Anthropological Index Online

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Keyword Type See See also Notes
Wayampo Ethnic group Oyampi
Wayana Ethnic group Oyana
Wayang Keyword
Wayapi Ethnic group
Wayuu Ethnic group Goajiro
Wazaramo Ethnic group Zaramo
Wealth Keyword
Weaning Keyword
Weapons Keyword Axes Bows and arrows Guided missiles Projectile points Shields Spears Swords Throwing sticks
Weather Keyword
Weather folklore Keyword
Weather forecasting Keyword
Weaving and weavers Keyword
Weddings Keyword
Weeden Island culture Keyword
Weeds Keyword
Weight Keyword Body weight
Weight lifters Keyword
Weights and measures Keyword
Weimar-Ehringsdorf site Place
Welfare recipients Keyword
Welfare rights Keyword
Welfare state Keyword
Wells Keyword
Welsh Ethnic group
Welsh language Keyword
Wemba Ethnic group Bemba
Wendat Ethnic group Wyandot
Werewolves Keyword
West Africa Region
West African languages Keyword
West Africans Ethnic group
West Alaska Eskimo Ethnic group Yupik
West Bank Place
West Bengal Place India
West Indian peoples Ethnic group
West Indians Ethnic group
West Irian Place West Papua
West Papua Place
West Timor Place
West Virginia Place United States
Western Australia Place Australia
Western Desert language Keyword
Western Europe Region
Western Han dynasty Keyword Han dynasty
Western Mediterranean Region
Western Nilotic languages Keyword
Western Sahara Country
Western Samoa Place
Western Zhou dynasty Keyword