Anthropological Index Online

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Keyword Type See See also Notes
Past and present Keyword
Pasto city Place
Pastoral systems Keyword Herding and herders Reindeer herding and herders Transhumance
Patagonia Place
Patagonians Ethnic group
Patamona Indians Ethnic group
Pataxo Ethnic group
Patayan culture Keyword
Patella Keyword
Patent laws Keyword
Paternal behaviour Keyword
Paternalism Keyword
Paternity Keyword
Paternity testing Keyword
Pathology Keyword
Patriarchy Keyword
Patrilineal kinship Keyword
Patron and client Keyword
Pavements Keyword
Pavilions Keyword
Pawnee Ethnic group
Paya Ethnic group
Payment Keyword
Payment in kind Keyword
Pazyryk culture Keyword
Peace Keyword
Peace movements Keyword
Peace process Keyword
Peacocks Keyword Peafowl
Peafowl Keyword
Pearl fishing Keyword
Pearl Harbor Place
Pearls Keyword
Peasant uprisings Keyword Independence movements
Peasantry Keyword Farmers Subsistence economy
Peat Keyword
Peat bogs Keyword
Pech Ethnic group Paya
Pecheneg Ethnic group
Pecos River region Place
Pecos site Place
Pedi Ethnic group
Pedra Furada site Place
Peenkeken Ethnic group Tehuelche
Peer groups Keyword Age groups
Pehuenche Ethnic group
Pei Er Mi Ethnic group Pumi
Peigan Ethnic group Piegan
Peimi Ethnic group Pumi
Peinan site Place