Anthropological Index Online

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Keyword Type See See also Notes
Hamer Ethnic group Hamar
Hamito-Semitic languages Keyword Afroasiatic languages
Hampi Place
Han Ethnic group Chinese
Han dynasty Keyword
Hand Keyword
Handedness Keyword Left- and right- handedness
Handicapped Keyword Disabled;Mentally handicapped
Handicrafts Keyword Crafts
Handles Keyword
Hane Dune site Place
Hani Ethnic group
Hanoi Place
Hanuco Ethnic group
Haplorhini Keyword
Haplotypes Keyword
Haptoglobin Keyword
Harak Ethnic group Alak
Harakmbet Ethnic group Mashco
Harakmbut Ethnic group Mashco
Harappa site Place
Harappan culture Keyword Indus civilisation
Harare Place
Harari Ethnic group
Harbours Keyword Ports and harbours
Hare Krishnas Keyword Hinduism
Harem Keyword
Hares Keyword
Harijan Keyword Scheduled castes
Harmony Keyword
Harpoons Keyword
Harps Keyword
Harsova Place
Harvest festivals Keyword
Harvesting Keyword
Haryana Place India
Hasidim Keyword
Hasinai Ethnic group
Hats Keyword
Hatvan culture Keyword
Hausa Ethnic group
Hausa language Keyword
Hausa states Keyword
Hauslabjoch glacier corpse Keyword
Havana Place La Habana
Havasupai Ethnic group
Haveniken Ethnic group Tehuelche
Hawaii Place
Hawaiian language Keyword
Hawaiians Ethnic group