Anthropological Index Online

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TitleDateReferenceAuthorsCall #ISSN
Look after them? Gender, care and welfare reform in Aboriginal Australia 2024 Ethnos 89 (1): 38-57
  • Eve Vincent
H6 [ETHNOS-] 1469-588X
A brief genealogy of the thrifty food plan 2024 Food Culture and Society 27 (1): 174-201
  • Angela M. Babb
H6/KF [FOOD-] 1751-7443
Navigating through the cracks of the state system: shifting spaces of hope in the Portuguese mobility regime 2024 Anthropological quarterly 97 (1): 95-124
  • Elizabeth Challinor
H6 [PRIMITIVE-] 0003-5491
Dual taxation 2024 American Indian culture and research journal 47 (2): 21-40
  • Simon Benjamin
H6/KUB [AMERICAN-] 0161-6463
Food as care and friction in late life: marginalization of food immigrant families in the Danish welfare state 2023 Food Culture and Society 26 (2): 370-86
  • Abir M. Ismail
  • Mikkel Rytter
  • Sara Lei Sparre
H6/KF [FOOD-] 1751-7443
Relying on the kindness of strangers: welfare-providers to seafarers and the symbolic construction of community 2023 Journal of contemporary ethnography 52 (2): 192-217
  • Graeme Smith
  • Helen Sampson
  • Nelson Nava Turgo
  • Sophie Gilliat-Ray
  • Wendy Cadge
H6/KY [JOURNAL-] 0891-2416
Employment success of social assitance recipients: a provincial analysis by industry 2023 Canadian review of sociology and anthropology 60 (1): 29-52
  • Anders Holm
  • Elena Draghici
  • Michael Haan
H6/KUB [CANADIAN-] 1755-6171
The carework of cloth diapering: opportunities and challenges for mitigating diaper need 2023 Human organization 82 (2): 142-52
  • Rachel Filippone
  • Sarah Rachelle Renkert
H6/KF [APPLIED-] 0018-7259
Welfare drug bans and criminal legal cycling 2023 American journal of sociology 129 (1): 41-75
  • Carol Newark
  • Naomi F. Sugie
H6/KF [AMERICAN-] 0002-9602
The experience of women regarding Chilean government measures during the COVID-19 pandemic 2023 Bulletin of Latin American research 42 (4): 564-77
  • Natalia López-Hornickel
  • Rosario Undurraga
*H6/KUL [BULLETIN-] 0261-3050
“These benefits are ours because we were here first”: relating autochthony to welfare chauvinism and welfare ethnocentrism 2023 Ethnic and racial studies 46 (15): 3199-223
  • Borja Martinovic
  • Marcel Coenders
  • Robert Ford
  • Tom Nijs
H6/KD [ETHNIC-] 1466-4356
Strategic mothering in a hostile environment: how hostile immigration policies shape mothering, belonging and citizenship in the UK 2023 Ethnic and racial studies 46 (15): 3316-37
  • Rachel Benchekroun
H6/KD [ETHNIC-] 1466-4356
Autonomous care? Muslim transnational giving networks and perceptions of welfare responsibilities in India 2023 Ethnography 24 (3): 389-406
  • Catherine Larouche
H6/KF [ETHNOGRAPHY-] 1466-1381
The “Jewish premium”: attitudes towards Jewish and non-Jewish immigrants arriving in Israel under the Law of Return 2022 Ethnic and racial studies 45 (16): 144-67
  • Oshrat Hochman
  • Rebeca Raijman
“I’m just sitting now. Wondering.”: Surviving the wait for disability 2022 Medical anthropology 41 (1): 94-106
  • Henry Bundy
H6/KGT [MEDICAL-] 1545-5882
Deserving and undeserving welfare states: cash transfers and hegemonic struggles in South Africa 2022 Journal of southern African studies 48 (1): 43-60
  • Erin Torkelson
H6/KY [JOURNAL-] 1465-3893
More than ‘somebody’s wife’: maternalism, welfare and identity among White farming women in Zimbabwe c.1970–2000 2022 Journal of southern African studies 48 (1): 183-200
  • Andreu Hartnack
H6/KY [JOURNAL-] 1465-3893
Granting ‘human dignity’: how emotions and professional ethos make public services 2022 The Cambridge journal of anthropology 40 (2): 36-53
  • Sonja Andreeta
H6 [CAMBRIDGE-] 2047-7716
Reflections on national disability programs and disability rights in Ghana 2022 International journal of African historical studies 55 (2): 183-205
  • Jeff Grischow
  • Magnus Mitoato-M'Carthy
  • Wisdom Mprah
*H6/KY [INTERNATIONAL-] 0361-7882
Building mistrust: ‘Minha Casa Minha Vida’ and its political effects in Rio de Janeiro 2022 Bulletin of Latin American research 41 (5): 724-38
  • Silvia Stefani
*H6/KUL [BULLETIN-] 0261-3050
The“Jewish premium”: attitudes towards Jewish and non-Jewish immigrants arriving in Israel under the Law of Return 2022 Ethnic and racial studies 45 (16): 144-67
  • Oshrat Hochman
  • Rebeca Raijman
H6/KD [ETHNIC-] 1466-4356
The racialization of welfare support as means to further welfare state cutbacks – spillover effects in survey populations and media reports in Austria 2022 Ethnic and racial studies 45 (16): 308-34
  • Andreas Schadauer
H6/KD [ETHNIC-] 1466-4356
Coping with welfare shame: responses of urban indigenous and non-indigenous peoples to "mutual obligation" requirements in Australia 2022 Polar: political and legal anthropology review 45 (2): 171-85
  • Ritsuko Kurita
H6/KF [APLA-] 1081-69-76
Circuiting parents' voice: parenting discussion group and institutional healing in northeast Paris 2022 Ethnography 23 (3): 382-403
  • Anick Vollebergh
H6/KF [ETHNOGRAPHY-] 1466-1381
From breadwinner to bedridden: vulnerable tales of a labor migrant household in Italy 2022 Focaal (92): 48-63
  • Sara Bonfanti
H6/KF [FOCAAL-] 0920-1297
‘Not enough’: killing time in London’s Itchy Park 2021 Ethnos 86 (2): 370-95
  • Joshua Burraway
H6 [ETHNOS-] 1469-588X
Unfinished stories: problematizing narrative completion 2021 Journal of American folklore 134 (532): 137-46
  • Diane E. Goldstein
H6/KF [JOURNAL-] 0021-8751
Refinishing the story: trasnforming stories of life into life stories 2021 Journal of American folklore 134 (532): 147-64
  • Tom Mould
H6/KF [JOURNAL-] 0021-8751
Who is “deserving” of aid? Subject-formation in Istanbul’s food banks 2021 Food Culture and Society 24 (3): 464-80
  • Candan Turkkan
H6/KF [FOOD-] 1751-7443
‘Not wholly justified’: the deferred pay interest fund and migrant labour in South Africa’s gold mining industry, c.1970–1990 2021 Journal of southern African studies 47 (4): 627-44
  • Duncan Money
  • Michael Glover
H6/KY [JOURNAL-] 1465-3893
Beyond markets: food poverty and the noncommercial food system 2021 Food Culture and Society 24 (5): 694-711
  • Emily Garden
  • Kerry Chamberlain
  • Vicky M. Walters
H6/KF [FOOD-] 1751-7443
The trouble with money: Argentina’s conditional cash transfers 2021 Dialectical anthropology 45 (1): 99-115
  • Lindsay DuBois
H6 [DIALECTICAL-] 0304-4092
Gender, family, race, and the colonial state in nineteenth century Jamaica 2021 New West Indian guide 25 (3-4): 199-222
  • Aaron Graham
H6/KUL [NWIG-] 0028-9930
'I volunteer at home too!' Gendering affective citizenship 2021 Critique of anthropology 41 (1): 21-42
  • Milena Marchesi
H6 [CRITIQUE-] 0308-275X
"You don't want to feel poor all the time": what SNAP means to low-income Philadelphia residents 2021 Journal of contemporary ethnography 50 (3): 417-40
  • Becki Scola
  • Colette Hanlon
  • Keith R. Brown
H6/KY [JOURNAL-] 0891-2416
"You have a lot to answer for": human rights, matriliny, and the mediation of family conflicts at the department of social welfare in Ghana 2021 Polar: political and legal anthropology review 44 (1): 123-37
  • Jovia Salifu
H6/KF [APLA-] 1081-6976
(Dis)avling sacrifice: veterans' classification in Iran 2021 Archiv Weltumseum Wien 71 (2): 129-51
  • Ahmad Moradi
H6/KF [ARCHIV-] 0066-6513
A mother's hope in the midst of existential immobility from state and stigma 2021 Focaal (90): 36-46
  • Katherine Smith
H6/KF [FOCAAL-] 0920-1297
Capital-money of the program Children's Universal Allowance for Social Protection in the marginal neighborhood of Paraná, Argentina 2021 Revista colombiana de antropología 57 (1): 99-124
  • Andrés Dapuez
H6/KUL [REVISTA-] 0486-6525
Gandhi and Ambedkar against untouchability: a reappraisal 2021 South Asia research 41 (2): 259-78
  • Sujay Biswas
H6/KWL [SOUTH-] 0262-7280
‘We looked after people better when we were informal’: the ‘quasi-formalisation’ of Montevideo’s waste-pickers 2020 Bulletin of Latin American research 39 (1): 53-68
  • Patrick O'Hare
*H6/KUL [BULLETIN-] 0261-3050
Welfare, politics, and folklore: overcoming the narrative bias against public assistance in the US 2020 Journal of folklore research 57 (2): 1-39
  • Tom Mould
H6/KF [INDIANA-] 0737-7037
Who are the transnationals? Institutional categories beyond "migrants" 2020 Ethnic and racial studies 43 (4): 652-71
  • Cathrine Telleraas
*H6/KE [JOURNAL-] 1466-4356
Prosthetic debts. Economies of war disability in neoliberal Turkey 2020 Current anthropology (Supplement) 61 (21): S76-S86
  • Salih Can Açıksöz
H6 [CURRENT-] 0011-3204
'Sorting out income': transnational householding and austerity Britain 2020 Social anthropology 28 (3): 671-85
  • Deborah James
  • Samuel Kirwan
H6/KF [SOCIAL-] 1469-8676
The experiences of social assistance recipients on the Ontario Basic Income Pilot 2020 Canadian review of sociology and anthropology 57 (4): 681-707
  • Mohammad Ferdosi
  • Tom McDowell
H6/KUB [CANADIAN-] 1755-6171
Border closures: experiences of ni-Vanuatu Recognized Seasonal Employer Scheme workers 2020 Oceania 9 (1): 68-74
  • Rochelle-Lee Bailey
H6/KX [OCEANIA-] 0029-8077
Local responses in restrictive national policy contexts: welfare provisions for non-removed rejected asylum seekers in Amsterdam, Stockholm and Vienna 2020 Ethnic and racial studies 43 (16): 115-34
  • Ilker Ataç
  • Theresa Schütze
  • Victoria Reitter
H6/KD [ETHNIC-] 1466-4356
Beyond compassionate aid: precarious bureaucrats and dutiful asylum seekers in Italy 2020 Cultural anthropology 36 (1): 25-51
  • Daniela Giudici
H6 [CULTURAL-] 0886-7356
Persistence and changes in state dependence in a Mapuche indigenous territory, Chile 2020 Critique of anthropology 40 (1): 146-68
  • Carlos Felipe Bolomey Córdova
  • Francisca de la Maza Cabrera
H6 [CRITIQUE-] 0308-275X