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TitleDateReferenceAuthorsCall #ISSN
Los orígenes de la antropología en España: Madrid, centro receptor de las corrientes de innovación europeas 1996 Asclepio 48 (1): 37-57
  • Marisa González Montero de Espinosa
La categoría 'infancia anormal' en la construcción de una taxonomía social en el primer tercio del siglo XX 1996 Asclepio 48 (2): 115-27
  • Rafael Huertas y Mercedes del Cura
Catalogando la diversidad del comportamiento humano: la nosología francesa decimonónica ante las conductas delictivas (1800-1855) 1996 Asclepio 48 (2): 87-114
  • Jose Martínez-Pérez
El fuego de San Antonio: estudio del ergotismo en la pintura del Bosco 1996 Asclepio 48 (2): 173-93
  • Isabel Morán Suárez
Antropología y alimentación 1996 Asclepio 48 (2): 209-13
  • Carmen Ortiz
La analogía sociobiológica del desarrollo de la ciencia, la epistemología evolucionista de David Hull 1996 Asclepio 48 (2): 129-47
  • Francisco J. Ayala
  • Rosaura Ruiz G.
El hombre como animal: el antropocentrismo en la zoología 1996 Asclepio 48 (2): 53-71
  • Jose Luis Viejo Montesinos
Bibliografía histórica sobre la ciencia y la técnica en España. 1993 1994 Asclepio 46 (2): 231-99
  • Marco PC Aguirre
Ideas sobre la salud y el aire ambiental. Un estudio comparativo entre textos médicos antiguos y medievales 1994 Asclepio 46 (2): 103-20
  • CE Sedlinsky
  • Jaime E Bortz
La institucionalización de los estudios antropológicos en Cuba (1875-1903) 1994 Asclepio 46 (1): 221-42
  • González P J Hernández
  • Sánchez E Masiques
Enfermedad mental y sociedad en la Europa de la segunda mitad del siglo XIX 1993 Asclepio 45 (2): 41-60
  • J L Peset
  • R Alvarez
  • R Huertas
Las maderas de Indias 1993 Asclepio 45 (1): 217-48, 291
  • G de Aranda y Antón
Dispositivos de asistencia psquiátrica en la España contemporánea del período de 'entresiglos' 1993 Asclepio 45 (1): 189-215, 292-3
  • J M Bertolín
El "conjuro de la rosa" y la curación de la erisipela: poesía, magia y medicina popular en Espanã y América 1993 Asclepio 45 (2): 127-42
  • J M Pedrosa
The structure of Darwinian revolution 1992 Asclepio 44 (1): 243-62, 373
  • Roldán A Alvarez
Historical news of paleopathology in Spain 1992 Asclepio 44 (2): 173-91, 304
  • D Campillo
American therapy and medical material in the work of Andrés Laguna (1555) 1992 Asclepio 44 (2): 53-82, 305
  • J L Fresquet Febrer
Conditions of public health in the period of [colonial] viceroys: notes on the Bellavista hospital in Lima in the eighteenth century 1992 Asclepio 44 (1): 135-63, 375-6
  • Alonso S Fernández
Hospital therapy in [the 18th] century: diet, drugs and other sanitary resources 1992 Asclepio 44 (2): 83-127, 308-9
  • B Vidal Galache
Popular medicine and scientific medicine: two nosological approaches and an impossible translation? Reflections on the problem of cultural integration in Latin America from this perspective 1992 Asclepio 44 (1): 327-46, 377-8
  • Cerezo Y Guío
The transcendental and phenomenologic methods in psychopathology: corporality and [subjectivity] 1992 Asclepio 44 (1): 309-26, 381-2
  • Gorostiza P Ramos
Poverty and social welfare in eighteenth-century Spain: the Casa de Misericordia in Murcia (1700-1759) 1992 Asclepio 44 (1): 95-114, 383-4
  • Campos P Marset
  • Gómez J M Sáez
A propos d'une epidemie de cholera: science medicale, société creole et pouvoir colonial à la Guadeloupe (1865-1866) [Spanish and English summaries] 1992 Asclepio 44 (1): 215-21, 384
  • D Taffin
Cytogenetics: in search of the physical basis of [genes] 1992 Asclepio 44 (1): 115-33, 385
  • M Vicedo
Rates of morbidity and incidence of illnesses among slaves in Havana, 158O-1699 1991 Asclepio 43 (): 7-22, 303
  • Alejandro de la Fuente García
Anthropology, racism and immigration in the Socieded Económica de Amigos del País de La Habana 1991 Asclepio 43 (): 139-63, 304
  • Armando C García González
  • V Consuelo Naranjo Orovio
Studies of medicinal plants published by the [Academy] of Medical, Physical and Natural Sciences of Habana from 1899 to 1958 1991 Asclepio 43 (): 89-100, 310-11
  • Mercedes Valero González
The concept of perversion in dynamic psychiatry 1990 Asclepio 42 (): 101-9, 303
  • Eduardo A Balbo
Women, neurophysiology and insanity 1990 Asclepio 42 (): 137-59, 303-4
  • Eduardo A Balbo
Cribra orbitaria and hyperostotic osteoporosis in paleopathology 1990 Asclepio 42 (): 365-91, 413-14
  • Domingo Campillo
  • Elisenda Vives
  • Jaume Bertranpetit
Prostitution and urban space: on the medicalization of 'whoredom' in Buenos Aires (19OO-192O) 1990 Asclepio 42 (): 211-21, 306
  • Rafael Huertas García-Alejo
Metabiological sexuality: from nature to language 1990 Asclepio 42 (): 75-85, 307-8
  • José Lázaro
Folk medicine in northwestern Argentina: 'enfermedad del susto' (fright sickness) and 'ojeadura' (evil eye) 1990 Asclepio 42 (): 311-33, 422-3
  • Armando Mario Pérez de Nucci
Medicine and sexual morality in prewar Spain 1990 Asclepio 42 (): 201-10, 302-3
  • Raquel Alvarez Peláez
Spanish women and birth control at the onset of the twentieth century 1990 Asclepio 42 (): 175-200, 301-2
  • Raquel Alvarez Peláez
Issue of the nature of 1989 Asclepio 41 (): 159-89, 332-3
  • Miguel José Cristián de Asua
Ethnography and natural history in official questionnaires [1577 and 1584] 1989 Asclepio 41 (): 103-26, 226
  • Raquel Alvarez Peláez
Eugenics and social control 1988 Asclepio 40 (): 29-80, 287
  • Peláez R Alvarez
Biological bases of feminity in modern Spain (sixteenth and seventeenth centuries) 1988 Asclepio 40 (): 297-315, 406
  • Elvira Arquiola
The broken metaphor. About the linguistic mechanisms of 1988 Asclepio 40 (): 39-73, 409-10
  • Fernando Giobellina Brumana
The influence of the moon: about health and illness in two villages in Extremadura 1988 Asclepio 40 (): 317-41, 410-11
  • Yolanda Guío Cerezo
Space and people's will: social control and perception of the surrounding 1988 Asclepio 40 (): 99-129, 288
  • Pedro Fraile
The resurgence of a school. Israel Castellanos and the atavism of crime 1988 Asclepio 40 (): 81-97, 289
  • Andrés Galera Gómez
Acrasy and criminal anthropology; science and nineteenth century social revolution 1988 Asclepio 40 (): 247-66, 289-90
  • Andrés Galera Gómez
The Institute of Social Medicine: first attempts to institutionalize eugenics 1988 Asclepio 40 (): 343-58, 405-6
  • Raquel Alvarez Peláez
The epidemic crisis of 18O3-18O4 in La Mancha 1988 Asclepio 40 (): 97-135, 409
  • J Díaz Pintado
Science, racism and society 1988 Asclepio 40 (): 9-27, 293
  • Miguel Angel Puig-Samper
  • V Consuelo Naranjo Orovio
A populationist constitution in Argentina [in] 1852 1988 Asclepio 40 (): 267-85, 293-4
  • Horacio Vázquez Rial
Agrarian techniques in the Rabinal region during the eighteenth century 1987 Asclepio 39 (): 145-59, 339-40
  • Michel Bertrand
Women and medicine in the Roman world 1987 Asclepio 39 (1): 125-42, 295-6
  • Javier del Hoyo Calleja