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TitleDateReferenceAuthorsCall #ISSN
Capdeville-Oliver Schneider/Taltal Concepción: epistolary and pre-Columbian artefact flows 2022 Taltalia: Revista del Museo Augusto Capdeville Rojas (15): 59-78
  • Benjamin Ballester
Trees for marine hunting. Forest procurement and wood technology for harpoon manufacture in the Antofagasta littoral, northern Chile 2022 Chungará 54 (2): 249-71
  • Benjamín Ballester
  • Daniela Grimberg
  • María José Figueroa
  • Valentina Varas
H6/KUL [CHUNGARA-] 0716-1182
Harpoon technology in the Atacama desert coast, northern Chile 2018 Estudios Atacameños (57): 65-95
  • Benjamín Ballester R.
H6/KE [ATACAMENOS-] 0716-0925
Ivory versus antler: a reassessment of binary structuralism in the study of prehistoric Eskimo cultures 2017 Arctic anthropology 54 (1): 90-109
  • Feng Qu
*H6 [ARCTIC-] 0066-6939
Harpoon points and barbed spikes in the stone age of the Urals 2017 Rossiiskaia arkheologiia 2 (): 27-38
  • S.N. Savchenko
H6/KVY [SOVETSKAYA-] 0869-6063
Archaic occupation and probable evidence of early navigation in the Arheic coast of Antofagasta 2016 Chungará 48 (4): 503-30
  • Antonio Maldonado
  • Carlos Aldunate
  • Felipe Rubio
  • Francisco García-Albarido
  • Jimena Ruz
  • Laura Olgún
  • Pedro Adrade
  • Pilar Castro
  • Varina Varela
  • Victoria Castro
H6/KUL [CHUNGARA-] 0716-1182
Strategies and equipment for narwahl hunting in Inglefield Fjord (Greenland) 2016 Etudes inuit 40 (2): 247-70
  • Christiane Drieux
*H6/KUB [ETUDES-] 0701-1008
Boreal Bolków. New study of the mesolithic camp on Świdwie Lake 2015 Folia praehistorica posnaniensia 20 (): 127-51
  • Tadeusz Galiński
H6/KE [FOLIA-] 0239-8524
Masterpieces of the mind: Dorset miniatures from Igloolik, Nunavut 2014 American Indian art magazine 40 (1): 46-55
  • Jonathan C.H. King
*H6/KUB [AMERICAN-] 0192-9968
Harpoon heads on the north coast of Santa Cruz: initial studies and analysis of pieces recovered in stratigraphy at site Cueva del Negro 2013 Magallania 41 (1): 211-21
  • Alicia Castro
  • Marcelo Beretta
  • Maria Ciampagna
  • Miguel Zubimendi
  • Pablo Ambrústolo
H6/KUL [ANALES-] 0718-0209
An archaeological resconstruction of Saqqaq bows, darts, harpoons, and lances 2012 Etudes inuit 36 (1): 23-48
  • Bjarne Grønnow
*H6/KUB [ETUDES-] 0701-1008
A case study of Okinawa migrant village in Suao township, Yilan, Taiwan: past and present 2012 Bulletin of the Department of Ethnology National Chengchi University Taipei 30 (): 1-35
  • Ching-hua Lu
H6/KWS [BULLETIN-] 1024-8250
Memories of warfare: archaeology and oral history in assessing the conflict and alliance model of Ernest S. Burch 2012 Arctic anthropology 49 (2): 72-93
  • Owen K. Mason
*H6 [ARCTIC-] 0066-6939
Wooden constructions at the stone age site Zamost'e 2 (Moscow Region, Sergeev Posad district): new data 2012 Kratkie soobshcheniia 227 (): 250-9
  • A.N. Mazurkevich
  • E. Gassiot
  • I. Clemente Conte
  • O.V. Lozovskaia
  • V.M. Lozovskiĭ
H6/KVY [AKADEMIYA NAUK SSSR. Institut Istorii Material'noy Kultury. Kratkiye Soobs'hcheniya-] 0130-2620
The backbone of the Saqqaq culture: a study of the nonmaterial dimensions of the early Arctic small tool tradition 2012 Arctic anthropology 49 (2): 58-71
  • Bjarne Grønnow
*H6 [ARCTIC-] 0066-6939
Pioneering efforts in Idaho archaeology: Louis Schellbach's 1929 excavation of cave #1 (10-OE-240), southwestern Idaho 2012 Journal of northwest anthropology (): 5-36
  • Robert M. Yohe II
  • Susan Pengilly
H6/KUB [NORTHWEST-] 1538-2834
Experimental series and use-wear in bone tools 2011 Journal of archaeological science 38 (3): 546-57
  • Natacha Buc
H6/KE [JOURNAL-] 0305-4403
Mesolithic fishers in the European north of Russia 2011 Rossiiskaia arkheologiia 2 (): 5-15
  • G.M. Burov
Two metal finds from Middle Banat 2010 Rad vojvodanskih Muzeja 52 (): 61-70
  • Ildiko Medović
H6/KVP [NOVI-] 1450-6696
On the directionality of cultural change in the middle palaeolithic period (with particular reference to the MSA of South Africa) 2010 Arkheologischeskie vesti 16 (): 179-96
  • L.B. Vishniatskiĭ
New types and categories of Mesolithic wooden artefacts from the Vis I settlement in the Vychedgda river basin 2009 Rossiiskaia arkheologiia 2 (): 17-29
  • G.M. Burov
H6/KVY [SOVETSKAYA-] 0869-6063
Sea nomads of the Beagle Channel in southernmost South America: over six thousand years of coastal adaptation and stability 2009 Journal of island and coastal archaeology 4 (1): 61-80
  • Ernesto Luis Piana
  • Luis Abel Orquera
H6/KE [ISLAND-] 1556-4894
Dwelling and husbandry complex of fishermen in the early iron age in Volyn region 2009 Arkheolohiia 2 (): 94-8
  • D.N. Kozak
H6/KVY [ARKHEOLOHIYA-] 0235-3490
Aszód: ein gemischter Fundort der Lengyel- und Theiss-Kultur 2008 Communicationes archaeologicae Hungariae (): 5-54
  • Nándor Kalicz
Azilianisation - the process of adaptation in hunter-gatherer groups to the climatic and environmental transformations during the late glacial period 2008 Przegląd archeologiczny 56 (): 5-39
  • Janusz Wolski
H6/KE [PRZEGLAD-] 0079-7138
Seal hunting in Brandenburg? Some thoughts on the use of large barbed harpoons 2007 Ethnographisch-archäologische Zeitschrift 48 (1): 1-48
  • Erwin Cziesla
H6 [ETHNOGRAPHISCH-] 0012-7477
Antler harpoon from the Wilga river 2006 Wiadomości archeologiczne 58 (): 371-2
  • Marek Zalewski
H6/KE [WIADOMOSCI-] 0043-5082
L'écologie et la synergétique des collectivités humaines de l'espace carpatique-dniestréen pendant le paléolithique supérieur 2006 Arheologia Moldovei 29 (): 7-34
  • Atanasie Prepeliţă
  • Ilie Borziac
  • Vasile Chirica
H6/KE [ARHEOLOGIA-] 0066-7358
Upper Magdalenian harpoons in the Cendres cave and their assessment within the context of the Mediterranean Magdalenian 2005/2006 Munibe 57 (2): 207-25
  • D. Roman
  • V. Villaverde
H6/KE [MUNIBE-] 1132-2217
Alaskan collections of the school of political science and economics, Meiji university: artifacts occurred from Shishmaref 2005 Bulletin of the Hokkaido Museum of Northern Peoples 14 (): 93-104
  • Tatsunosuke Sumi
*H6/KWV [BULLETIN-] 0918-3159
Barbed points of the Transalpine mesolithic and neolithic. An historical perspective on the current state of research and discussion 2003 Ethnographisch-archäologische Zeitschrift 44 (3): 357-67
  • Ulf F. Ickerodt
H6 'ETHNOGRAPHISCH-' 0012-7477
La Troia dell'Artico: un po' di luce sul mistero 2003 Il Polo 58 (3/4): 41-5
  • M. Bronstejn Dneprovskij
Harpoon artefacts of the Alaska collection of the School of Political Science and Economics, Meiji University 2003 Bulletin of the Hokkaido Museum of Northern Peoples 12 (): 77-91
  • Tatsunosuke Sumi
How small is too small? Dorset culture [miniature] harpoon heads 2003 Canadian journal of archaeology 27 (2): 258-72
  • Pauline M. Mousseau
  • Robert W. Park
*H6/KE 'CANADIAN-' 0705-2006
On the antiquity of the single-piece shell fishhook: AMS radiocarbon evidence from the southern California coast 2002 Journal of archaeological science 29 (9): 933-42
  • Douglas J. Kennett
  • Jon M. Erlandson
  • Rene L. Vellanoweth
  • Torben C. Rick
Tanged points culture in Berlin and Branderburg 2001 Fontes archaeologici posnanienses 39 (): 47-53
  • Erwin Cziesla
Nuu-chah-nulth whaling: archaeolgical insights into antiquity, species preferences, and cultural importance 2001 Arctic anthropology 38 (1): 60-81
  • Alan D. McMillan
  • Denis E. StClaire
  • Gregory G. Monks
*H6 [ARCTIC-] 0066-6939
Magdalenian barberd points: harpoons, spears and arrowheads 2000 Anthropologie et préhistoire 111 (): 79-87
  • Gerd-Christian Weniger
H6 [SOCIETE-] 0777-6187
The hooked stick in the Lascaux shaft scene 2000 Antiquity 74 (284): 293-8
  • Arthur Irwin
H6/KE [ANTIQUITY-] 0003-598X
Hunting equipment for Caprinae with upper palaeolithic truncated backed pieces from Klithi, Epirus, Greece: a composite harpoon proposal 1999 L'anthropologie (Paris) 103 (3): 421-45
  • Colette Roubet
'Winged articles' of Ekven burial: regularities of decorative design and constructive layout 1998 Etnograficheskoe obozrenie 5 (): 67-82
  • E. S. Sukhorukova
Dorset dwellings in west Greenland 1998 Acta borealia 15 (2): 59-80
  • Jens Fog Jensen
Towards the problem of the Chukotski peninsula ancient marine hunters harpoon complex 1998 Etnograficheskoe obozrenie 5 (): 62-7
  • K. A. Dneprovskii
A unique find on Easter island 1996 Rapa Nui journal 10 (4): 99-100
  • Paul Wallin
La fabricación de arpones oseos azilienses 1993 Trabalhos de antropologia e etnologia 33 (3-4): 37-49
  • Gema E. Adan Alvarez
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