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TitleDateReferenceAuthorsCall #ISSN
Asymmetry in the length of human humerus and radius during ontogeny 2021 Anthropologischer Anzeiger 78 (3): 151-62
  • Abraham Guillén-Villar
  • Adrià Casinos
  • Luis del Río
  • Montserrat Traver-Vives
In pursuit of our ancestors' hand laterality 2017 Journal of human evolution 111 (): 18-32
  • Amèlia Bargalló
  • Marina Mosquera
  • Sergi Lozano
H6/HB [JOURNAL-] 0047-2484
Human laterality in modern humans and Neanderthals: a 3D geometric morphometric analysis 2017 Anthropological Science 125 (3): 117-28
  • Antonio Rosas
  • Juan Francisco Pastor
  • Laura Pérez-Criado
  • Markus Bastir
H6/KWV [ZINRUIGAKU-] 0918-7960
A study of seven behavioral traits of lateral functional dominance in the Tunpu 2016 Acta anthropologica sinica (4): 608-16
  • Chenlu Feng
  • Jinping Bao
  • Keli Yu
  • Lianbin Zheng
  • Wenguo Rong
  • Xiaolin Qi
  • Xiaolu Ni
  • Yonglan Li
H6/HB [ACTA-] 1000-3139
Bilateral asymmetry in left handers increased concerning morphological laterality in a recent sample of young adults 2016 Anthropologischer Anzeiger 73 (4): 335-42
  • Christiane Scheffler
  • Martha Maria Sander
The leading hand in bimanual activities - A search for more valid handedness items 2016 Anthropologischer Anzeiger 73 (4): 323-33
  • Bo Olsson
  • Sylvia Kirchengast
OH-65: the earliest evidence for right-handedness in the fossil record 2016 Journal of human evolution 100 (): 65-72
  • Alejandro Pérez-Pérez
  • David W. Frayer
  • Ivana Fiore
  • Robert J. Blumenschine
  • Ronald J. Clarke
H6/HB [JOURNAL-] 0047-2484
The association of hand preference and sensation seeking behavior 2016 Anthropologischer Anzeiger 73 (3): 187-94
  • Sonja Kuderer
  • Sylvia Kirchengast
Digit ratio and laterality indices, the Chuvashian study 2014 Papers on anthropology 23 (2): 37-46
  • Eugene Kobyliansky
  • Leonid Kalichman
  • Valery Batsevich
H6/HB [PAPERS-] 1406-0140
The influence of the boxing stance on performance in professional boxers 2014 Anthropological Review: the official publication of the Polish anthropological Society 77 (3): 347-53
  • Agnieszka Sabiniewicz
  • Piotr Sorokowski
  • Sławomir Wacewicz
H6/KVM [PRZEGLAD-] 1898-6773
A study of seven behavioral traits of lateral functional dominance in the Xiang language groups of the Han 2013 Acta anthropologica sinica 32 (1): 101-9
  • Chuan-gang Li
  • Lian-bin Zheng
  • Shun-hua Lu
  • Yong-lan Li
  • Yong-xia Li
H6/HB [ACTA-] 1000-3139
The pre-eminence of the right hand: a study in religious polarity 2013 Hau 3 (2): 335-57
  • Robert Hertz
Writing with non-dominant hand: left-handers perform better with the right hand than right handers with the left 2012 Anthropological Review: the official publication of the Polish anthropological Society 75 (2): 129-36
  • Kristina Laskowski
  • Maciej Henneberg
H6/KVM [PRZEGLAD-] 1898-6773
Hand preferences for coordinated bimanual actions in 777 great apes: implications for the evolution of handedness in hominins 2011 Journal of human evolution 60 (5): 605-11
  • Amanda Bania
  • Kimberley A. Phillips
  • Molly Gardner
  • Sarah E. Calcutt
  • William D. Hopkins
H6/HB [JOURNAL-] 0047-2484
Three palmar dermatoglyphic traits and their asymmetry in Bulgarian right-, mixed- and left-handers 2011 Anthropologischer Anzeiger 68 (3): 291-307
  • George B. Karev
A study of laterality in Albanian and Macedonian students 2010 Glasnik antropološkog Društva Srbije 45 (): 77-82
  • Elizabeta Dadić Nikoloska
  • Kristina Pavlovska
  • Ljudmila Efremovska
H6/KVP [ANTROPOLOSKO-] 1820-7936
Effect of hand dominance in grip strength in collegiate population of Amritsar, Punjab, India 2010 The Anthropologist 12 (1): 13-16
  • Arvinder Pal Singh
  • Shyamal Koley
Right hand Neandertals: Vindija and beyond 2010 Journal of anthropological science: Rivista di Antropologia 88 (): 113-27
  • Carles Lalueza Fox
  • David W. Frayer
  • Ivana Fiore
  • Jakov Radovčić
  • Luca Bandioli
H6/KE [JOURNAL-] 0085-5723
Bipedal tool use strengthens chimpanzee hand preferences 2010 Journal of human evolution 58 (3): 234-41
  • Stephanie Braccini
  • Steve Schapiro
  • Susan Lambeth
  • W. Tecumseh Fitch
H6/HB [JOURNAL-] 0047-2484
Principles and levels of laterality in unimanual and bimanual stone handling patterns by Japanese macaques 2010 Journal of human evolution 58 (2): 155-65
  • Jean-Baptiste Leca
  • Michel A. Huffman
  • Noëlle Gunst
H6/HB [JOURNAL-] 0047-2484
Can the archaeology of manual specialization tell us anything about language evolution? A survey of the state of play 2009 Cambridge archaeological journal 19 (1): 97-110
  • James Steele
  • Natalie Uomini
H6/KE [CAMBRIDGE-] 0959-7743
Dynamic in-hand movements in adult and young juvenile chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes) 2009 American journal of physical anthropology 138 (3): 274-85
  • Dorothy Fragaszy
  • Jessica Crast
  • Misato Hayashi
  • Tetsuro Matsuzawa
H6/HB [AMERICAN-] 0002-9483
An association of dominant hand grip strength with some anthropometric variables in Indian collegiate population 2009 Anthropologischer Anzeiger 67 (1): 21-8
  • Arvinder Pal Singh
  • Shyamal Koley
The dominant side in pupils of Serbian and Romany nationality in performance tests 2008 Glasnik antropološkog Društva Srbije 43 (): 547-56
  • Igor Stojanović
  • Ivan Radosavljević
  • Ljudmila Efremovska
  • Milkica Nešić
  • Mirko Uljarević
H6/KVP [ANTROPOLOSKO-] 1820-7936
Finger dermatoglyphics and their asymmetry in Bulgarian right-, mixed- and left-handers 2008 Anthropologischer Anzeiger 66 (3): 281-93
  • George B. Karev
Manual lateralization in early primates: a comparison of two mouse lemur species 2008 American journal of physical anthropology 137 (2): 156-63
  • Elke Zimmermann
  • Lisette M. C. Leliveld
  • Marina Scheumann
H6/HB [AMERICAN-] 0002-9483
Stone-throwing by Japanese macaques: form and functional aspects of a group-specific behavioral tradition 2008 Journal of human evolution 55 (6): 989-98
  • Jean-Baptiste Leca
H6/HB [JOURNAL-] 0047-2484
Laterality indices in the Chuvashian population 2008 Anthropologischer Anzeiger 66 (4): 409-18
  • Eugene Kobyliansky
  • Leonid Kalichman
  • Michael Korostishevsky
Cutmarks and hominid handedness 2008 Journal of archaeological science 35 (2): 310-15
  • Blaire Hensley-Marschand
  • Travis Rayne Pickering
H6/KE [JOURNAL-] 0305-4403
The evolution of handedness in humans and great apes: a review and current issues 2008 Journal of anthropological science: Rivista di Antropologia 86 (): 7-35
  • Amandine Chapelain
  • Lisa Cashmore
  • Natalie Uomini
H6/KE [JOURNAL-] 0085-5723
Anthropological and dermatoglyphic research on the Bulgarian population from North-Western Bulgaria 2007 Glasnik antropološkog Društva Jugoslavije 42 (): 101-10
  • Boris Minkov
  • Borislav Ivanović
  • Tsvetan Minkov
The interpretation of handedness in Australian Aboriginal rock art 2007 Rock art research 24 (2): 199-208
  • R. G. Gunn
H6/KE [ROCK-] 0813-0426
Skill and preference tests as indicators of laterality: some preliminary results 2006 Glasnik antropološkog Društva Jugoslavije 41 (): 417-23
  • Ljudmila Efremovska
  • Milan Ćirić
  • Milkica Nešić
  • Snežana Vekić
  • Suzana Branković
H6/KVP [ANTROPOLOSKO-] 0351-1480
Insights on behavioural and educational pressures on laterality development in children 2006 Papers on anthropology 15 (): 294-301
  • Franco Viviani
Yanomamö handedness, homicide and alleged negative frequency-dependent selection 2005 Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute (New Series) 11 (4): 837-40
  • Philippe Erikson
H6 [JOURNAL-] 1359-0987
Yanomamö handedness, homicide and alleged negative frequency-dependent selection 2005 Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute (New Series) 11 (4): insert
  • Philippe Erikson
H6 [JOURNAL-] 1359-0987
Variation in the frequency of left-handedness in traditional societies 2005 Current anthropology 46 (1): 142-7
  • Charlotte Faurie
  • Michel Raymond
  • Sylvain Billiard
  • Sylvie Le Bomin
  • Wulf Schiefenhövel
H6 [CURRENT-] 0011-3204
Grip preference, dermatoglyphics, and hand use in captive chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes) 2005 American journal of physical anthropology 128 (1): 57-62
  • Autumn Hostetter
  • Dawn Pilcher
  • Jamie L. Russell
  • Jeremy F Dahl
  • William D. Hopkins
H6/HB [AMERICAN-] 0002-9483
A comparative study of anthropo-genetical behavioural traits among two scheduled caste groups of Raipur, Chhattisgarh 2004 Man in India 84 (1/2): 123-8
  • Anil K. Virulkar
  • Arun Kumar
  • Laxmi Narayan Dewangan
Human spatial abilities: gender and handedness characteristics 2004 South Asian anthropologist 4 (1): 57-64
  • Ajita R. Singh
  • Ravinder Singh
H6/KW [SOUTH-] 0257-7348
Sex differences in chimpanzee handedness 2004 American journal of physical anthropology 123 (1): 62-8
  • Nadia Corp
  • Richard W. Byrne
H6/HB [AMERICAN-] 0002-9483
The potential effect of sex, posture and living condition on lateralized behaviors in Ring-tailes Lemurs (Lemur catta) 2004 Human evolution 19 (2): 113-30
  • L. D. Wolfe
  • M. A. Panger
  • M. C. Shaw
Anthropology of the 'SHopi' population according to anthropophysiological tests 2004 Glasnik antropološkog Društva Jugoslavije 39 (): 39-44
  • B. Ivanović
  • N. Paraskova
  • TSvetan Minkov
H6/KVP [ANTROPOLOSKO-] 0351-1480
Anthropological description of the Bulgarian population from some regions of Western Thrace according to anthropophysiological traits 2004 Glasnik antropološkog Društva Jugoslavije 39 (): 87-92
  • N. Paraskova
  • TSvetan Minkov
  • V. Todorov
H6/KVP [ANTROPOLOSKO-] 0351-1480
Reply to Hopkins and Cantalupo: chimpanzee right-handedness reconsidered - sampling issues and data presentation 2003 American journal of physical anthropology 121 (4): 382-4
  • A. Richard Palmer
H6/HB [AMERICAN-] 0002-9483
Does variation in sample size explain individual differences in hand preferences of chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes)? An empirical study and reply to Palmer 2003 American journal of physical anthropology 121 (4): 378-81
  • Claudio Cantalupo
  • William D. Hopkins
H6/HB [AMERICAN-] 0002-9483
Handedness and gender differences in spatial abilities 2003 The Anthropologist 5 (2): 113-18
  • Ajita R. Singh
  • Ravinder Singh
Study on seven asymmertic behavioral traits in three Mongolian groups 2003 Anthropological Science 111 (2): 231-44
  • Han Zaizhu
  • Li Shuyuan
  • Lu Shunhua
  • Zheng Lianbin
  • Zheng Qi
Functional and postural lateral preferences in humans: interrelations and life-span age differences 2002 Human biology 74 (4): 569-85
  • Manuela Dittmar
A study of the inheritance of hand clasping, arm folding and handedness of two social groups of Indo-Nepal border (India) 2002 Vanyajati 60 (3): 5-7
  • Alok Chantia