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TitleDateReferenceAuthorsCall #ISSN
Laterality: a sideways look at ritual 2023 Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute (New Series) 29 (4): 727-44
  • Simon Coleman
H6 [ROYAL-] 1359-0987
Fragile connections: community computer networks, human infrastructures, and the consequences of their breakdown in Havana 2022 American anthropologist 124 (2): 383-98
  • Nestor Siré
  • Steffen Köhn
*H6 [AMERICAN-] 0002-7294
Censored Havana: culture and politics through the film Pasado Meridiano - PM (Cuba, 1961) 2022 Iberoamericana 22 (79): 177-85
  • Carlos A. Gadea
Two ceremonial silver maces from colonial Havana: historical context 2021 Anales. Museo de América (Madrid) (29): 41-58
  • Asunción Rivera Valdivia
  • Isabel Sánchez Marqués
H6/KUL [MUSEO DE AMERICA. Anales] 1133-8741
Conservation of two silver maces from the city of Havana 2021 Anales. Museo de América (Madrid) (29): 7-40
  • Alejandro Chamorro Salillas
  • Isabel Sánchez Marqués
  • Josefina Parra
  • María Asunción Sivera
H6/KUL [MUSEO DE AMERICA. Anales] 1133-8741
The transformative dynamics of self-employed dance instruction in Havana, Cuba's tourism industry 2020 Research in economic anthropology 40 (): 169-90
  • John Vertovec
  • Michal Stein
H6/KF [RESEARCH-] 0190-1281
Neighbors, heritage, institutions and entrepreneurs in La Habana vieja. Inside Santo Ángel 2018 Revista de dialectología y tradiciones populares 73 (2): 471-92
  • Arantxa Ibarrola
H6/KVE [REVISTA-] 0034-7981
The supply of flour: a commercial proposal from New Orleans to the Gulf of Mexico, 1788-1799 2017 Boletín americanista (75): 173-92
  • Emma Dunia Vidal Paredes
H6/KUL [BOLETIN-] 0520-4100
Los tambores ñañigos en el Museo Nacional de Antropología (Madrid). La sociedad cubana secreta Abakuá y las trajectorias en el Atlántico negro 2015 Anales del Museo Nacional de Antropología 17 (): 160-87
  • Isabela de Aranzadi
H6/KVE [ANALES-] 1135-1853
Negotiating desirability and material resources: changing expectations on men in post-Soviet Havana 2015 Etnográfica: revista do Centro de Estudos de Antropologia Social 19 (2): 367-88
  • Heidi Härkönen
H6 [ETNOGRAFICA-] 0873-6561
When Yuma meets mama: commodified kin and the affective economies of queer tourism in Cuba 2015 Anthropological quarterly 88 (3): 665-91
  • Noelle Stout
H6 [PRIMITIVE-] 0003-5491
Real food 2015 Hau 5 (1): 541-6
  • Danilyn Rutherford
Intimacy and belonging in Cuban tourism and migration 2015 Cambridge anthropology 33 (2): 26-41
  • Valerio Simoni
H6 [CAMBRIDGE-] 0305-7674
Museo del sitio Castillo San Salvador de la Punta 2015 Anales. Museo de América (Madrid) 23 (): 73-81
  • Rosalía Olivia Suarez
H6/KUL [MUSEO DE AMERICA. Anales] 1133-8741
The human factors of cubanidad 2014 Hau 4 (3): 445-80
  • Fernando Ortiz
  • Gregory Duff Morton
  • João Felipe Gonçalves
The wood in the Spanish Havana 2014 Anales. Museo de América (Madrid) 22 (): 95-109
  • Alina Cuza Pérez
  • Raquel Carreras Rivery
H6/KUL [MUSEO DE AMERICA. Anales] 1133-8741
To not die alone: kinship, love and life cycle in contemporary Havana, Cuba. Lectio Praecursoria 25 April, 2014 2014 Suomen antropologi 39 (2): 83-8
  • Heidi Härkonen
H6 [SUOMEN-] 0355-3930
Peasant, patriot, environmentalist: suistainable development discourse in Havana 2014 Bulletin of Latin American research 33 (4): 405-18
  • Marina Gold
*H6/KUL [BULLETIN-] 0261-3050
Love, jealousy and gender in post-Soviet Havana 2013 Suomen antropologi 38 (3): 24-32
  • Heidi Härkönen
H6 [SUOMEN-] 0355-3930
Founding the Academy of San Alejandro and the politics of taste in late colonial Havana, Cuba 2012 Colonial Latin American review 21 (2): 293-318
  • Paul Niell
*H6/KUL [COLONIAL-] 1060-9164
Truth beyond doubt: Ifá oracles in Havana 2012 Hau 2 (1): 81-109
  • Martin Holbraad
Biological fitness and action opportunity of natural selection in an urban population of Cuba: Plaza de la Revolución, Havana 2012 Journal of biosocial science 44 (2): 155-63
  • Francisco Luna
  • Vanessa Vazquez
  • Verónica Alonso
H6/HB [JOURNAL-] 0021-9320
Sugar and modernity. The technological experimentation of the Havana oligarchy: 1700-1820 2012 Revista de Indias 72 (256): 743-69
  • Mercedes García Rodríguez
H6/KUL [REVISTA-] 0034-8341
Race on stage: performing difference in music and dance in Paris, Havana and New York between the World Wars 2011 Zeitschrift für Ethnologie 136 (2): 239-64
  • Ingrid Kummels
H6 [ZEITSCHRIFT-] 0044-2666
Urban guarjiros: colonial reconcentración, rural displacement and criminalisation in western Cuba, 1895-1902 2011 Journal of Latin American studies 43 (2): 209-35
  • Guadalupe García
*H6/KUL [JOURNAL-] 0022-216X
The revitalization of Havana's Chinatown: invoking Chinese Cuban history 2009 Journal of Chinese overseas 5 (1): 177-200
  • Kathleen López
H6/KW [JOURNAL-] 1793-0391
State power, private plots and the greening of Havana's urban agriculture movement 2009 City and society 21 (1): 28-57
  • Adriana Premat
H6/KD [CITY-] 0893-0465
Making dreams. Spirits, vision and the ontological effects of dream knowledge in Cuban espiritismo 2009 Suomen antropologi 34 (3): 6-24
  • Diana Espirito Santo
H6 [SUOMEN-] 0355-3930
Havana, 1930: Lorca between race and culture 2008 Revista de antropología social (Madrid) 17 (): 95-117
  • Anke Birkenmaier
H6/KF [REVISTA-] 1131-558X
Graham Greene and Cuba: our man in Havana? 2008 New West Indian guide 82 (3/4): 185-209
  • Peter Hulme
H6/KUL [NWIG-] 0028-9930
Puissances abakuás et pouvoir politique à la Havane. Entre institutionnalisation et contestation 2008 Tsantsa (12): 158-61
  • Géraldine Morel-Baro
H6/KF [TSANTSA-] 1420-7834
Cuba in the shadow of change: daily life in the twilight of the Revolution 2008 Expedition 50 (1): 26-33
  • Amelia Rosenberg Weinberg
H6 [EXPEDITION-] 0014-4738
The repatriotization of revolutionary ideology and mnemonic landscape in present-day Havana 2007 Current anthropology 48 (4): 531-49
  • Maria Gropas
H6 [CURRENT-] 0011-3204
La politique de concession de titres de Castille et de grandesses d'Espagne à la Havane entre 1759 et 1833 2007 Cahiers des Amériques latines (Nouvelle Série) 54-55 (1-2): 155-74
  • Dominique Gonçalves
*H6/KUL [CAHIERS-] 0008-0020
Cuba through a new lens 2007 New West Indian guide 81 (3-4): 265-70
  • Jean Stubbs
H6/KUL [NWIG-] 0028-9930
What Isabel did not say: mistresses and domestic female slaves in nineteenth century Havana 2006 Colonial Latin American historical review 15 (3): 252-309
  • Luz Mena
*H6/KUL [COLONIAL-] 1063-5769
Havana: memoirs of material culture 2003 Journal of visual culture 2 (3): 303-24
  • Giuliana Bruno
H6/KF [JOURNAL-] 1470-4129
Habana vieja, ciudad arqueológica del Caribe 2001 Boletín. Museo del Hombre dominicano 29 (): 73-87
  • Lourdes S. Domínguez
Un acercamiento el comportamiento del precio de los esclavos en La Habana en la segunda mitad del siglo XVI 1999 Anuario de estudios americanos 56 (1): 15-40
  • Marcos D. Arriaga Mesa
Estereotipos y prejuicios raciales en tres barrios habaneros 1998 América negra 15 (): 89-115
  • Juan Antonio Alvarado Ramos
El 98 en la Habana: sociedad y vida cotidiana 1998 Revista de Indias 58 (212): 85-99
  • María_del_Carmen Barcia Zequeira
Mujer, instrucción, ocupación y color de la piel: estructura y relaciones raciales en un barrio popular de La Habana 1998 América negra 15 (): 119-33
  • Lourdes Serrano Perralta
Havana and the fleet system: trade and growth in the periphery of the Spanish empire, 1550-1610 1996 Colonial Latin American review 5 (1): 95-115
  • Alejandro de la Fuente
  • Delgado Bernardo Iglesias
  • Pino del Cesár García
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