Völkerkunde Mitt Mus Volkerk Lpz Ceased publication
Mitteilungen der anthropologischen Gesellschaft in Wien Mitt anthrop Ges Wien Currently Indexed
Mitteilungen der Arbeitsgruppe Anthropologie der biologischen Gesellschaft in der DDR Mitt Sekt Anthrop biol Ges DDR Ceased publication
Mitteilungen der Berliner Gesellschaft für Anthropologie, Ethnologie und Urgeschichte Mitt Berl Ges Anthrop Ethnol Urgesch Selectively indexed
Mitteilungen der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Musik des Orients Mitt dt Ges Musik Orients No longer indexed
Mitteilungen der prähistorien Kommission der österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften Mitt prahist Komm Vienna No longer indexed
Mitteilungen der Sektion Anthropologie der biologischen Gesellschaft in der DDR Mitt Sekt Anthrop biol Ges DDR Ceased publication
Mitteilungen des Archäologischen Instituts der Ungarischen Akademie der Wissenschaften Antaeus Currently Indexed
Mitteilungen für Anthropologie und Religionsgeschichte Mitt Anthrop ReligGesch Currently Indexed
Mitteilungen zur Kulturkunde Paideuma Currently Indexed
Modern quaternary research in southeast Asia Mod quat Res SE Asia No longer indexed
Montalbán Montalbán No longer indexed
Mosaico: revista de ciências sociais Mosaico: Rev cien soc Ceased publication
Münchner Beiträge zur Völkerkunde Münch Beitr Volkerk Ceased publication
Mundo precolombino: revista del Museo chileno de Arte precolombino Mundo precolomb Ceased publication
Munibe Munibe Selectively indexed
Muntu Muntu Ceased publication
Museum Mus Int No longer indexed
Museum anthropology Mus Anthrop Selectively indexed
Museum Ethnographers' Group newsletter J mus Ethnogr Currently Indexed
Museum international Mus Int No longer indexed
Museum of Far Eastern Antiquities bulletin Mus Far East Antiq Bull Currently Indexed
Museums journal Mus J No longer indexed
Műveltség és hagyomány Muvelt Hagyomany No longer indexed
Muzeum a sou asnost Stredocesk vlastived Sborn No longer indexed
Mythology Art Folklore Myth Art Folkl No longer indexed
NADA NADA No longer indexed
Nanzan studies in cultural anthropology Nanzan Stud cult Anthrop No longer indexed
Narodna tvorchist' ta etnohrafiya Nar Tvorch Etnohr Selectively indexed
Narodna umjetnost Nar Umjetn Currently Indexed
Národopis Slovákov v Madarsku Narod Slov Madar No longer indexed
Národopisná revue Narod Rev Selectively indexed
Národopisné aktuality Narod Rev Selectively indexed
Národopisný sborník Narod Zborn Currently Indexed
Národopisný vestník Československý Narod Vestn csl No longer indexed
Národopisný zborník Narod Zborn Currently Indexed
National Cultural History Museum Research Journal Natn Cult Hist Mus Res J Selectively indexed
National geographic magazine Natn Geogr No longer indexed
Nations and nationalism. Journal of the Association for the Study of Ethnicity and Nationalism Nations Nationalism Selectively indexed