Anthropological Index Online

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TitleDateReferenceAuthorsCall #ISSN
New reflections on the origin and content of the solar year festivities in the Codex Borbonicus 2024 Estudios de cultura náhuatl 67 (): 15-52
  • Elena Mazzetto
H6/KUL [ESTUDIOS-] 0071-1675
Reflections on the ritual battles performed to honor the goddess Toci in the Ochpanitzli feast 2024 Estudios de cultura náhuatl 67 (): 85-120
  • Alejandro Díaz Barriga Cuevas
H6/KUL [ESTUDIOS-] 0071-1675
Home and journey in experiences of Eastern Orthodox divine liturgy 2024 Material religion 20 (2): 151-75
  • Ali Qadir
  • Tatiana Tiaynen-Qadir
H6/KFO [MATERIAL-] 1743-2200
Four Andean pastoral rituals 2024 Allpanchis 51 (93): 381-99
  • Carmen Escalante
  • Ricardo Valderrama
H6/KUL [ALLPANCHIS-] 0252-8835
Home-making among south Andean pastoralists 2024 Allpanchis 51 (93): 315-42
  • Axel E. Nielsen
H6/KUL [ALLPANCHIS-] 0252-8835
Images and bodies of the ñandú (Rhea americana) in the celebrations of the Qom people: landscape, hunting and feast in the South American Gran Chaco 2024 Allpanchis 51 (93): 203-48
  • Emilio Robledo
H6/KUL [ALLPANCHIS-] 0252-8835
Reflections on the irpado or animal wedding in highland Andean herding rituals 2024 Allpanchis 51 (93): 25-68
  • Julieta Elizaga Coulombié
H6/KUL [ALLPANCHIS-] 0252-8835
Summary vision on the symbology of the sacred mountains of the Andes 2024 Allpanchis 51 (93): 163-202
  • Sabino Arroyo
H6/KUL [ALLPANCHIS-] 0252-8835
Occasional commemorative rituals in Udmurt culture 2024 Journal of ethnology and folkloristics 18 (1): 72-94
  • Nikolai Anisimov
H6/KVT [JOURNAL-] 1736-6518
Metaphoric veiled image-schema of kinship organization in ceremonial space: a south Andean case 2024 Journal of anthropological archaeology 74 (): 1-20
  • Tom D. Dillehay
*H6/KE [JOURNAL-] 0278-4165
Ritual networks and the structure of moral communities in Classic Maya society 2024 Journal of anthropological archaeology 74 (): 1-16
  • Jessica Munson
  • Jonathan Scholnick
  • Matthew Looper
*H6/KE [JOURNAL-] 0278-4165
Gesturing politics: non-verbal communication in Ethiopian political culture 2024 International journal of African historical studies 57 (1): 61-81
  • Izabela Orlowska
*H6/KY [INTERNATIONAL-] 0361-7882
Tezozómoc and the world of the Tonalli 2024 Estudios de cultura náhuatl 68 (): 175-217
  • Marc Thouvenot
H6/KUL [ESTUDIOS-] 0071-1675
The Eads earthwork: implications for Hopewell ceremonialism 2023 North American archaeologist 44 (1): 43-58
  • Austin Clay Matthew Loukinas
  • Isabella L. Burton
  • Kenneth Barnett Tankersley
  • Paris Shea Bowers
  • Samantha Leigh Ward
  • Sean Chaney
  • Shahad Mohammed Albalushi
  • Shaima Saif Salim Alhabsi
  • Stephanie A. Meyers
*H6/KE [NORTH-] 0197-6931
From archaeological to sacred sites: Maya spirituality visibility enhancement and heritage re-signification processes in the Municipality of Tecpán, Guatemala 2023 Revista española de antropología americana 53 (1): 127-46
  • Mathieu Picas
H6/KUL [MADRID-] 0556-6533
Ritual, technology and power in a changing society: the experience of the E’ñepa people of Venezuela 2023 Revista española de antropología americana 53 (1): 183-97
  • Luis Alcalá Baillie
H6/KUL [MADRID-] 0556-6533
Kurangara in Queensland?: A critique of Duncan-Kemp’s account 2023 Oceania 93 (1): 41-56
  • David Nash
H6/KX [OCEANIA-] 0029-8077
Tinku, the Tata Wilacruz [warriors]: agricultural cycle and celebration of the cross in Macha, Potosí 2023 Alteridades (65): 47-59
  • Lidia Iris Rodríguez Rodríguez
H6/KF [ALTERIDADES-] 0188-7017
Die Sprache der Pauken. Marfa' und tasa als Instrumente der nonverbalen Kommunikation im jemenitischen Hochland 2023 Jemen-Report 54 (1-2): 84-9
  • Ulrike Stohrer
H6/KWH [JEMEN-] 0930-1488
Nhemongarai: ritual, gender and other fits among the Guarani 2023 Etnográfica: revista do Centro de Estudos de Antropologia Social 27 (2): 407-28
  • Ana Maria Ramo y Affonso
H6 [ETNOGRAFICA-] 0873-6561
Gift and ceremonial exchange among a frontier tribe of Arunachal Pradesh 2023 Journal of the Indian Anthropological Society 58 (1): 112-29
  • Tarun Mene
H6/KWL [INDIAN-] 0019-4387
The preslavery praxis and ethos of the religion of West African people 2023 Journal of religion in Africa 53 (2): 115-37
  • Kefas Lamak
H6/KFO [JOURNAL-] 0022-4200
The being of the sensible, haecceity of affects, and worlding among the Rukai of Taiwan 2023 Taiwan journal of anthropology 21 (1): 29-75
  • Weining Cheng
H6/KWS [TAIWAN-] 1727-1878
Centros ceremoniales monteses en el norte de Sinaloa: arqueología y etnohistoria 2023 Arqueología mexicana 30 (181): 29-33
  • Luis Alfonso Grave Tirado
*H6/KUL [ARQUEOLOGIA-] 0188-8218
El camino sagrado del sol: el pajko y los ejércitos rituales en el Río Mayo 2023 Arqueología mexicana 30 (181): 54-60
  • Fidel Camacho
*H6/KUL [ARQUEOLOGIA-] 0188-8218
Tonalidad rituales en el pajko de los mayos de Sonora 2023 Arqueología mexicana 30 (181): 61-4
  • Guillermo Mora Reguera
*H6/KUL [ARQUEOLOGIA-] 0188-8218
The Wehèa's shamanic healing and rites: an anxiety-reducing mechanism? 2023 Shaman 38 (1-2): 5-32
  • Antonio J. Guerreiro
*H6/KFO [SHAMAN-] 1216-7827
Flower skirts and associated textiles of the Tai Muang of Nghe An province, Vietnam 2023 Textiles Asia 15 (2): 28-39
  • Russell Howard
H1/KGG [TEXTILES ASIA. Newsletter-] 2225-0190
Folk groups and Genna among the Ao Nagas of North-East India: silent values and functioning 2023 South Asian anthropologist 23 (1): 43-9
  • Rongsenzulu Jamir
H6/KW [SOUTH-] 0257-7348
The life and death of homes at Noh K'uh: the cosmological ceremonies of Late Preclassic corporate Maya households 2023 Ancient Mesoamerica 34 (3): 670-89
  • Santiago Juarez
*H6/KE [ANCIENT-] 0956-5361
Bunad til konfirmasjonen. Mening, symbol, bruk 2023 Tidsskrift for kulturforskning 22 (1): 23-41
  • Hege Stormark
H6/KVT [TIDSSKRIFT-] 1502-7473
Inn i vårt mørke hus. Om da luciaopptog kom til Norge 2023 Tidsskrift for kulturforskning 22 (2): 5-22
  • Ida Tolgensbakk
H6/KVT [TIDSSKRIFT-] 1502-7473
Ethnic culture of Slovenes in the personal archival fund of Izmail Ivanovich Sreznevskiĭ (based on materials from 1841) 2023 Etnolog (New Series) 33 (): 105-23
  • Marijam M. Kerimova
H6/KVP [ETNOLOG-] 0354-0316
Easter egg decoration in the eastern Slovene Hills, the town of Murska Sobota, and the Apache field 2023 Etnolog (New Series) 33 (): 169-73
  • Mateja Huber
H6/KVP [ETNOLOG-] 0354-0316
Contemporary parishara and hummingbird dances in the Rupununi Savannah, southwestern Guyana 2023 Archaeology and anthropology (Georgetown) 25 (): 98-141
  • Gerrard Pereira
*H6/KUL [ARCHAEOLOGY-] 0256-4353
Feathers, crosses, mirrors, and gourds. Embedding words and images in a Wixárika ritual chant 2023 Res 79-80 (): 65-80
  • Regina Lira Larios
*H6 [RES-] 0277-1322
Sticks as scripts. Literacy, celestial order, and ritual artifacts in Pawnee ceremonies 2023 Res 79-80 (): 99-113
  • Benjamin Valloy
*H6 [RES-] 0277-1322
The geometrization of maize and its landscape in Inca ceramic art 2023 Res 79-80 (): 161-82
  • Bat-Ami Artzi
*H6 [RES-] 0277-1322
Ariadne's thread: is the "small subject" still one? 2023 Journal des africanistes 93 (1-2): 63-85
  • Laurence Pourchez
H6/KY [SOCIETE-] 0399-0346
Ethnography of the medicines of the world: Les faiseurs de soins (care maker) at the heart of magico-religious rituals 2023 Bulletin du Musée d'Anthropologie préhistorique de Monaco (62): 67-72
  • Didier Vidal
H6/KE [MONACO. Musee d'Anthropologie Prehistorique. Bulletin] 0544-7631
The sonogram of misfortune and the matrimonial rite in Les Ensevelis by Georges de Peyrebrune 2023 Cahiers de litterature orale 93 (): 135-58
  • Sophie Ménard
H6/KF [CAHIERS-] 2266-1816
Turkeys befriend a girl: turkey husbandry, ceremonialism, and tales of resistance during the Pueblo Revolt era 2022 American antiquity 87 (1): 18-41
  • Lynda D. McNeil
*H6/KE [AMERICAN-] 0002-7316
Transmigrate between planes of existence. Disnesting the Mythologiques from Northwest Mexico 2022 Revista de antropología (São Paulo) 65 (1): 1-28
  • Alejandro Fujigaki
H6/KUL [REVISTA-] 0034-7701
Tata Liba ceremony for reconciliation and healing (Palu'e Island, Eastern Indonesia) 2022 Folklore (Tartu) 85 (): 75-94
  • Stefan Danerek
H6/KVT [FOLKLORE-] 1406-0949
Cures, rituals and taming with plants among the enslaved and freed in Rio de Janeiro between 1810s to 1850s 2022 Boletim do Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi ciências humanas 17 (1): 1-13
  • Tânia Salgado Pimenta
H6/KUL [BOLETIM-] 1981-8122
Power objects. On the transient nature of classifications, with examples from the Kwilu region in Congo-Brazzaville 2022 African arts 55 (2): 26-35
  • Dunja Hersak
H6/KFY [AFRICAN-] 0001-9933
A reconsideration of the history and iconology of Yorùbá equestrian figure through two Ifá verses and the Ojúde-Ọba Festival 2022 African arts 55 (2): 36-49
  • Abiodoun Aande
H6/KFY [AFRICAN-] 0001-9933
Nkwọ Onunu cultural heritage in Nsukka Igbo, Nigeria: a festival in honor of a Mother Goddess 2022 African arts 55 (2): 50-65
  • Martins N. Okoro
H6/KFY [AFRICAN-] 0001-9933
Unveiling a performance ritual in the Goeku: photo narratives, narrated photographs 2022 GIS - Gesto, Imagem, e Som: Revista de Antropologia 7 (1): 1-27
  • Alexsânder Nakaóka Elias
Contact between worlds: drawings produced during an ecumenical ritual with medicinal plants in the Arca of the Blue Mountain 2022 GIS - Gesto, Imagem, e Som: Revista de Antropologia 7 (1): 1-25
  • Frederico Romanoff do Vale