Anthropological Index Online

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Keyword Type See See also Notes
Ijaw Ethnic group Jio
Ijo Ethnic group
Ika language Keyword Ica language aka Arhuaco
Ikat Keyword
Il-Chamus Ethnic group Njemps
Ila Ethnic group
Ila city Place
Illegal immigrants Keyword
Illegality Keyword
Illegitimacy Keyword
Illinois Place United States
Illinois Indians Ethnic group
Illness Keyword Diseases;Health;Suffering and misfortune
Illustrations Keyword
Illyrians Ethnic group
Iloilo Place
Ilois Ethnic group
Ilongot Ethnic group
Image Keyword
Imagination Keyword
Imaoun Sud site Place
Imazighen Ethnic group Berbers
Imitation Keyword
Immersion method (language teaching) Keyword
Immigrant children Keyword
Immigrants Keyword
Immigration Keyword Emigration Migration
Immigration policy Keyword
Immunisation Keyword
Immunochemistry Keyword
Immunodeficiency Keyword
Immunoglobulin allotypes Keyword
Immunoglobulins Keyword
Immunology Keyword
Immunosuppression Keyword
Imperative (grammar) Keyword
Imperialism Keyword
Implements and utensils Keyword Household utensils
Imports Keyword
Impotence Keyword
Impressionism (art) Keyword
Improvisation (music) Keyword
Inaquen Ethnic group Tehuelche
Inbreeding Keyword Consanguinity Genetic disorders
Inca Ethnic group
Incantations Keyword
Incense burners and containers Keyword
Incentives Keyword
Incentives in industry Keyword
Incest Keyword