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TitleDateReferenceAuthorsCall #ISSN
Ungkarens julaften. En undersøkelse av et motiv i Anders Beer Wilses genrefotografier 2023 Tidsskrift for kulturforskning 22 (2): 47-66
  • Marie Fongaard Seim
H6/KVT [TIDSSKRIFT-] 1502-7473
The gendering of heterosexual religious young adults' imagined futures 2019 Journal of contemporary religion 34 (2): 253-73
  • Sarah-Jane Page
H6/KFO [JOURNAL-] 1353-7903
Strawboys and Fíanna 2012 Cosmos 28 (): 199-221
  • Elizabeth A. Gray
H6/KFO [COSMOS-] 0269-8773
The peasant and his body 2004 Ethnography 5 (4): 579-99
  • Pierre Bourdieu
H6/KF [ETHNOGRAPHY] 1466-1381
The discovery of the bachelors' dance in Inaktelke (Romania) 2001 Tabula 4 (1): 60-9
  • Zoltan Karácsony
'I have never married': old bachelors and their bodies 1997 Ethnologia scandinavica 27 (): 41-7
  • Bo Nilsson
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