Anthropological Index Online

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TitleDateReferenceAuthorsCall #ISSN
Between expulsion and networks: memories of migrant working girls in Ecuador 2024 Alteridades (68): 101-11
  • Cristina Vera
H6/KF [ALTERIDADES-] 0188-7017
“This time changed my life”: discourses and experiences of domestic workers during the pandemic in Granada and Zaragoza, Spain 2023 Antipoda: revista de antropología y arqueología (51): 77-101
  • Ana Lucía Hernández Cordero
  • Jesús Martínez Sevilla
  • María del Pilar Tudela-Vázquez
H6/KUL [REVISTA-] 0124-485X
Intersectional violence matrix: experiences and trajectories of Latin American women in Barcelona 2023 Antipoda: revista de antropología y arqueología (51): 187-212
  • Macarena Trujillo-Cristoffanini
  • Paola Contreras Hernández
H6/KUL [REVISTA-] 0124-485X
Coming out of employers’ homes: migration, domestic work and health claims 2022 Medical anthropology 41 (3): 342-58
  • Sajida Zareen Ally
H6/KGT [MEDICAL-] 1545-5882
Bodies of revolt: consuming and serving in Anne Moody’s Coming of Age in Mississippi 2022 Food Culture and Society 25 (3): 414-29
  • Meredith Kelling
H6/KF [FOOD-] 1751-7443
Livelihoods, dreams, and realities: experiences of Ethiopian domestic workers returned from host countries 2022 African study monographs 42 (): 77-96
  • Getaneh Mehari
  • Morie Kaneko
H6/KY [AFRICAN-] 0285-1601
Food contact zones and kitchen politics: migrant domestic helpers in Hong Kong 2021 Asian anthropology 20 (1): 47-60
  • Yuk Wah Chan
H6/KW [ASIAN-] 1683-478X
Accommodation and resistance: the housing of Cape Town's enslaved and freed population before and after emancipation 2021 Journal of southern African studies 47 (3): 417-35
  • Lisa-Cheree Martin
  • Robert Ross
H6/KY [JOURNAL-] 1465-3893
Activism for migrant domestic workers in South Africa: tensions in the framing of labour rights 2021 Journal of southern African studies 47 (4): 663-81
  • Kudakwashe Vanyoro
H6/KY [JOURNAL-] 1465-3893
Resistance to chronic violence in informal workplaces: the strategies of domestic workers in Brazil (2003-2018) 2021 Bulletin of Latin American research 40 (3): 385-400
  • Jean François Mayer
*H6/KUL [BULLETIN-] 0261-3050
"The kitchen of the slave and fame for her mistress". Ritual exchanges and paradoxes of slavery in Tetouan 2021 Disparidades: revista de antropologia 76 (1): 1-16
  • Josep Lluís Mateo Dieste
H6/KVE [REVISTA-] 2659-6881
Perverse economies of intimate and personal labour: resuming domestic work in households after lockdown 2021 Anthropology in action 28 (1): 39-46
  • Pooja Satyogi
H6/KF [BASAPP-] 0967-201X
Beyond the 'all seeing eye': Filipino migrant domestic workers' contestation of care and control in Hong Kong 2020 Ethnos 85 (2): 276-92
  • Ma Rosalyn Mesina
  • Maggy Lee
  • Mark Johnson
  • Michael McCahill
H6 [ETHNOS-] 0014-1844
Mapuche women in the diaspora and the return to the Wallmapu: between colonial spoliation and micro-resistance identity 2020 Chungara 52 (2): 347-60
  • Alicia Rain Rain
  • Enrico Mora Malo
  • Margot Pujal i Llombart
H6/KUL [CHUNGARA-] 0716-1182
Everyday multiculturalism in union: power construction in migrant domestic workers’ unionism 2020 Ethnic and racial studies 43 (5): 854-72
  • Raees Begum Baig
*H6/KE [JOURNAL-] 1466-4356
Female employers and their maids in New Delhi: 'this is our culture' 2020 South Asia research 40 (2): 282-98
  • A.S. Sandhya
  • Chudamani Basner
H6/KWL [SOUTH-] 0262-7280
An issue of social reproduction. Domestic service from the workers’ point of view in the south-western coast of Mauritius 2020 Anthropologie et sociétés 44 (3): 207-26
  • Colette Le Petitcorps
H6 [ANTHROPOLOGIE-] 0702-8997
Translating people and policy: the role of maid agents in brokering between employers and migrant domestic workers in Singapore's migration industry 2020 International migration review 54 (4): 992-1015
  • Brenda S. A. Yeoh
  • Charmian Goh
  • Kellynn Wee
H6/KD [INTERNATIONAL-] 0197-9183
Continuing mobility: the case of the housemaids from the Tuzluk region 2020 Bulgarska etnologiia 46 (2): 210-25
  • Niia Spasova
  • Petko KHristov
H6/KVR [BULGARSKA-] 1310-5213
Intimate economy of vulnerability: transactional relationships between western expatriates and Southeast Asian domestic workers in Hong Kong's Wanchai 2019 Research in economic anthropology 38 (): 153-74
  • Lai Y. Wo
H6/KF [RESEARCH-] 0190-1281
The digital gift and aspirational mobility 2019 International journal of cultural studies 22 (6): 754-69
  • Saskia Witteborn
H6/KF [INTERNATIONAL-] 1367-8779
Testing the limits of colonial parenting: Navajo domestic workers, the Intermountain Indian School, and the Urban Relocation Program, 1950–1962 2019 Ethnohistory 66 (3): 565-92
  • Colleen O'Neill
H6/KUB [ETHNOHISTORY-] 0014-1801
Service and solidarity: domestic workers, informal organising and the limits of unionisation in Zambia 2019 Journal of southern African studies 45 (1): 31-47
  • Sacha Hepburn
H6/KY [JOURNAL-] 0305-7070
The birth and "death" of a Siby: life of a Hadrami immigrant in Kuwait 2019 Journal of anthropological research 75 (2): 183-205
  • Abdullah M. Alajmi
H6 [SOUTHWESTERN-] 0091-7710
'Sovereign parenting' in affluent Latin American neighbourhoods: race and the politics of childcare in Ipanema (Brazil) and El Condado (Puerto Rico) 2019 Journal of Latin American studies 51 (3): 639-63
  • Ana Y. Ramos-Zayas
*H6/KUL [JOURNAL-] 0022-216X
"Always wear a smile on your face!": Emboying domestic labor in Philippine migration training centers 2019 Journal des anthropologues 158-159 (): 51-77
  • Julien Debonneville
H6/KF [ASSOCIATION-] 1156-0428
The archaeology of a kitchen and servants' quarters in Maori Hill, Dunedin 2019 Archaeology in New Zealand 62 (4): 17-31
  • Jeremy Moyle
H6/KE [NEW-] 0113-7832
A 'minority' on the move: boundary work among Filipina Muslim migrant domestic workers in the Middle East 2019 The Asia Pacific journal of anthropology 20 (4): 344-61
  • Julien Debonneville
H6 [CANBERRA-] 1444-2213
When workers toil unseen, artists intervene: on the in/visibility of labor in the Arabian gulf states 2019 Visual anthropology 32 (3-4): 265-86
  • Melanie J. Sindelar
*H6 [VISUAL-] 0894-9468
Financial crisis and migrant domestic workers in Spain: employment opportunities and conditions during the Great Recession 2019 International migration review 53 (4): 1209-29
  • Immaculada Serrano
  • Zenia Hellgren
H6/KD [INTERNATIONAL-] 0197-9183
Serial labor migration: precarity and itinerancy among Filipino and Indonesian domestic workers 2019 International migration review 53 (4): 1230-58
  • Carolyn Areum Choi
  • Maria Cecilia Hwang
  • Rachel Silvey
  • Rhacel Salazar Parreñas
H6/KD [INTERNATIONAL-] 0197-9183
Mobilités, altérités et imaginaires migratoires: regards croisés sur les migrations des travailleuses domestiques philippines 2019 Civilisations 68 (): 163-81
  • Julien Debonneville
H6 [CIVILISATIONS-] 0009-8140
'You are the music while the music lasts': Kwame Tua between the Asante and the British 2018 Africa 88 (2): 205-21
  • Tom McCaskie
H6/KY [AFRICA-] 0001-9720
Stuck behind kitchen doors? Assessing the work prospects of latter-generation Latino workers in a Los Angeles restaurant 2018 Ethnic and racial studies 41 (1-2): 210-28
  • Eli R. Wilson
H6/KD [ETHNIC-] 0141-9870
About public and private spaces in Pelotas/RS' domestic work 2018 Habitus: revista do Instituto Goiano de Pre-Historia e Antropologia 16 (2): 309-26
  • Letícia Nörberg Maciel
  • Liza Bihalva
  • Marta Bonow Rodrigues
'Is lying a coolie's religion?' The household Sammys and Marys of colonial Natal, 1880-1920 2018 African studies 77 (4): 481-503
  • Prinisha Badassy
H6/KY [BANTU-] 0002-0184
Defining Islamic modernity through creative writing: a case study of Indonesian domestic workers in Hong Kong 2018 Culture and religion 19 (4): 471-90
  • Pratiwi Retnaningdyah
H6/KFO [SCOTTISH-] 1475-5610
Entre el trabajo libre y forzado: los yanaconas rurales de Charcas (Bolivia) en el siglo XVII 2018 Colonial Latin American review 27 (3): 355-73
  • Raquel Gil Montero
*H6/KUL [COLONIAL-] 1466-1802
Unveiling the veiled: royal consorts, slaves and prostitutes in the Qajar photographs. An exhibition at the McCune Library, UC Santa Barbara 2017-2018/2019 Anthropology of the contemporary Middle East and Central Eurasia 5-6 (): 287-302
  • Manoutchehr M. Eskandari-Qajar
  • Pedram Khosronejad
H6/KW [ANTHROPOLOGY-] 2211-5722
Running away from the palace: Chinese eunuchs during the Qing dynasty 2017 Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society (Series 3) 27 (1): 143-64
  • Melissa A. Dale
H6/KW [ROYAL-] 1356-1863
Indian slaves from Guiana in seventeenth-century Barbados 2017 Ethnohistory 64 (1): 65-90
  • Carolyn Arena
H6/KUB [ETHNOHISTORY-] 0014-1801
Contesting "white slavery" in the Caribbean. Enslaved African and European indentured servants in seventeenth-century Barbados 2017 New West Indian guide 91 (1-2): 30-55
  • Jerome S. Handler
  • Matthew C. Reilly
H6/KUL [NWIG-] 0028-9930
Exploring the blurring boundaries between domestic work and servitude 2017 Anthropologie et sociétés 41 (1): 107-27
  • Bethany Hastie
H6 [ANTHROPOLOGIE-] 0702-8997
To serve in a (post)colonial city: between unfree labour and resistances from the bottom in Morocco 2017 Anthropologie et sociétés 41 (1): 129-45
  • Nasima Moujoud
H6 [ANTHROPOLOGIE-] 0702-8997
'Mi have to work': 'child' domestic workers in Jamaica, 1920-1970 2017 Anthropologie et sociétés 41 (1): 147-77
  • Michele A. Johnson
H6 [ANTHROPOLOGIE-] 0702-8997
The invisibility of Haitian domestic workers 2017 Journal des anthropologues (150-151): 85-105
  • Rese-Myrlie Joseph
H6/KF [ASSOCIATION-] 1156-0428
The struggle of domestic workers in Brazil: racism, sexism, and class inequality 2017 Journal des anthropologues (150-151): 159-80
  • Valeria Ribeiro-Corossacz
H6/KF [ASSOCIATION-] 1156-0428
The shifting boundaries of (un)documentedness: a gendered understanding of migrants' employment-based legalization pathways in Italy 2017 Ethnic and racial studies 40 (10): 1643-62
  • Paola Bonizzoni
H6/KD [ETHNIC-] 0141-9870
Parodying the hysteric as a form of empowerment in Mary Sibande's exhibition The purple shall govern 2017 Textile: the journal of cloth and culture 15 (4): 428-41
  • Leora Farber
H6/KGG [TEXTILE-] 1475-9756
Affects, economy and politics in the economic practices of Peruvian migrant women in Buenos Aires 2017 Etnografías Contemporáneas 3 (5): 64-91
  • Emilia Rossi
  • Santiago Canevaro