Anthropological Index Online

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TitleDateReferenceAuthorsCall #ISSN
The cult of Saint Anthony of Padua in Kapuvár 1999 Arrabona 37 (1/2): 257-64
  • Attila Csiszár
Traces of settlement of the copper age in Ménfőcsanak Bevásárloköpont 1999 Arrabona 37 (1/2): 11-64
  • Ildiko M. Egry
About historical associations in the 19th century 1999 Arrabona 37 (1/2): 199-214
  • Attila Környei
'Distant messages': observing the research of effectiveness made in the circles visiting the Xantus János Museum of Győr 1999 Arrabona 37 (1/2): 407-48
  • Gyo rgi Jankovits Némethné
Added data to ancient Roman roads in Győr county 1999 Arrabona 37 (1/2): 83-98
  • Eszter Szőnyi
Anthropological series of the Gata-Wieselburg culture, bronze age, from the sites of Hegyeshalom-Újtelep 1999 Arrabona 37 (1/2): 65-82
  • Zsuzsanna K. Zoffmann
Angaben zur Ornamentik der Dekorationkunst in der Mátyus-gegend 1998 Arrabona 36 (1/2): 99-108, 295-6
  • Izabella Danter
Die Zunftfahnen des Honsági Museums zu Mosonmagyaróvár 1998 Arrabona 36 (1/2): 185-98, 299
  • Imre Enzsöl
Eine kurze Charakterisierung der Volksernährung im XX. Jahrhundert im Komitat Győr-Moson-Sopran 1998 Arrabona 36 (1/2): 137-50, 297
  • Ma ria Pethő
Der Trachtennachblaß einer Großbauerfamilie in Csorna aus dem XIX. Jahrhundert 1998 Arrabona 36 (1/2): 211-30, 300
  • Judit Szalontay
Schränke im Komitat Moson 1998 Arrabona 36 (1/2): 241-54, 301
  • Zsuzsanna Tóth
Ethnical-anthropological features of Hungarians from the Rábaköz region 1996 Arrabona 35 (1/2): 109-34, 353-4, 366-8
  • G. Henkey
The travels of János Xántus from geographical point of view 1996 Arrabona 35 (1/2): 31-46, 350-1, 363-4
  • J. Kubassek
Ernő Barsi as a researcher of children's folklore 1996 Arrabona 35 (1/2): 298-301, 359, 372
  • Z. Lanczendorfer
János Xántus and the Hungarian national Museum 1996 Arrabona 35 (1/2): 17-30, 350, 363
  • A. Selmeczi Kovács
Data on the trace of the route between Brigetio and Savaria 1996 Arrabona 35 (1/2): 97-108, 353, 366
  • E. Szőnyi
Ernő Barsi and the Szigetköz region 1996 Arrabona 35 (1/2): 301-5, 359, 372
  • L. Timaffy
St. Barbara's day in Horvátkimle 1994 Arrabona 31/3 (): 345-60
  • Anna Ács
Nativity plays in Csallóköz 1994 Arrabona 31/3 (): 361-84
  • Tibor Ág
Flags of God - testament in an agricultural town called Halászi from the 19th century 1994 Arrabona 31/3 (): 332-44
  • Zsófia Ágh
Salutation of László Timaffy 1994 Arrabona 31/3 (): 5-18
  • Anonymous
Publications of László Timaffy 1994 Arrabona 31/3 (): 463-74
  • compiler Anonymous
Data on the men's clothing of Csepreg 1994 Arrabona 31/3 (): 288-306
  • Terezia Balogh-Horváth
The folk music of Szigetköz 1994 Arrabona 31/3 (): 395-409
  • Ernő Barsi
Weavers in trade guilds in Győr 1994 Arrabona 31/3 (): 172-204
  • Ottó Domonkos
The guild seals at Mosonmagyaróvár 1994 Arrabona 31/3 (): 205-23
  • Imre Enzsöl
Agriculture and the movement of peoples on the Puszta of Győr in the 17th century 1994 Arrabona 31/3 (): 78-94
  • Lajos Gecsényi
The iconography of Danubian shipping 1994 Arrabona 31/3 (): 265-87
  • Imre Gráfik
Contribution to the research of our burial customs in the 17th to 18th centuries 1994 Arrabona 31/3 (): 95-106
  • József Horváth
On the track of an archaic folk prayer of Kunsziget 1994 Arrabona 31/3 (): 327-31
  • Sándor Teodóz Jáki
A sixteenth century monthly menu in Hungary: a new interpretation of date and social affiliation 1994 Arrabona 31/3 (): 165-71
  • Eszter Kisbán
Ruins from the period of the Roman empire found under the school building of the Ursule order in the town of Sopron 1994 Arrabona 31/3 (): 19-48
  • Ákos Kiss
An architectural study of the dwelling-house located at No. 23 Gazda str., Sopron 1994 Arrabona 31/3 (): 224-52
  • József Kücsán
The area of worship inside Hungarian peasant homes along the shores of Lake Fertő 1994 Arrabona 31/3 (): 253-64
  • Emőke Lackovits
King Matthias' character in the popular tradition of the northwestern plain in Hungary 1994 Arrabona 31/3 (): 317-26
  • József Liszka
Meeting of an age-group: data for a cultural-anthropological analysis 1994 Arrabona 31/3 (): 385-94
  • Ilona Nagy
Additional material on the development of habitations on the hills of Győr county between 1700 and 1828 1994 Arrabona 31/3 (): 126-38
  • Sándor Néma
Survival strategies, media and communication manipulation among the Hungarians in Slovakia 1994 Arrabona 31/3 (): 430-49
  • Gyula Szakál
Musicians of Kajárpéc 1994 Arrabona 31/3 (): 410-29
  • Péter Tanai
Die Győrer Jahre von Flóris Rómer 1991 Arrabona 26-30 (): 217-19, 246-7
  • G Csóka
Die Győrer Knopfmacher 1991 Arrabona 26-30 (): 111-37, 236-8
  • K Jáki
Erinnerungen an Flóris Rómer 1991 Arrabona 26-30 (): 193-200, 241-3
  • F Rottler
Rómer, der Antiquitätenforscher 1991 Arrabona 26-30 (): 205-9, 244
  • Péter Szabó
Das Museum von Rómer und die archäologische Sammlung 1991 Arrabona 26-30 (): 201-4, 243-4
  • E T Szőnyi
Das Messer- und Schleifergewerbe in Győr 1991 Arrabona 26-30 (): 139-42, 238-9
  • L Timaffy
Über die Győrer historischen und archäologischen Hefte (1861-1868) 1991 Arrabona 26-30 (): 210-15, 244-6
  • L Tóth
Finds from burials belonging to the Litzenkeramik culture in western Hungary and eastern Austria 1988 Arrabona 24/5 (): 5-
  • János Goemoeri
  • Klaus Kaus
  • Zoja Benkovsky-Pivovarova
Gyor vármegye 1825. Évi szabályrendelete a cifraszur viselésérol 1988 Arrabona 24/5 (): 79-82
  • Péter Dominkovits
Bünker János Rajnárd a soproni múzeum néprajzkutatója (1863-1914) 1988 Arrabona 24/5 (): 83-90
  • Ottó Domonkos
The archaeological activity of the Storno family 1988 Arrabona 24/5 (): 63-78
  • Gabriella Gabrieli