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TitleDateReferenceAuthorsCall #ISSN
In memoriam: Georgi Kitov (1943-2008) 2008 Mythology Art Folklore 13 (): 3
  • Anonymous
H6/KE [SOFIA. New Bulgarian University MIF-] 1311-3550
Hoards and ethnic acquisition of space 2008 Mythology Art Folklore 13 (): 7-16
  • V. Demirev
H6/KE [SOFIA. New Bulgarian University MIF-] 1311-3550
Treasure and funeral rites in Thracian culture 2008 Mythology Art Folklore 13 (): 17-37
  • Tatiana SHalganova
H6/KE [SOFIA. New Bulgarian University MIF-] 1311-3550
Heterotopia of Ancient Thrace (2): necropolis and treasure 2008 Mythology Art Folklore 13 (): 39-67
  • Ivan Marazov
H6/KE [SOFIA. New Bulgarian University MIF-] 1311-3550
Keepers and owners of hidden treasures 2008 Mythology Art Folklore 13 (): 69-74
  • IAnka Tapanska
H6/KE [SOFIA. New Bulgarian University MIF-] 1311-3550
The phenomenon of hidden treasures: socioeconomic and ethnic interpretations 2008 Mythology Art Folklore 13 (): 75-99
  • Stoianka Boiadzhieva
H6/KE [SOFIA. New Bulgarian University MIF-] 1311-3550
Treasure-hunter as hoard 2008 Mythology Art Folklore 13 (): 101-10
  • Veska ZHivkova
H6/KE [SOFIA. New Bulgarian University MIF-] 1311-3550
Flooded treasures and sacred river 2008 Mythology Art Folklore 13 (): 111-24
  • Vasil Markov
H6/KE [SOFIA. New Bulgarian University MIF-] 1311-3550
Treasure and cave in archaeological context 2008 Mythology Art Folklore 13 (): 125-34
  • Petŭr Bŭnov
H6/KE [SOFIA. New Bulgarian University MIF-] 1311-3550
The world of sacred symbolism in the Thracian pectorals 2008 Mythology Art Folklore 13 (): 135-60
  • Ventsislav TSonev
H6/KE [SOFIA. New Bulgarian University MIF-] 1311-3550
Collective coin hoards from 1st-3rd centuries as a historical source 2008 Mythology Art Folklore 13 (): 161-70
  • Vŭrbin Vŭrbinov
H6/KE [SOFIA. New Bulgarian University MIF-] 1311-3550
Golden hoard from Odesos from the period of late antiquity 2008 Mythology Art Folklore 13 (): 171-90
  • A. Minchev
H6/KE [SOFIA. New Bulgarian University MIF-] 1311-3550
The magic of the pierced coins 2008 Mythology Art Folklore 13 (): 191-8
  • Nikolaĭ Markov
H6/KE [SOFIA. New Bulgarian University MIF-] 1311-3550
Hoard and icon: treasures with opposite roles 2008 Mythology Art Folklore 13 (): 199-207
  • Albena Georgieva
H6/KE [SOFIA. New Bulgarian University MIF-] 1311-3550
Medieval jewellery hoard from the village of Krumovo (Varna Principality, Bulgaria) 2008 Mythology Art Folklore 13 (): 209-21
  • Vania Pavlova
H6/KE [SOFIA. New Bulgarian University MIF-] 1311-3550
Sacred topoi of Bogomiles: one hypothesis regarding the origins of Bogomil symbolism 2008 Mythology Art Folklore 13 (): 223-34
  • Sn. Ivanova
H6/KE [SOFIA. New Bulgarian University MIF-] 1311-3550
Tsar Ivan Shishman and the sacred topography in the region of Samokov, Western Bulgaria 2008 Mythology Art Folklore 13 (): 235-50
  • Konstantin Rangochev
H6/KE [SOFIA. New Bulgarian University MIF-] 1311-3550
Is there a 'water-ox' that guards the treasure of Tsar Ivan Shishman? (Based on folklore data from the region of Samokov, Western Bulgaria) 2008 Mythology Art Folklore 13 (): 251-61
  • Rosen Malchev
H6/KE [SOFIA. New Bulgarian University MIF-] 1311-3550
Sacred toponymy in the region of Sliven (Southern Bulgaria) 2008 Mythology Art Folklore 13 (): 263-74
  • Vasil Dechev
H6/KE [SOFIA. New Bulgarian University MIF-] 1311-3550
The cursed gold: narratives of hoards and treasure hunting among the Bulgarian settlers in Bessarabia 2008 Mythology Art Folklore 13 (): 275-82
  • G. Manolova
H6/KE [SOFIA. New Bulgarian University MIF-] 1311-3550
Treasures of books: legends and reality 2008 Mythology Art Folklore 13 (): 283-303
  • G. Simeonova
H6/KE [SOFIA. New Bulgarian University MIF-] 1311-3550
Ritual as transmission between sexual instincts and labour 2008 Mythology Art Folklore 14 (2): 5-43
  • Nikos Čausidis
H6/KE [SOFIA. New Bulgarian University MIF-] 1311-3550
Aspects of transition from bronze to iron age according to archaeological materials from the collections of the Regional Historical Museum in Shumen (Bulgaria) 2008 Mythology Art Folklore 14 (2): 44-55
  • Georgi Atanasov
  • Ivan Babadzhanov
H6/KE [SOFIA. New Bulgarian University MIF-] 1311-3550
Bronze age golden jewellery from the collections of the Regional Historical Museum in Shumen (Bulgaria) 2008 Mythology Art Folklore 14 (2): 56-63
  • Georgi Atanasov
  • Stanimir Stoichev
  • Stefan Aleksandrov
H6/KE [SOFIA. New Bulgarian University MIF-] 1311-3550
The bronze head and golden garland from the mound burial site of Goliama Kosmatka near the village of SHipka, Kazanlŭk region (Bulgaria) 2008 Mythology Art Folklore 14 (2): 64-74
  • Metodi Manov
H6/KE [SOFIA. New Bulgarian University MIF-] 1311-3550
Recently discovered tomb from the hellenistic period (near the village of Banovo, Varna Municipality, Bulgaria) 2008 Mythology Art Folklore 14 (2): 75-102
  • Daniela Stoianova
  • Elina Mircheva
  • Igor Lazarenko
H6/KE [SOFIA. New Bulgarian University MIF-] 1311-3550
Scythian cross-shaped bronze ornament from a bow-case from the Archaeological Museum in Varna 2008 Mythology Art Folklore 14 (2): 103-13
  • Aleksandŭr Minchev
H6/KE [SOFIA. New Bulgarian University MIF-] 1311-3550
Sirens, or trial through glory 2008 Mythology Art Folklore 14 (2): 114-57
  • Ivan Marazov
H6/KE [SOFIA. New Bulgarian University MIF-] 1311-3550
The mound-necropolis near the village of Izbul, the district of Novi Pazar, Bulgaria: tomb No 17, burial No 3 2008 Mythology Art Folklore 14 (2): 158-69
  • Ventsislav Vichkov
H6/KE [SOFIA. New Bulgarian University MIF-] 1311-3550
Metal ornament depicting boar-fish mythical animal 2008 Mythology Art Folklore 14 (2): 170-83
  • Tatiana SHalganova
H6/KE [SOFIA. New Bulgarian University MIF-] 1311-3550
Thracian-Celtic mutual influence and interrelationship in jewellery fashion in 4th-3rd cent. BC 2008 Mythology Art Folklore 14 (2): 184-206
  • Milena Tonkova
H6/KE [SOFIA. New Bulgarian University MIF-] 1311-3550
Necropolis in the neighbourhood of 'Pod selo', Opaka Municipality, Turgovishte Province (Bulgaria) 2008 Mythology Art Folklore 14 (2): 207-28
  • Ivanka Doncheva
H6/KE [SOFIA. New Bulgarian University MIF-] 1311-3550
Metal vessels from the late iron age burials in Thrace: an attempt to reconstruct the ritual set 2008 Mythology Art Folklore 14 (2): 229-34
  • Ruslan Stoĭchev
H6/KE [SOFIA. New Bulgarian University MIF-] 1311-3550
Terracotta objects from the period between the 7th and 1st centuries BC found in the territory of modern Bulgaria: observations on the context in which they were discovered and problems of interpretation 2008 Mythology Art Folklore 14 (2): 235-47
  • Kalina Petkova
H6/KE [SOFIA. New Bulgarian University MIF-] 1311-3550
Characteristics of cities in ancient Thrace 2008 Mythology Art Folklore 14 (2): 248-65
  • Petŭr Balabanov
H6/KE [SOFIA. New Bulgarian University MIF-] 1311-3550
Settlements along the middle Kamchia river basin: Classical and Hellenistic periods 2008 Mythology Art Folklore 14 (2): 266-72
  • Iuri Ĭorgov
H6/KE [SOFIA. New Bulgarian University MIF-] 1311-3550
Objets Laténiens du Musée de Schoumen (Bulgarie) 2008 Mythology Art Folklore 14 (2): 273-336
  • Jordan Anastassov
H6/KE [SOFIA. New Bulgarian University MIF-] 1311-3550
Development of northern Thracian ethnic communities in the period between 3rd-1st centuries BC according to written sources and archaeological evidence 2008 Mythology Art Folklore 14 (2): 337-61
  • Stoianka Dimitrova
H6/KE [SOFIA. New Bulgarian University MIF-] 1311-3550
Conservation and restoration of one ancient metal vessel after incompetent intervention and treatment 2008 Mythology Art Folklore 14 (2): 362-7
  • Ivan CHokoev
H6/KE [SOFIA. New Bulgarian University MIF-] 1311-3550
Fibulae from the period between 7th and 4th centuries BC from the collection of the Historical Museum in Popovo (Bulgaria) 2008 Mythology Art Folklore 14 (2): 368-77
  • Nikola Rusev
H6/KE [SOFIA. New Bulgarian University MIF-] 1311-3550
Thracian elements on the territory of Moesia 2008 Mythology Art Folklore 14 (2): 378-92
  • Snežana Černač-Ratković
H6/KE [SOFIA. New Bulgarian University MIF-] 1311-3550
The relief presentation of the rider on grave monuments from the eastern part of the Roman province of Dalmatia 2008 Mythology Art Folklore 14 (2): 393-403
  • Radmila Zotović
H6/KE [SOFIA. New Bulgarian University MIF-] 1311-3550
Thracian pit-site near the city of Ruse (preliminary paper) 2008 Mythology Art Folklore 14 (2): 404-19
  • D. Dragoev
  • V. Vŭrbanov
H6/KE [SOFIA. New Bulgarian University MIF-] 1311-3550
Coin circulation in the period between 5th and 1st centuries BC (based on data found in the region of Shumen) 2008 Mythology Art Folklore 14 (2): 420-34
  • Krasimir Krŭstev
H6/KE [SOFIA. New Bulgarian University MIF-] 1311-3550
Lorica Squamata from the region of Shumen (Bulgaria) 2008 Mythology Art Folklore 14 (2): 435-7
  • Stanimir Stoĭchev
H6/KE [SOFIA. New Bulgarian University MIF-] 1311-3550
The ancient fortress near the city of Razgrad: archaeological exploration at the end of the 19th and the beginning of the 20th century 2008 Mythology Art Folklore 14 (2): 438-40
  • Danail Petrov
H6/KE [SOFIA. New Bulgarian University MIF-] 1311-3550
The stag with horns with inserted zoomorphic imagery: semiotic and comparative analysis with a special emphasis on the Thracian examples 2007 Mythology Art Folklore 12 (): 35-67
  • Nikos Čausidis
H6/KE [SOFIA. New Bulgarian University MIF-] 1311-3550
Depictive formulae in Thrace and Asia Minor 2007 Mythology Art Folklore 12 (): 102-14
  • Maia Vasileva
H6/KE [SOFIA. New Bulgarian University MIF-] 1311-3550
Sacrifice of wild bore and pig in Greek vase painting 2007 Mythology Art Folklore 12 (): 140-52
  • Tatiana SHalganova
H6/KE [SOFIA. New Bulgarian University MIF-] 1311-3550
The concept of 'throne' in Proto-Bulgarian king ideology and ritual 2007 Mythology Art Folklore 12 (): 187-218
  • Oksana Minaeva
H6/KE [SOFIA. New Bulgarian University MIF-] 1311-3550