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TitleDateReferenceAuthorsCall #ISSN
Age-related changes in the bottom view area of ancient children's skulls from the Zaghunluq Cemetery in Xinjiang, China 2024 Anthropologischer Anzeiger 81 (1): 61-8
  • Adiljan Wali
  • Bo Wang
  • Chang Fu
  • Haijun Li
  • Hailong Zhang
  • Qiong Song
  • Shuangfan Hao
  • Xiaoyong Xiao
  • Zhanhang Cheng
Porotic hyperostosis and cribra orbitalia in samples from the Late Hillfort Period sites at Dětkovice - Za zahradama (district Prostějov) and Vídeňská street (district Brno), Czech Republic 2024 Anthropologischer Anzeiger 81 (1): 69-78
  • Iveta Boroňová
  • Lenka Sedláčková
  • Miroslav Králík
  • Pavel Fojtík
  • Soňa Kalafutová
A probable case of an 'hourglass' epidermoid cyst located in the posterior fossa in an individual from Ibi, Alicante, Spain (12th-13th centuries AD) 2024 Anthropologischer Anzeiger 81 (1): 109-20
  • Consuelo Roca de Togores Muñoz
  • Doménech Campillo-Valero
  • Susana Gómez-González
Elongated styloid process of an autopsied skull from the Cemetery of Santa Maria Maggiore in Vercelli, 18th-19th century (Piedmont, northern Italy) 2024 Anthropologischer Anzeiger 81 (2): 209-18
  • Chiara Tesi
  • Eleonora Destefanis
  • Francesca Garanzini
  • Marta Licata
  • Omar Larentis
  • Roberta Fusco
  • Rosagemma Ciliberti
Combination of signs in the codices of central Mexico: examples from sacrifice and dismemberment representations 2023 Ancient Mesoamerica 34 (1): 85-103
  • Danièle Dehouve
*H6/KE [ANCIENT-] 0956-5361
Forensic anthropological discriminant for sexual dimorphism using skull and mandibles form a Nigerian population 2023 Human evolution 38 (1-2): 79-95
  • A.A. Akinlolu
  • G.E. Ebito
  • H. Jimoh
H6/HB [HUMAN-] 0393-9375
Yves Coppens, evolution and Mozart 2023 Human evolution 38 (1-2): 97-120
  • P.F. Puech
H6/HB [HUMAN-] 0393-9375
Delayed closure of the anterior fontanelle in Iron Age children from Zaghunluq, northwestern China 2023 Anthropologischer Anzeiger 80 (4): 471-80
  • Bo Wang
  • Cheng Zhou
  • Haijun Li
  • Hailong Zhang
  • Jiayu Guo
  • Qian Wang
  • Qiong Song
  • Shuangfan Hao
  • Xiaoyong Xiao
Sushruta and Alcmaeon: a comparative analysis on the originators of neuroscience 2023 Human evolution 38 (3-4): 211-20
  • A. Saniotis
H6/HB [HUMAN-] 0393-9375
Shape and size changes in the human skull: the effect of dietary transitions 2022 Runa: archivo para la ciencias del hombre 43 (2): 87-116
  • Carolina Paschetta
Crania Patagónica. A material approach to anthropological studies in Argentina 2022 Runa: archivo para la ciencias del hombre 43 (3): 219-40
  • Marina L. Sardi
How 3D printing and physical reconstruction of a skull helped in a complex pathological case 2022 Anthropologischer Anzeiger 79 (1): 83-94
  • Alberte Aspaas Lundquist
  • Chiara Villa
  • Marie Louise Jørkov
  • Niels Dyrgaard Jensen
  • Niels Lynnerup
Condylus tertius: a review of a neglected developmental condition 2022 Anthropologischer Anzeiger 79 (1): 95-100
  • Ana González-Ruiz
  • Ana Luisa Santos
An innovative procedure for cranial reconstruction as an aid for human identification 2022 Archivio per l'antropologia e la etnologia 152 (): 33-45
  • Matteo Borrini
  • Piero Mannucci
  • Satu Valoriani
H6 [ARCHIVIO-] 0373-3009
Gli archivi digitali e l'antropologia virtuale. Ricostruzione 3D di un cranio umano mediante la moderna tecnica della fotogrammetria 2022 Archivio per l'antropologia e la etnologia 152 (): 117-30
  • Gabriele Lauria
  • Salvatore Ficarra
H6 [ARCHIVIO-] 0373-3009
Case study of a rare occipital osteoma related to cranial trauma 2022 Anthropologischer Anzeiger 79 (3): 301-13
  • Elizabeth Weiss
  • Gary M. Heathcote
Osteometric reassociation of commingled human remains from a modern Greek sample using bone elements of the craniovertebral junction 2022 Anthropologischer Anzeiger 79 (4): 399-409
  • Ioanna Anastopoulou
  • Konstantinos Moraitis
  • Vasiliki Louka
Sex estimation from dimensions of the base of the skull in Black South Africans 2022 Anthropologischer Anzeiger 79 (4): 411-21
  • Abdallah Abdallah
  • Brendon K. Billings
  • Desiré Brits
  • Manisha R. Dayal
  • Mubarak A. Bidmos
  • Muhammad A. Spocter
Gli archivi digitali e l'antropologia virtuale. Ricostruzione 3D di un cranio umano mediante la moderna tecnica della fotogrammetria 2022 Archivio per l'antropologia e la etnologia 152 (): 117-30
  • Gabriele Lauria
  • Salvatore Ficarra
H6 [ARCHIVIO-] 0373-3009
Facial reconstruction of an early Bronze age woman from Balatonkeresztúr (western Hungary) 2022 Antaeus 38 (): 13-32
  • Ágnes Kustár
  • Anna Szécsényi-Nagy
  • Balázs Gusztáv Mende
  • Dániel Gerber
  • Kitti Köhler
  • Szilvia Fábián
  • Viktória Kiss
H6/KE [MAGYAR TUDOMANYOS AKADEMIA. Regeszeti Intezet.Kozlemenyei-] 0238-0218
Drivers of endocranial shape variation in human evolution: an overview from general factors to the specific role of cranial vault thickness 2022 Annales de la Fondation Fyssen (37): 226-45
  • Selim Natahi
*H6 [ANNALES-] 0980-157X
Intentional modifications of the skull. First record of cranial perforation in northeast Argentina 2021 Chungará 53 (4): 633-46
  • Clara Scabuzzo
  • María Augustina Ramos van Raap
H6/KUL [CHUNGARA-] 0716-1182
Palaeopathological investigations of cremated human remains - Methodological and comparative study on the example of traces of pathological conditions in the skull 2021 Anthropologischer Anzeiger 78 (1-2): 59-81
  • Jan Nováček
  • Michael Schultz
Morphometric analysis of the petrous bone - A preliminary study of intra-and inter-observer variation of basic measurements 2021 Anthropologischer Anzeiger 78 (1-2): 103-13
  • Arne-Jörn Lemke
  • Swantje Krause
Growth and development in the Prehispanic population of Pucará de Tilcara: biological and cultural factors 2021 Boletín de antropología (Antioquia) 36 (61): 33-57
  • Héctor Hugo Varela
  • Maria Laura Fuchs
  • Silvia Graciela Valdano
H6/KUL [BOLETIN-] 0120-2510
Skull reconstruction of the late Miocene ape Rudapithecus hungaricus from Rudabánya, Hungary 2020 Journal of human evolution 138 (): 1-12
  • Adeline Le Cabec
  • David Begun
  • Jean-Jacques Hublin
  • Ottmar Kullmer
  • Philipp Gunz
  • Simon Neubauer
  • Stefano Benazzi
  • Stephanie Kozakowski
H6/HB [JOURNAL-] 0047-2484
Ancestry estimation using image analysis of orbital shapes from Thai and Japanese skulls 2020 Anthropological Science 128 (1): 19-26
  • Natthamon Pureepatpong Kongkasuriyachai
  • Pasuk Mahakkanukrahu
  • Patison Palee
  • Sukon Prasittwattnaseree
H6/KWV [ZINRUIGAKU-] 0918-7960
Three cases of crania with sharp-force traumas excavated at the Japanese castle sites 2020 Bulletin of the National Museum of Nature and Science: Series D anthropology 46 (): 1-11
  • Kazuhiro Sakaue
H6/HB [TOKYO-] 1881-9087
Depressed skull fracture at Pacopampa in the Peru's northern highlands in the Late Cajamarca period 2020 Anthropological Science 128 (2): 83-7
  • Daniel Morales Chocano
  • Mauro Ordoñez Livia
  • Tomohito Nagaoka
  • Yuji Seki
H6/KWV [ZINRUIGAKU-] 0918-7960
Biologia humana: el hombre peruano 2020 Boletín de Lima 42 (200): 69-102
  • Roger Ravines
*H6/KE [BOLETIN-] 0253-0015
El indice cefalico y la deformacion craneana en restos humanos de la costa centeal del Peru 2020 Boletín de Lima 42 (200): 103-26
  • Judith Vivar Anaya
*H6/KE [BOLETIN-] 0253-0015
Blunt force trauma: an exceptional example of an ancient Egyptian mummy head 2020 Anthropologischer Anzeiger 77 (1): 75-82
  • Burkhard Madea
  • Michel Polfer
  • Ronny Friedrich
  • Sonja Janssen
  • Stephanie Panzer
  • Stephanie Zesch
  • Susanne Lindauer
  • Tanja Pommerening
  • Thomas Henzler
  • Wilfried Rosendahl
Data mining for peculiarities in the configuration of neurocranium when the metopic suture persists 2020 Anthropologischer Anzeiger 77 (2): 89-107
  • Diana Toneva
  • Gennady Agre
  • Nikolai Lazarov
  • Silviya Nikolova
'What and how should we share?' An inter-method inter-observer comparison of measurement error with landmark-based craniometric datasets 2020 Anthropologischer Anzeiger 77 (2): 109-20
  • Andreas Bertsatos
  • Christina Papageorgopoulou
  • Elissavet Gkaniatsou
  • Maria-Eleni Chovalopoulou
Forensic utility of cranial measurements in stature reconstruction in South Africans of European descent 2020 Anthropologischer Anzeiger 77 (3): 225-33
  • Abduljalil Adetola Adebesin
  • Mubarak A. Bidmos
Making skull cups: butchering traces on cannibalised human skulls from five European archaeological sites 2020 Journal of archaeological science 114 (): 1-13
  • Antonio Rodríguez-Hidalgo
  • Francesc Marginedas
  • Isabel Cáceres
  • Maria Soto
  • Palmira Saladie
  • Rosa Huguet
  • Silvia M. Bello
H6/KE [JOURNAL-] 0305-4403
Estimating adult age: cranial suture closure 2020 Anthropologica et praehistorica (129): 127-39
  • François Beauthier
  • Jean-Pol Beauthier
  • Philippe Lefèvre
H6 [SOCIETE-] 1377-5723
Ein ägyptischer Junge aus Südamerika 2020 Mitteilungen der Berliner Gesellschaft für Anthropologie, Ethnologie und Urgeschichte 41 (): 107-18
  • Alexander Stoessel
  • Barbara Teßmann
  • Raffaela A. Bianco
H6 [BERLINER-] 0178-7896
Schlecht dokumentiert: so gut wie verloren? Provenienzrecherche und Aufarbeitung zu einer Altgrabung in Alsheim 2020 Mitteilungen der Berliner Gesellschaft für Anthropologie, Ethnologie und Urgeschichte 41 (): 129-45
  • Renée Hämmerling
H6 [BERLINER-] 0178-7896
Anthropologische und taphonomische Analysen zur Befundrekonstruktion der frühmittelalterlichen Alsheim-Schädel in der Berliner Rudolf-Virchow-Sammlung 2020 Mitteilungen der Berliner Gesellschaft für Anthropologie, Ethnologie und Urgeschichte 41 (): 147-59
  • Dominik Göldner
H6 [BERLINER-] 0178-7896
'Raptus Sabinae?' complemented: molecular genetic studies on a female calvarium of the Bandkeramik settlement of Rovantsi in Volhynia 2020 Sprawozdania archeologiczne 72 (2): 201-11
  • Janine Mazanec
  • Susanne Hummel
  • Thomas Saile
H6/KE [SPRAWOZDANIA-] 0081-3834
Złota culture grave from Kleczanów, Sandomierz district, Świętokrzyskie Voivodeship 2020 Sprawozdania archeologiczne 72 (2): 285-306
  • Marek Florek
  • Monika Bajka
H6/KE [SPRAWOZDANIA-] 0081-3834
Anthropological study of the [antique] skull from the port of Monaco 2019-2020 Bulletin du Musée d'Anthropologie préhistorique de Monaco (59): 135-9
  • Elena Rossoni-Notter
  • Émilie Perez
  • Luc Buchet
  • Olivier Notter
  • Paul Bailet
H6/KE [MONACO. Musee d'Anthropologie Prehistorique. Bulletin] 0544-7631
Brain size and organization in the Middle Pleistocene hominins from Sima de los Huesos. Inferences from endocranial variation 2019 Journal of human evolution 129 (): 67-90
  • Aida Gómez-Robles
  • Eva María Poza-Rey
  • Juan Luis Arsuaga
H6/HB [JOURNAL-] 0047-2484
Homo naledi cranial remains from the Lesedi chamber of the rising star cave system, South Africa 2019 Journal of human evolution 132 (): 10-14
  • Darryl J. de Ruiter
  • John Hawks
  • Juliet Brophy
  • Lee R. Berger
  • Marina Elliott
  • Myra F. Laird
  • Peter Schmid
H6/HB [JOURNAL-] 0047-2484
New data for the knowledge of the Second Iron Age in Cantabrian territory: the valley of the hillfort of Las Rabas (Cervatos, Cantabria) 2019 Munibe 70 (): 1-31
  • Emilio Pérez Pujol
  • Pedro Ángel Fernández Vega
  • Rafael Bolado del Castillo
  • Silvia Carnicero
H6/KE [MUNIBE-] 1132-2217
Somewhere beyond the sea: human cranial remains from the Lesser Sunda Islands (Alor Island, Indonesia) provide insights on late Pleistocene peopling of Island Southeast Asia 2019 Journal of human evolution 134 (): 42-57
  • Mahirta
  • Danielle Questiaux
  • David Bulbeck
  • Felicity Gilber
  • Gilbert J. Price
  • Julien Louys
  • Lee Arnold
  • Nigel Spooner
  • Rachel Wood
  • Sofia C. Samper Carro
  • Sue O'Connor
H6/HB [JOURNAL-] 0047-2484
The skull of StW 573, a 3 67 Ma Australopithecus prometheus skeleton from Sterkfontein caves, South Africa 2019 Journal of human evolution 134 (): 58-92
  • Kathleen Kuman
  • Ronald J. Clarke
H6/HB [JOURNAL-] 0047-2484
Temporal bone pneumatization: the case of Australopithecus sediba and its implications for the definition of the genus Homo 2019 Journal of human evolution 133 (): 108-13
  • Antoine Balzeau
H6/HB [JOURNAL-] 0047-2484
Vestiges of autopsies and surgical procedures in the 'Baron von Asch' skulls of the Blumenbach Skull Collection in Göttingen 2019 Anthropologischer Anzeiger 76 (3): 259-73
  • Katharina Stötzel
  • Kristina Scheelen-Nováček
  • Michael Schultz