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TitleDateReferenceAuthorsCall #ISSN
Milk immunity and reproductive status among Ariaal women of northern Kenya 2015 Annals of human biology 42 (1): 76-83
  • Daniel S. McConnell
  • Elizabeth M. Miller
H6/HB [ANNALS-] 0301-4460
Distribution of killer cell immunoglobin-like receptor genes in population of Vojvodina, Serbia 2015 Annals of human biology 42 (5): 476-84
  • Dušica S. Ademović-Sazdanić
  • Nada V. Konstantinidis
  • Stevan L. Popović
  • Svetlana I. Vojvodić
H6/HB [ANNALS-] 0301-4460
The stability of immunoglobulin A in human milk and saliva stored on filter paper at ambient temperature 2011 American journal of human biology 23 (6): 823-5
  • Daniel S. Mcconnell
  • Elizabeth M. Miller
H6/HB [AMERICAN-] 1042-0533
Gonadal steroids and salivary IgA in healthy young women and men 2010 American journal of human biology 22 (3): 348-52
  • Sari M. van Anders
H6/HB [AMERICAN-] 1042-0533
Enzyme immunoassay for total immunoglobulin E in dried blood spots 2007 American journal of human biology 19 (3): 440-2
  • Susan Tanner
  • Thomas W. McDade
H6/HB [AMERICAN-] 1042-0533
GM haplotype diversity of 82 populations over the world suggests a centrifugal model of human migrations 2004 American journal of physical anthropology 125 (2): 175-92
  • Brigitte Crouau-Roy
  • Bruno Mourrieras
  • France Loirat
  • Jean-Michel Dugoujon
  • Serge Hazout
H6/HB 'AMERICAN-' 0002-9483
Genetic diversity in Tunisia: a study based on the GM polymorphism of human immunoglobulins 2004 Human biology 76 (4): 559-67
  • Amel Elgaaied
  • Besma Yacoubi
  • Jean-Michel Dugoujon
  • Karima Fadhlaoui-Zid
  • Mohamed Ben Amor
H6/HB [HUMAN-] 0018-7143
Individual variations of the immune status in relation to the types of body-build in 15-year-old boys living in the cities of the southern part of Russia 2003 Papers on anthropology 12 (): 42-50
  • O. A. Butova
  • V. S. Butov
Immunoglobulin G in 1.6 million-year-old fossil bones from Venta Micena (Granada, Spain) 2002 Journal of archaeological science 29 (2): 167-75
  • Concepcion Borja
  • Enrique G. Olivares
  • Jesus M. Torres
Maternal-fetal interaction in the ABO system: a comparative analysis of healthy mothers and couples with recurrent spontaneous abortion suggests a protective effect of B incompatibility 2001 Human biology 73 (2): 167-74
  • Ada Amante
  • Andrea Finocchi
  • Gian Franco Meloni
  • Giuseppina Ruggiu
  • Nunzio Bottini
Bioarchaeology and bio-anthropological residues in human species 1999/2000 Glasnik antropološkog Društva Jugoslavije 35 (): 17-19
  • D. M. Velisavljev
  • G. Velisavljev-Filipović
  • M. D. Velisavljev
  • M. Velisavljev-Pomoriški
Causal analysis of the variability of IgA, IgG, and IgM immunoglobulin levels 1999 Human biology 71 (2): 219-29
  • A. Hatagima
  • Cabello. P.H.
  • H. Krieger
Malaria and immunoglobulins in Pacific prehistory 1999 American anthropologist 101 (4): 806-9
  • Kevin M. Kelly
*H6 [AMERICAN-] 0002-7294
Primate immunoglobulin heavy chain constant gamma genes: an hypothesis of their evolution 1998 Human evolution 13 (1): 49-56
  • A. Bottaro
  • A. Brusco
  • A. O. Carbonara
  • S. Crovella
A high sequence variety in the immunoglobulin Cα hinge region among old world monkeys 1998 Anthropological science 106 (1): 31-9
  • Kenta Sumiyama
  • Osamu Takenaka
  • Shintaroh Ueda
  • Shohji Kawamura
Genetic regulation and effect of age-sex variation on immunoglobuline levels - an investigation based on a population study 1997 Journal of human ecology 8 (5): 383-90
  • M. K. Das
  • S. Kumar
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