Anthropological Index Online

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TitleDateReferenceAuthorsCall #ISSN
Âges d’homme, hommages. Autour de Jean Jamin 2024 Gradhiva: revue de anthropology et museologie (37): 10-28
  • Éric Jolly
  • Julien Bondaz
  • Marianne Lemaire
  • Michèle Coquet
  • Vincent Debaene
H6 [GRADHIVA-] 0764-8928
Entretien avec Françoise Zonabend 2024 Gradhiva: revue de anthropology et museologie (37): 132-9
  • Françoise Zonabend
  • Marianne Lemaire interv
H6 [GRADHIVA-] 0764-8928
Inuksiutiit and the emergence of Inuit Studies in Canada 2024 The northern review (55): 97-120
  • Louis-Jacques Dorais
*H6/KUB [NORTHERN-] 0835-3433
Natural resource development and well-being in Inuit Nunangat: a scoping review 2023 The northern review (54): 1-30
  • Andy Papadopoulos
  • Ashlee Cunsolo
  • Matthew Pike
  • Sherilee Harper
*H6/KUB [NORTHERN-] 0835-3433
Emerging from the shadows of the COVID-19 pandemic and building back better: Tourist Studies and Asian critical tourism scholarship 2023 Tourist studies 23 (1): 3-7
  • Chin-Ee Ong
  • Susan Frohlick
H6/KD [TOURIST-] 1468-7976
Women in Antiquity: an analysis of gender and publishing in a global archaeology journal 2023 Journal of field archaeology 48 (2): 87-101
  • Emily Hanscam
  • Robert Witcher
*H6/KE [JOURNAL-] 2042-4582
A void in Central Asia research: climate change 2023 Central Asian survey 42 (1): 1-20
  • Anne Sophie Daloz
  • Haakon Fossum Sagbakken
  • Indra Overland
  • Karina Standal
  • Roman Vakulchuk
*H6/KW [CENTRAL-] 0263-4937
The state we're in: critical questions in migrantion scholarship? 2023 Ethnic and racial studies 46 (8): 1620-30
  • Paul Statham
H6/KD [ETHNIC-] 1466-4356
Contested concepts in a predominantly anglophone publication market 2023 Ethnic and racial studies 46 (8): 1664-8
  • Dirk Jacobs
H6/KD [ETHNIC-] 1466-4356
Public itineraries of a secret archive. Figurations, uses and experiences of the DIPPBA archive in Recent History 2023 Runa: archivo para la ciencias del hombre 44 (2): 191-214
  • Alex Colman
The gender citation gap: why and how it matters 2023 Canadian review of sociology and anthropology 60 (2): 188-211
  • Cary Wu
H6/KUB [CANADIAN-] 1755-6171
Topic modeling as an evaluation basis in literature research - A proposal for a new literature review method for machine-assisted source evaluation using the example of anthropology 2023 Anthropologischer Anzeiger 80 (2): 119-34
  • Alexander Maximilian Lutz
  • Regina Lutz
La Revista Colombiana de Antropología cumple 70 años 2023 Revista colombiana de antropología 59 (3): 9-16
  • Juana Camacho
H6/KUL [REVISTA-] 0486-6525
Gender, institutional inequality, and institutional diversity in archaeology articles in major journals and Sapiens 2023 American antiquity 88 (3): 326-43
  • Dorian Record
  • James Johnson
  • Marcus Rodriguez
  • Scott R. Hutson
  • Sophia Price
  • Taylor Snow
  • Tera Stocking
*H6/KE [AMERICAN-] 0002-7316
El trigésimo aniversario de la Colonial Latin American Review: algunas reflexiones 2023 Colonial Latin American review 32 (2): 277-88
  • Ana María Presta
*H6/KUL [COLONIAL-] 1466-1802
Decolonizing Middle East anthropology: toward liberations in SWANA societies 2023 American ethnologist 50 (3): 396-408
  • Amahl Bishara
H6 [AMERICAN-] 0094-0496
Lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and or queer patient experiences in Canadian primary care and emergency departments: a literature review 2023 Culture, health & sexuality 25 (12): 1707-24
  • Aisha Nathoo
  • David Messenger
  • Jenn Campbell
  • Melanie Walker
  • Sidonie Chard
  • Susan A. Bartels
H6/KGT [CULTURE-] 1464-5351
A way with words: Nawab Siddiq Hasan Khan (1832-1890) and the unexpected power of print 2023 Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society (Series 3) 33 (4): 949-69
  • Barbara Metcalf
H6/KW [ROYAL-] 1356-1863
Ethics, bioarchaeology, and scientific publishing 2022 Runa: archivo para la ciencias del hombre 43 (2): 245-63
  • Charlotte A. Roberts
  • Kirsty Squires
  • Marina Laura Sardi
  • Nicholas Márquez-Grant
Presentación 2022 Runa: archivo para la ciencias del hombre 43 (3): 7-12
  • Eugenia Morey
  • Mabel A. Grimberg
Entre fantasmas y refundaciones. Introducción al dossier número aniversario “Setenta años de la revista Runa. Archivo para las Ciencias del Hombre” 2022 Runa: archivo para la ciencias del hombre 43 (3): 13-43
  • Ana Cecilia Gerrard
  • Mariela Eva Rodríguez
Runa: a (quite) authorized biography 2022 Runa: archivo para la ciencias del hombre 43 (3): 45-83
  • Rosana Guber
Name, archive and conservative Americanism in the foreword of the first issue of Runa 2022 Runa: archivo para la ciencias del hombre 43 (3): 85-98
  • Carlos Masotta
“Una gran revista mundial”. Runa and the practices of inter-nationalization of Argentine anthropology during Peronist nationalism (1948-1955) 2022 Runa: archivo para la ciencias del hombre 43 (3): 99-140
  • Axel Lazzari
Illustrious dead ... or not so much? Reflections on the dialogue with uncomfortable archives, banished practices and questionable attitudes of our disciplinary ancestors 2022 Runa: archivo para la ciencias del hombre 43 (3): 157-84
  • Sandra Tolosa
Marcelo Bórmida as seen through his publications in the journal Runa 2022 Runa: archivo para la ciencias del hombre 43 (3): 141-55
  • Rolando Silla
Spirit over matter. The writings of Manuel Jesús Molina in the margins of Runa 2022 Runa: archivo para la ciencias del hombre 43 (3): 185-218
  • Celina San Martín
A new stage of Runa. Formal and thematic changes in the journal during the management of Ana María Lorandi after the return of the democracy in Argentina (1984-1990) 2022 Runa: archivo para la ciencias del hombre 43 (3): 255-75
  • Alejandra Ramos
  • Carlos Chiappe
Inhabiting the borders of peripheral anthropologies and archaeologies in Argentina 2022 Runa: archivo para la ciencias del hombre 43 (3): 291-306
  • Diego Einar Heredia
  • Ivana Carina Jofre Jofre
Notes on the irruption of social anthropology at the University of Buenos Aires 2022 Runa: archivo para la ciencias del hombre 43 (3): 277-90
  • Fernando Alberto Balbi
Archaeology through Runa and vice versa (1948-2019) 2022 Runa: archivo para la ciencias del hombre 43 (3): 307-33
  • Analía García
  • Javier Hernán Nastri
  • Sofía Gandini
  • Violeta Cantarelli
We, the others and power. Anthropology and dominant groups in Runa journal 2022 Runa: archivo para la ciencias del hombre 43 (3): 339-58
  • Cecilia Argañáraz
  • Sofía Ambrogi
Seventy years after the investigations of Oswald Menghin and Marcelo Bórmida in the caves of Tandilia: The beginning of the mirage 2022 Runa: archivo para la ciencias del hombre 43 (3): 431-48
  • Gustavo G. Politis
An interview with Sergio Visacovsky. One road, many roads. Institutions, publications and professionalization in Argentine Anthropology 2022 Runa: archivo para la ciencias del hombre 43 (3): 477-90
  • Diego Zenobi interv
  • Sergio Visacovsky
Challenges of a political-academic project in Patagonia. Interview with Claudia Briones in the context of the seventy years of the journal Runa 2022 Runa: archivo para la ciencias del hombre 43 (3): 491-500
  • Claudia N. Briones
  • Mariela Eva Rodríguez interv
A brief intergenerational dialogue. Interview with Juan Carlos Radovich by Laura Cardini 2022 Runa: archivo para la ciencias del hombre 43 (3): 559-69
  • Juan Carlos Radovich
  • Laura Cardini interv
An experienced ethnologist's thoughts on digitization, open access, and open data as new research assets 2022 Folklore 86 (): 187-92
  • Anders Gustavssons
H6/KF [FOLKLORE-] 1469-8315
JAA and archaeology: a forty year odyssey 2022 Journal of anthropological archaeology 66 (): 1-5
  • George R. Milner
  • John O'Shea
  • M. Anne Katzenberg
  • Meghan Howey
  • Robert Whallon
*H6/KE [JOURNAL-] 0278-4165
Why I write? In a climate against intellectual dissidence 2022 Current anthropology 63 (5): 570-600
  • Alpa Shah
H6 [CURRENT-] 1537-5382
Neighborhood and community effects in East and Southeast Asia: a systematic review and meta-analytical exploration of publication bias 2022 Asian journal of social science 50 (4): 237-49
  • Jaap Nieuwenhuis
H6/KW [ASIAN-] 1568-4849
Components of context: respecifying the role of context in migration research 2022 International migration review 56 (4): 992-1029
  • Francisco Lara-García
H6/KD [INTERNATIONAL-] 0197-9183
"Thinking with" when peer reviewing: introduction to the PoLAR Online emergent conversation on peer review 2022 Polar: political and legal anthropology review 45 (1): 112-18
  • Čarna Brković
H6/KF [APLA-] 1081-6976
Falling into the gaps, together: on peer review as intellectual accompaniment 2022 Polar: political and legal anthropology review 45 (1): 119-23
  • Madeleine Reeves
H6/KF [APLA-] 1081-6976
Dispirited away: the peer review process 2022 Polar: political and legal anthropology review 45 (1): 124-8
  • Dada Docot
H6/KF [APLA-] 1081-6976
For accountability 2022 Polar: political and legal anthropology review 45 (1): 129-32
  • Saida Hodžić
H6/KF [APLA-] 1081-6976
An American library in Rome: universality and frailty in missionary writing (1566-1725) 2022 Fronteras de la Historia 27 (2): 113-32
  • Amparo Fontaine Correa
  • Rafael Gaune Corradi
H6/KUL [FRONTERAS-] 0123-4676
The call of the Waka Kuaka: new directions for the Journal of the Polynesian Society 2022 Waka Kuaka: Journal of the Polynesian Society 131 (4): 347-54
  • Marama Muru-Lanning
  • Marcia Leenen-Young
  • Robert Pouwhare
H6/KX [POLYNESIAN-] 0032-4000
Gendered disruptions in academic publishing during COVID-19: uncovering invisible labor at an anthropology journal 2022 American ethnologist 49 (4): 595-609
  • Cheyanne Connell
  • Jelena Globović
  • Kathleen Inglis
H6 [AMERICAN-] 0094-0496
The gaming of citation and authorship in academic journals: a warning from medicine 2022 Social science information 61 (4): 437-80
  • Stuart Macdonald
H6/KF [SOCIAL-] 0539-0184
An Interview with Jason De León 2022 Etnološka tribina 45 (52): 238-49
  • Marijana Hameršak
H6/KVP [ETNOLOSKA-] 0351-1944