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TitleDateReferenceAuthorsCall #ISSN
Forschungsgeschichte der Begräbnisstätten des 14.-18. Jh. in Lettland 2005 Arheologija un etnografija 22 (): 226-54
  • Vitolds Muižnieks
H6/KE [ARHEOLOGIJA-] 0320-9415
Several features of the anthropological research of the Šnore family 2005 Arheologija un etnografija 22 (): 18-34
  • Rita Grāvere
H6/KE [ARHEOLOGIJA-] 0320-9415
Net fishing gear from Sārnate Neolithic site 2005 Arheologija un etnografija 22 (): 37-61
  • Valdis Bērziņš
H6/KE [ARHEOLOGIJA-] 0320-9415
Late Neolithic settlement Eiņi 2005 Arheologija un etnografija 22 (): 62-81
  • Ilze Loze
H6/KE [ARHEOLOGIJA-] 0320-9415
Bronze-working centres and bronze objects in the system of social relations in the territory of Latvia during the Early Metal Period 2005 Arheologija un etnografija 22 (): 82-98
  • Andrejs Vasks
H6/KE [ARHEOLOGIJA-] 0320-9415
Ancient reindeer (Rangifer tarandus) and their hunters in Latvia 2005 Arheologija un etnografija 22 (): 99-112
  • Ervīns Lukševičs
  • Hogne Jungners
  • Ilga Zagorska
  • Ligita Lukševiča
H6/KE [ARHEOLOGIJA-] 0320-9415
Graf Carl Georg Sievers und ide Inselsiedlungen Lettlands 2005 Arheologija un etnografija 22 (): 115-26
  • Jānis Apals
H6/KE [ARHEOLOGIJA-] 0320-9415
Imitations of oriental coins in Latvia 2005 Arheologija un etnografija 22 (): 127-34
  • Tatjana Berga
H6/KE [ARHEOLOGIJA-] 0320-9415
Kettenträger der Faugava-Liven aus dem 10.-14. Jahrhundert 2005 Arheologija un etnografija 22 (): 135-74
  • Roberts Spirģis
H6/KE [ARHEOLOGIJA-] 0320-9415
13th-14th century silver mounts and strap dividers for horse-trappings silvered by inlay technique from Lake Vilkumuiža in Talsi 2005 Arheologija un etnografija 22 (): 175-85
  • Dagnija Svarāne
H6/KE [ARHEOLOGIJA-] 0320-9415
The earthen bank and wooden defences of Jersika hillfort 2005 Arheologija un etnografija 22 (): 186-203
  • Antonija Vilcāne
H6/KE [ARHEOLOGIJA-] 0320-9415
Women's status in 7th-13th century Latvia according to paleodemographic data 2005 Arheologija un etnografija 22 (): 204-11
  • Gunita Zariņa
H6/KE [ARHEOLOGIJA-] 0320-9415
The reflection of late Iron age economic adn social changes in the archaeological material from Gaideļi-Viduči cemetery 2005 Arheologija un etnografija 22 (): 212-20
  • Guntis Zemītis
H6/KE [ARHEOLOGIJA-] 0320-9415
Goldene Ringe in der Kulturschicht der mittelalterlichen Burg Cēsis (Wenden) 2005 Arheologija un etnografija 22 (): 223-5
  • Zigrīda Apala
H6/KE [ARHEOLOGIJA-] 0320-9415
Die St. Georgskirche in Kirchholm 2005 Arheologija un etnografija 22 (): 255-70
  • Ieva Ose
H6/KE [ARHEOLOGIJA-] 0320-9415
On dendrochronology and its future potential in Latvia 2005 Arheologija un etnografija 22 (): 271-8
  • Māris Zunde
H6/KE [ARHEOLOGIJA-] 0320-9415
Radiocarbon dates for the earliest period of habitation in the Baltic States 2003 Arheologija un etnografija 21 (): 11-26
  • Ilga Zagorska
H6/KE [ARHEOLOGIJA-] 0320-9415
The ancient lake Burtnieks and the stone age inhabitation 2003 Arheologija un etnografija 21 (): 27-40
  • Guntis Eberhards
  • Ilga Zagorska
  • Laimdota Kalnina
H6/KE [ARHEOLOGIJA-] 0320-9415
The diet of the stone age dogs 2003 Arheologija un etnografija 21 (): 41-52
  • Gunilla Eriksson
  • Ilga Zagorska
H6/KE [ARHEOLOGIJA-] 0320-9415
Classification and statistical analysis of the pottery from the Sārnate settlement site 2003 Arheologija un etnografija 21 (): 53-74
  • Valdis Bērzinš
H6/KE [ARHEOLOGIJA-] 0320-9415
Finds of Funnel Beaker pottery in the Lake Lubāns wetlands (Zvizde settlement site) 2003 Arheologija un etnografija 21 (): 75-80
  • Ilze Loze
H6/KE [ARHEOLOGIJA-] 0320-9415
Aspects of research on the Corded Ware culture in Latvia 2003 Arheologija un etnografija 21 (): 81-109
  • Ilze Loze
H6/KE [ARHEOLOGIJA-] 0320-9415
New conclusions regarding the production of neolithic all-over cord-impressed ware 2003 Arheologija un etnografija 21 (): 110-17
  • Baiba Dumpe
H6/KE [ARHEOLOGIJA-] 0320-9415
Flexed burials in Latvia from an anthropological viewpoint 2003 Arheologija un etnografija 21 (): 118-31
  • Guntis Gerhards
H6/KE [ARHEOLOGIJA-] 0320-9415
Western Latvia as a part of a sphere of contacts in the bronze age 2003 Arheologija un etnografija 21 (): 132-40
  • Andrejs Vasks
H6/KE [ARHEOLOGIJA-] 0320-9415
The tarand (stone setting) cemeteries in Kurzeme 2003 Arheologija un etnografija 21 (): 141-53
  • Andrejs Vasks
H6/KE [ARHEOLOGIJA-] 0320-9415
Ancient sites of Tērvete: beginning of research and some questions related to the dating of the sites 2000 Arheologija un etnografija 20 (): 18-31
  • Maris Atgāzis
Die ältesten Funde der Arbeitsinstrumente der Waldbienenzucht in Lettland 2000 Arheologija un etnografija 20 (): 11-17
  • Janis Apals
A castle in the Semigallian river 2000 Arheologija un etnografija 20 (): 225-
  • Indrikis Šterns
Litorina sea coastal formations and the origins of stone age habitation on the shore of the Gulf of Riga in northern Kurzeme: geological background 2000 Arheologija un etnografija 20 (): 211-22
  • Guntis Eberhards
Carl Friedrich Watson (1777-1826) for Kurzeme and Latvians 2000 Arheologija un etnografija 20 (): 192-209
  • Lilita Vanaga
The most characteristic parallel features in traditional folk costumes of Kurzeme and those of European nations 2000 Arheologija un etnografija 20 (): 177-91
  • Aija Jansone
Ethnographische Materialien uber das Bier in Kurland 2000 Arheologija un etnografija 20 (): 163-76
  • Linda Dumpe
Changes in the density of population in Zemgale and Kurzeme after the Crusade 2000 Arheologija un etnografija 20 (): 152-60
  • Rita Grāvere
The body stature of Semigallians during the last two millennia 2000 Arheologija un etnografija 20 (): 141-51
  • Guntis Gerhards
Textile finds in the burial field of Ance 2000 Arheologija un etnografija 20 (): 126-38
  • Irita Žeiere
The relationship of Daugmale to Riga and Semigallia in the 12th and 13th centuries 2000 Arheologija un etnografija 20 (): 120-5
  • Guntis Zemítis
Mesolithic habitation in the basin of the lake Usma, western Latvia 2000 Arheologija un etnografija 20 (): 107-19
  • Ilga Zagorska
  • Ints Veinbergs
  • Irina Jakubovska
The bronze age burial field at Pukuļi 2000 Arheologija un etnografija 20 (): 88-106
  • Andrejs Vasks
Archäologische Untersuchungen in Denkmälern der Eisenzeit und des Mittelalters am Ventaunterlauf 2000 Arheologija un etnografija 20 (): 74-87
  • Evalds Mugurēvičs
Neolithic settlement Ģipka on the north-western shore of the Gulf of Riga 2000 Arheologija un etnografija 20 (): 61-73
  • Ilze Loze
Pottery production and use at Sārnate 2000 Arheologija un etnografija 20 (): 44-60
  • Valdis Bērziņš
Münzen aus dem mittelalterlichen Gräberfeld von Dobele aus der Sicht des Bestattungsrituals des 14.-17. Jh 2000 Arheologija un etnografija 20 (): 32-43
  • Tatjana Berga
The Aizkalne burial field (9th-11th centuries) 1997 Arheologija un etnografija 19 (): 82-96
  • Antonija Vilcāne
Die Gräber mit Händlerzubehör im livischen Gräberfeld des 10.-13. Jh. zu Salaspils Laukskola 1997 Arheologija un etnografija 19 (): 97-106
  • Anna Zariņa
On a rare stone age mortuary rite 1997 Arheologija un etnografija 19 (): 42-50
  • Ilga Zagorska
On geographical names 'Riga' and [Daugava] 1997 Arheologija un etnografija 19 (): 172-5
  • Indrikis Šterns
The port of Zemgale 1997 Arheologija un etnografija 19 (): 165-71
  • Indrikis Šterns
Das Gräberfeld Lejasdopeļi im alten Selonenland 1997 Arheologija un etnografija 19 (): 64-81
  • Elvira Šnore
Konrad Strauss und die Keramik in Alt-Livland (Dem 100-jährigen Jubiläum des Forschers gewidmet) 1997 Arheologija un etnografija 19 (): 158-64
  • Ieva Ose