Anthropological Index Online

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TitleDateReferenceAuthorsCall #ISSN
Escaping from Casa Arana: the Murui-Muina nation after the Amazon rubber boom 2024 Ethnohistory 71 (4): 415-41
  • Oscar Aponte
H6/KUB [ETHNOHISTORY-] 1527-5477
Finnegans is the Tolstoy of the Uitoto 2024 Mundo Amazonico 15 (1): e105208
  • Jimmy Weiskopf
'I'm telling you this because I love you' 2023 American anthropologist 125 (3): 643-7
  • Amy Leia McLachlan
*H6 [AMERICAN-] 0002-7294
Amazonian cosmo-climatology: friaje (coldness), menstruation and female murui connections 2023 Revista española de antropología americana 53 (2): 281-96
  • Juana Valentina Noeto Moreno
  • Luisa Elvira Belaunde
H6/KUL [MADRID-] 0556-6533
Monifue rɨngo: sowing and wisdom among the Murui-Muina 2023 Mundo Amazonico 14 (2): e106577
  • Maribel Berrío-Moncada
Singing and dancing harmonizes the territory: approaching songs and dances of the Miraña from the Neebaje clan 2022 Mundo Amazonico 13 (2): e102999
  • Elio Miraña (Nʉjpayko Naave–Sombra de Agua)
Representing “with” ritual: reflexivity and ritual dance in a Murui-Muina painting 2021 Journal de la Société des Américanistes 107 (1): 77-102
  • Oscar Ivan Garcia
H6/KUB [SOCIETE-] 0037-9174
The healing word has come: conversation with Selnich Vivas about his experience in the Murui-muinai jungle 2021 Mundo Amazonico 12 (2): e97142
  • Alexis Uscátegui Narváez interv
  • Selnich Vivas Hurtado
La pintura de mi pueblo: un arte dialogante y crítico 2021 Journal de la Société des Américanistes 107 (1): 103-10
  • Brus Rubio Churay
  • Óscar Iván García interv
H6/KUB [SOCIETE-] 0037-9174
The northwestern Amazon malocas: craft now and then 2020 Journal of material culture 25 (1): 3-35
  • Maria Paz Gutierrez
H6/KF [JOURNAL-] 1359-1835
El trabajo etnolongüístico de Konrad Theodor Preuss en México y Colombia a inicios del siglo XX. Creación y desarrollo de un método de estudio antropológico para las literaturas y las lenguas amerindias 2020 Anthropos (St Augustin) 115 (2): 503-26
  • Margarita Valdovinos
H6 [ANTHROPOS-] 0257-9774
Quarantine chronicle from Choachí: how to make salt from grass (while making smokeless tobacco) 2020 Mundo Amazonico 11 (2): 169-78
  • Jimmy Weiskopf
Die Sonette an Orpheus by Rainer Maria Rilke from the perspective of the Mɨnɨka rafue 2018 Mundo Amazonico 9 (1): 73-85
  • Selnich Vivas Hurtado
Die Sonette an Orpheus by Rainer Maria Rilke from the perspective of the Mɨnɨka rafue 2018 Mundo Amazonico 9 (1): 73-85
  • Selnich Vivas Hurtado
Nonuya worldview and postcolonial image in Colombian art: a look at the work of Abel Rodríguez 2017 Anales del Instituto de Investigaciones Estéticas 39 (111): 245-75
  • Jorge Lopera Gómez
  • Juan Gonzalo Betancour Betancour
H6/KFY [MEXICO-] 0185-1276
Nomadic ecologies: plants, embodied knowledge, and temporality in the Colombian Amazon 2017 Boletín de antropología (Antioquia) 32 (53): 255-76
  • Iván Dario Vargas Roncancio
H6/KUL [BOLETIN-] 0120-2510
Ranino ua uai: word on the gathering of wild fruits 2016 Mundo Amazonico 7 (1-2): 137-50
  • Hipólito Candre
  • Juán Alvaro Echeverri
  • Olga Lucía Montenegro
Fakariya dancing: the Uitoto dances as models of social organization in the Amazon 2016 Bulletin de l’Institut Français d’Etudes andines 45 (1): 39-62
  • Oscar Iván García
H6/KUL [INSTITUT-] 0303-7495
Landscape as transfiguration 2016 Suomen antropologi 41 (1): 3-14
  • Philippe Descola
H6 [SUOMEN -] 0355-3930
Konrad Theodor Preuss y el mito de la serpiente-monstruo 2015-2016 Thule (38-39/40-41): 913-24
  • Gustavo Zuluaga Hoyos
H6/KUL [THULE-] 1126-8611
The Nonuya language and linguistic conservation: some considerations 2015 Mundo Amazonico 6 (2): 49-65
  • Isabel Victoria Romero Cruz
Documentation of linguistic and sociocultural practices of the people of the center, northwest Amazon 2015 Mundo Amazonico 6 (1): 129-46
  • Doris Fagua Rincón
Jaɨeni Jitoma iaɨyinoɨ ikakɨ: story of the orphans of the sun 2015 Mundo Amazonico 6 (1): 175-210
  • Blas Candre transl
  • Hipólito Candre
  • Juan Alvaro Echeverri
  • Olga Lucía Montenegro
Eikɨ jɨkanote: asking for the song-divination 2015 Mundo Amazonico 6 (2): 49-65
  • Laura Tattiana Areiza Serna (Ayaɨngo)
From the new to the old world. Two indigenous children brought back to Germany by Johann Baptist Spix and Carl Friedrich Philipp Martius 2014-2015 Journal fünf Kontinente 1 (): 78-105
  • Klaus Schönitzer
The products of the garden for life and health 2014 Mundo Amazonico 5 (): 309-26
  • Adelaida Rodríguez
In this way it was begun to teach, to get the figure of what is known 2014 Mundo Amazonico 5 (): 285-95
  • Abel Rodríguez
The observation of everyday life 2014 Mundo Amazonico 5 (): 273-8
  • Brus Rubio
I keep turning the sound into being 2014 Mundo Amazonico 5 (): 227-35
  • Rember Yahuarcani
The myths are the rivers of our memory 2014 Mundo Amazonico 5 (): 197-209
  • Rember Yahuarcani
Farewell of a reader 2014 Mundo Amazonico 5 (): 183-4
  • Camilo A. Vargas Pardo
Anastasia Candre... tɨinide, fia jagɨyɨna ite: does not die, will last as the wind 2014 Mundo Amazonico 5 (): 177-82
  • Marco Alejandro Tobón
Do you want to know who Anastasia Candre is? Dear reader, here I am 2014 Mundo Amazonico 5 (): 23-80
  • Anastasia Candre Yamacuri
Anastasia Candre: nɨmairango—woman of knowledge—in Yuakɨ Murui-Muina 2014 Mundo Amazonico 5 (): 161-76
  • Laura Areiza Serna
Tɨnuango moniya uai: Anastasia Candre Yamacuri’s word of wealth 2014 Mundo Amazonico 5 (): 147-59
  • Selnich Vivas Hurtado
Anastasia Candre Yamacuri: singer of life, woman of word 2014 Mundo Amazonico 5 (): 141-5
  • Miguel Rocha Vivas
Perception of the image in indigenous poetics 2014 Mundo Amazonico 5 (): 135-40
  • Betsimar Sepúlveda
Kaɨmakɨ guiye fɨnuafue: the preparation of food of our people 2014 Mundo Amazonico 5 (): 81-125
  • Anastasia Candre Yamacuri
Glossary of plants, animals and expressions 2014 Mundo Amazonico 5 (): 127-33
  • Anastasia Candre Yamacuri
  • José Alvaro Echeverri
Anastasia Candre y otros creadores indígenas 2014 Mundo Amazonico 5 (): 9-22
  • Juan Alvaro Echeverri
Forced migration and indigenous knowledge of displaced Emberá and Uitoto populations in Colombia: an ethnobotanical perspective 2012 Mundo Amazonico 3 (): 165-77
  • Gina Frausin
  • Patricio Ortiz
  • Víctor Hugo Gonzalez Betancourt
Excelente zona social 2012 Cultural anthropology 27 (3): 498-517
  • Michael T. Taussig
H6 [CULTURAL-] 0886-7356
KƗrƗgaƗaƗ: the poetic genres of MƗnƗka culture 2012 Antipoda: revista de antropología y arqueología 15 (): 223-44
  • Selnich Vivas Hurtado
H6/KUL [REVISTA-] 0124-485X
Archaeogeographies: a critical approximation to the archaeological cartographies of Colombia 2012 Boletín de antropología (Antioquia) 27 (44): 13-49
  • Carlo Emilio Piazzini Suárez
H6/KUL [BOLETIN-] 0120-2510
The Putumayo Indians and the rubber boom 2011 Irish journal of anthropology 14 (2): 13-18
  • Juan Alvaro Echeverri
H6/KVC [IRISH-] 1393-8592
The coca leaf. Leaf words to protect the world 2011 Maguaré 25 (2): 199-225
  • Fernando Urbina Rangel
H6/KUL [MAGUARE-] 0120-3045
Bittersweet: the moral economy of taste and intimacy in an Amazonian society 2011 Senses and society 6 (2): 156-76
  • Amy Leia McLachlan
H6 [SENSES-] 1745-8927
The word of coca and tobacco as 'traditional knowledge': culture, politics and development among the Uitoto-Murui of the Cara Paraná River (Colombia) 2011 Mana 17 (1): 69-98
  • Edmundo Pereira
H6/KUL [MANA-] 0104-9313
Transplantar el árbol de la sabiduría: malocas, maloqueros urbanos y comunidades de pensamiento en Bogotá 2011 Cahiers des Amériques latines (Nouvelle Série) 66 (1): 131-54
  • Luisa Fernanda Sánchez
*H6/KUL [CAHIERS-] 0008-0020
Two cultural myths from the upper Amazon: tales from a humanized world 2011 Mundo Amazonico 2 (): 359-64
  • Wilson Eduardo Gómez Pulgarin