Title | Abbreviation | Status | Current title |
Archipel: études interdisciplinaires sur le monde insulindien | Archipel | Selectively indexed | |
Archiv für Völkerkunde | Arch Volkerk | Currently Indexed | |
Archiv orientální | Arch orient | No longer indexed | |
Archiv Weltmuseum Wien | Arch Welt Wien | Currently Indexed | |
Archives de sciences sociales des religions | Arch Sci social Relig | Selectively indexed | |
Archives de sociologie des religions | Arch Sci social Relig | Selectively indexed | |
Archives suisses d'anthropologie générale | Bull Cent genev Anthrop | No longer indexed | |
Archivio di etnografia | Arch etnogr | Selectively indexed | |
Archivio per l'antropologia e la etnologia | Arch Antrop Etnol | Currently Indexed | |
Archivo de anatomia e anthropologia | Arq Anat Antrop | Ceased publication | |
Archivo de prehistoria levantina | Arch Prehist levant | No longer indexed | |
Archivo español de arqueología | Arch esp Arqueol | No longer indexed | |
Archivo iberamericano de historia de la medicina y antropología médica | Asclepio | No longer indexed | |
Archivos | Archivos | Currently Indexed | |
Archivos de información sobre el idioma y la cultura de los nahuas | Arch Idioma Cult Nahuas | Currently Indexed | |
Arctic anthropology | Arct Anthrop | Currently Indexed | |
Arheologia | Arkheolohiia | Currently Indexed | |
Arheologia Moldovei | Arheol Moldovei | Selectively indexed | |
Arheologija un etnografija | Arheol etnogr | No longer indexed | |
Arheološki radovi i rasprave | Arheol Rad Raspr | Currently Indexed | |
Arheološki vestnik | Arheol Vestn | Currently Indexed | |
Arizona anthropologist: papers of the University of Arizona Department of Anthropology | Arizona Anthrop | No longer indexed | |
Arkheologicheskie vesti | Arkheol vesti | Currently Indexed | |
Arkheologicheskiya pamyatniki feodal'noy Gruzii | Arkheol Pam feodal' Gruz | Ceased publication | |
Arkheolohiia | Arkheolohiia | Currently Indexed | |
Arqueología (Buenos Aires): revista de la Sección Prehistoria/Arqueología, Instituto de Ciencias Antropológicas | Arqueologia Buenos Aires | No longer indexed | |
Arqueología (Mexico): revista de la coordinación nacional de arqueología del Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia | Arqueología Mex | No longer indexed | |
Arqueología del área intermedia | Arqueol area Interm | No longer indexed | |
Arqueología mexicana | Arqueol mex | Currently Indexed | |
Arqueologia y vida | Arqueol vida | Currently Indexed | |
Arqueologia: revista do Centro de Estudos e Pesquisas Arqueológicas | Arqueologia Curitiba | Currently Indexed | |
Arqueológicas | Arqueologicas | Currently Indexed | |
Arquivo de anatomia e antropologia | Arq Anat Antrop | Ceased publication | |
Arquivos de anatomia e antropologia | Arq Anat Antrop Rio | No longer indexed | |
Arquivos do Instituto Benjamin Baptista | Arq Anat Antrop Rio | No longer indexed | |
Arquivos do Instituto Benjamin Baptista | Arq Inst Benjamin Baptista | No longer indexed | |
Arrabona | Arrabona | Ceased publication | |
Art Asia Pacific Magazine | Art Asia Pacif Mag | Selectively indexed | |
Art New Zealand | Art New Zeal | Selectively indexed | |
Art tribal | Art Tribal | Ceased publication | |
Art tribal | Tribal Art | Selectively indexed | |
Art Tribal | Art Tribal | Ceased publication | |
Art tribal = Tribal art: bulletin publié par l'Association des Amis du Musée Barbier-Müller | Art Tribal | Ceased publication | |
Artes de México | Artes Méx | Selectively indexed | |
Artes populares | Artes pop | No longer indexed | |
Artesanías de América | Artesan Amér | Ceased publication | |
Arts & cultures | Arts cult | Currently Indexed | |
Arts and the Islamic world | Arts Islam world | Ceased publication | |
Arts d'Afrique noire, arts premiers | Arts Afr noire | Ceased publication | |
Arts d’Afrique | Arts Afr noire | Ceased publication |