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TitleDateReferenceAuthorsCall #ISSN
aʔkwaⁿdaʔtsǫⁿgyaʔ—We all made pottery: a Wendat perspective to ancestral Wendat pottery making 2023 Midcontinental journal of archaeology 48 (2): 91-119
  • Sǫhahiyǫh (Richard Z. Smith)
  • Daniel H Kwan
  • David G. Smith
  • Greg V. Braun
  • Steven G.H. Dorland
All our relations: the Grandview site and ancestral Huron-Wendat gathering logics 2023 Journal of anthropological archaeology 70 (): 1-12
  • Christopher Watts
  • Louis Lesage
  • Ronald F. Williamson
*H6/KE [JOURNAL-] 0278-4165
En Ascensione Domini: Jesus triomphant le jour de son ascension comparé a un capitaine victorieux (à patre pierson) [On Ascension Day: Jesus triumphant the day of his ascension compared to a victorious captain] 2022 Ethnohistory 69 (2): 223-32
  • John Steckley
H6/KUB [ETHNOHISTORY-] 1527-5477
The wampum in Quebec from the 19th century until today. Appropriation, disappearance, identification 2022 Gradhiva: revue de anthropology et museologie (33): 98-117
  • Jonathan Lainey
H6 [GRADHIVA-] 0764-8928
A history of Native North American wampum arrived in France between 1678 and 1845 2022 Gradhiva: revue de anthropology et museologie (33): 78-97
  • Nikolaus Stolle
  • Paz Núñez-Regueiro
H6 [GRADHIVA-] 0764-8928
Conflict, population movement, and microscale social networks in Northern Iroquoian archaeology 2021 American antiquity 86 (2): 350-67
  • Jennifer Birch
  • John P. Hart
*H6/KE [AMERICAN-] 0002-7316
Refined radiocarbon chronologies for northern Iroquoian site sequences: implications for coalescence, conflict, and the reception of European goods 2021 American antiquity 86 (1): 61-89
  • Jennifer Birch
  • Megan Ann Conger
  • Samantha Sanft
  • Sturt W. Manning
*H6/KE [AMERICAN-] 0002-7316
Indigenous subsistence strategies on the Canadian Shield: a case study from the Kennaway settlement 2020 Canadian journal of native studies 40 (1): 75-100
  • Christopher Martinello
*H6/KUB [CANADIAN-] 0715-3244
The embodied performance and affective presence of Iroquoian animal effigy pipes 2020 World archaeology 52 (3): 429-48
  • Christopher Watts
H6/KE [WORLD-] 1470-1375
Moose leg wall pockets from the early Huron-Wendat souvenir trade 2019 Whispering wind 47 (5): 6-9
  • Richard Green
*H6/KUB [WHISPERING-] 0300-6565
Taming the ontological wolves: learning from Iroquoian effigy objects 2019 American anthropologist 121 (3): 613-27
  • Craig N. Cipolla
*H6 [AMERICAN-] 0002-7294
Contact-era chronology building in Iroquoia: age estimates for Arendarhonon sites and implications for identifying Champlain's Cahiagué 2019 American antiquity 84 (4): 684-707
  • Carla S. Hadden
  • Carol Griggs
  • Jennifer Birch
  • Megan Anne Conger
  • Michael W. Dee
  • Sturt W. Manning
*H6/KE [AMERICAN-] 0002-7316
Traumatic times: Wendat-Huron burial rituals 1636 to 1651 2019 Archaeology of eastern North America 47 (): 7-22
  • Mima Kapches
*H6/KE [ARCHEOLOGY-] 0360-1021
The indigenous populations of Canada, the posts of the Domaine du Roy and Acadia, 1680-1763: a demographic portrait 2019 Recherches amérindiennes au Québec 49 (1): 45-62, 105
  • Maxime Morin
  • Paul-André Dubois
H6/KUB [RECHERCHES-] 0318-4137
Social networks and nothern Iroquoian confederacy dynamics 2018 American antiquity 83 (1): 13-33
  • Jennifer Birch
  • John P. Hart
*H6/KE [AMERICAN-] 0002-7316
Florida cut-crystal beads in Ontario 2018 Beads 30 (): 44-51
  • Alicia Hawkins
  • Heather Walder
  • Karlis Karklins
  • Scott Fairgrieve
*H6 [BEADS-]
Working with the Huron-Wendat to protect archaeological heritage in Ontario 2018 Recherches amérindiennes au Québec 48 (3): 45-55, 138
  • Gary Warrick
H6/KUB [RECHERCHES-] 0318-4137
The Huron-Wendat nation and archaeology in Quebec 2018 Recherches amérindiennes au Québec 48 (3): 91-104, 140
  • Jean-François Rihard
  • Louis Lesage
  • Michel Plourde
H6/KUB [RECHERCHES-] 0318-4137
"Mother of ther nation": Dr. Éléonore Sioui (1920-2006) 2017 Ethnohistory 64 (2): 167-89
  • Kathryn Magee Labelle
H6/KUB [ETHNOHISTORY-] 0014-1801
Sensoriality and Wendat steams. The analysis of fifteenth- to seventeenth-century Wendat steam lodge rituals in southern Ontario 2017 American Indian quarterly 41 (1): 1-30
  • Steven Dorland
H6/KUB [AMERICAN-] 0095-182X
Patterns of weaning among ancestral Huron-Wendat communities, determined from nitrogen isotopes 2017 American antiquity 82 (2): 244-61
  • Crystal Forrest
  • Judith C. Sealy
  • Louis Lesage
  • Ronald F. Williamson
  • Susan Pfeiffer
*H6/KE [AMERICAN-] 0002-7316
The community became an almost civilized and Christian one: John Stewart's mission to the Wyandots and religions colonialism as African American racial uplift 2016 Native American and indigenous studies 3 (1): 24-45
  • Sakina M. Hughes
Maize, fish, and deer: investigating dietary staples among ancestral Huron-Wendat villages, as documented from tooth samples 2016 American antiquity 81 (3): 515-32
  • Judith C. Sealy
  • Louis Lesage
  • Ronald F. Williamson
  • Susan Pfeiffer
  • Suzanne Needs-Howarth
*H6/KE [AMERICAN-] 0002-7316
Aboriginal linguistic markets 2015 Anthropologie et sociétés 39 (3): 51-68
  • Louis-Jacques Dorais
H6 [ANTHROPOLOGIE-] 0702-8997
Navigating ancestral landscapes in the northern Iroquoian world 2015 Journal of anthropological archaeology 39 (): 139-50
  • Jennifer Birch
  • Ronald D. Williamson
*H6/KE [JOURNAL-] 0278-4165
The Huron-Wendat origins of Kanesatake 2015 Recherches amérindiennes au Québec 44 (2-3): 103-16, 188
  • Jean-François Lozier
H6/KUB [RECHERCHES-] 0318-4137
Wyandot sounds through foreign ears 2015 Recherches amérindiennes au Québec 44 (2-3): 93-101, 187-8
  • Craig Kopris
H6/KUB [RECHERCHES-] 0318-4137
Huron-Wendat pouches dating prior to 1850: identification of a unique cut 2015 Recherches amérindiennes au Québec 44 (2-3): 79-91, 187
  • Nikolaus Stolle
H6/KUB [RECHERCHES-] 0318-4137
Wendat arts in diplomacy and trade: an indigenous world view and the preservation of traditional culture 2015 Recherches amérindiennes au Québec 44 (2-3): 65-77, 186-7
  • Annette de Stecher
H6/KUB [RECHERCHES-] 0318-4137
Early northeastern collections at the Museum of New Zealand Te Papa Tongarewa 2015 American Indian art magazine 40 (4): 76-89
  • Janet M. Davidson
  • Ruth B. Phillips
*H6/KUB [AMERICAN-] 0192-9968
The Algonquian-Wendat alliance: a case study of circular societies 2014 Canadian journal of native studies 34 (1): 171-83
  • George E. Sioui
  • Kathryn Magee Labelle
*H6/KUB [CANADIAN-] 0715-3244
Where nations meet: an unusual hybrid in Northeastern souvenir art 2014 Whispering wind 42 (4): 6-13
  • Richard Green
*H6/KUB [WHISPERING-] 0300-6565
A Wendat, nomad on the road to museums. Toward living archives 2014 Anthropologie et sociétés 38 (3): 271-88
  • Guy Sioui Durand
H6/KX [SOCIETE-] 0702-8997
The 1747 Wyandot elders council 2008 Northeast anthropology 75-76 (): 93-111
  • John Steckley
Ceramic vessels of the Wendat confederacy: indicators of tribal affiliation or mobile clans? 2006 Canadian journal of archaeology 30 (1): 40-72
  • Joyce M. Wright
*H6/KE [CANADIAN-] 0705-2006
Wendat dialects and the development of the Huron alliance 1997 Northeast anthropology 54 (): 23-36
  • John Steckley
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