Anthropological Index Online

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TitleDateReferenceAuthorsCall #ISSN
Orgueil et gaspillage. Finance et tradition chez le top 90 % à Dakar 2023 Terrain (78): 112-33
  • Ismaël Moya
H6 [TERRAIN-] 0760-5668
Seeking an 'ideal place' in a Nuosu origin epic 2023 Journal of ethnology and folkloristics 17 (1): 83-100
  • Mark Bender
H6/KVT [JOURNAL-] 1736-6518
The influence of the "Song of Roland" on the legendary Albanian "Songs of the Frontier Warriors" 2023 Revista de etnografie şi folclor (NS) (1-2): 98-105
  • Muhamed Çitaku
H6/KVQ [REVISTA-] 0034-8198
The ear of the beholder: John Mackenzie of The Beauties 2022 Scottish studies 39 (): 80-178
  • Ronald Black
Between ancestors and bush spirits: the accommodation of gender in the initiation of the Do Bwaba and Seme of Burkina Faso 2021 L'Homme (239-240): 169-202
  • Anne Fournier
  • Camille Devineau
H6 [HOMME-] 0439-4216
Siueli'oe Pasifiki: jewel of the Pacific - a sung poetry of praise and rivalry 2021 Pacific studies 44 (1-2): 224-46
  • Kolokesa Uafā Mahina-Tuai
  • Sione Lavenita Vaka
  • 'Ōkusitino Māhina Hūfanga-He-Ako-Moe-Lotu
  • Adriana Māhanga Lear Pā'utu-'O-Vava'u-Lahi
  • Tēvita O. Ka'ili Maui-TāVā-He-Akó
*H6/KX [PACIFIC-] 0275-3596
Jhonel, une voix en lutte contre les inégalités 2020 Cahiers de litterature orale (): 25-35
  • Elara Bertho
  • Sandra Bornand
H6/KF [CAHIERS-] 2266-1816
The Azerbaijani Ashiq: musical change, transmission, and the future of a bardic art 2020 Journal of folklore research 57 (3): 1-26
  • Anna Oldfield
  • Behrang Nikaeen
H6/KF [INDIANA-] 0737-7037
Oral poets in conflict: Âşık Veysel and Dengbêj Reso on the rope 2019 Journal of folklore research 56 (1): 71-103
  • Metin Yüksle
H6/KF [INDIANA-] 0737-7037
What does the storyteller sing? On transcribing the epics of south Siberian Turks 2019 Folklore (Tartu) 75 (): 91-108
  • Dmitriy Funk
H6/KVT [FOLKLORE-] 1406-0957
El griot - juglar, trovador y cuenta historias 2019 Archivos 17 (): 93-104
  • Mario Corcuera Ibañez
H6/KUL [ARCHIVOS-] 1668-4737
Traditional Baul singers and their esoteric practices in Birbhum 2019 South Asian anthropologist 19 (2): 137-43
  • Sumahan Bandyopadhyay
H6/KW [SOUTH-] 0257-7348
Making pathways while walking and singing in Shimshal Valley, Pakistan 2019 The World of Music 8 (1): 87-104
  • Thibault Fontanari
H6/KFY [WORLD-] 0043-8774
'Lùlù fún wọn': oríkì in contemporary culture 2018 Ethnomusicology 62 (1): 83-103
  • Aaron Carter-Ényì
Spatial and temporal functions of a Homeric genealogy (Iliad, XX, 213-2141) 2018 Cahiers de litterature orale 84 (): 65-88
  • Carlamaria Lucci
H6/KF [CAHIERS-] 0396-891X
Forms and functions of genealogy in the oral and the written traditions of the Foûta-Djalon 2018 Cahiers de litterature orale 84 (): 65-88
  • Amadou Oury Diallo
H6/KF [CAHIERS-] 0396-891X
Textual migration in Ebenezer Obey's juju music 2018 African studies 77 (1): 67-86
  • Adebayo Mosobalaje
H6/KY [BANTU-] 0002-0184
With respect to Zulu: revisiting ukuHlomipha 2018 Anthropological quarterly 91 (1): 173-207
  • Judith Temkin Irvine
  • Liz Gunner
H6 [PRIMITIVE-] 0003-5491
Dancing the word: techniques of embodied authority among Christian praise dancers in New York City 2018 American ethnologist 45 (3): 380-91
  • Omri Elisha
H6 [AMERICAN-] 0094-0496
Where do songs come from? An attempt to explain some verses of regilaul 2017 Folklore (Tartu) 68 (): 115-30
  • Aado Lintrop
H6/KVT [FOLKLORE-] 1406-0957
Performing 'Lcalwa': a sacred and erotic journey in Morocco 2017 Ethnomusicology forum 26 (2): 151-70
  • Alessandra Ciucci
H6/KFYV [BRITISH-] 1741-1912
The roles of the Griot in the future of Mali: a twenty-first-century instutionalization of a thirteenth-century traditional institution 2017 African studies review 60 (1): 101-22
  • Barbara G. Hoffman
*H6/KY [AFRICAN-] 0002-0206
The poetics of wisdom divination: renewing the moral imagination 2017 Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute (New Series) 23 (1): 81-102
  • Richard Werbner
H6 [JOURNAL-] 1359-0987
Muses, inspiration, creation in Homeric poetry? 2017 Cahiers de litterature orale 81 (): 89-111
  • Sylvie Perceau
H6/KF [CAHIERS-] 0396-891X
Ecological and social wisdom in camel praise poetry sung by Afar nomads of Ethiopia 2016 Journal of ethnobiology 36 (2): 457-72
  • Mulubrhan Balehegn
*H6 [JOURNAL-] 0278-0771
Editor's introduction 2016 Anthropology and archeology of Eurasia 55 (1): 1-6
  • Marjorie Mandelstam Balzer
H6/KVY [ANTHROPOLOGY-] 1061-1959
Sounding and writing a Nepali public sphere: the music and language of Jhyāure 2015 Asian music 46 (1): 3-38
  • Anna Stirr
*H6/KFYV [ASIAN-] 0044-9202
Scrofolous Sogolon: scanning the Sunjata epic 2015 Tribal art 19 (2): 88-123
  • Anne-Marie Bouttiaux
  • Marc Ghysels
*H6/KFY [WORLD-] 1354-2990
The epic among the Fulbe of Massina. An ethnopoetic approach 2015 Cahiers d'études africaines 55 (1): 29-43
  • Christiane Seydou
H6/KY [CAHIERS-] 0008-0055
'It's in our blood': Mali's griots and musical enskilment 2015 Africa 85 (2): 356-64
  • Trevor H.J. Marchand
H6/KY [AFRICA-] 0001-9720
Dynamics of change and reconsruction of a collective representation: Bhopal's Pardhan community between the ancient recited memory and renovated ritual language 2015 Irish journal of anthropology 18 (2): 91-100
  • Monica Guidolin
H6/KVC [IRISH-] 1393-8592
“The one who knows the value of words”: the Aşiq of Azerbaijan 2015 Yearbook for traditional music 47 (): 116-40
  • Sanubar Baghirova
H6/KFYV [YEARBOOK-] 0740-1558
Telling the tale of Osei Bonsu: an essay on the making of Asante oral history 2014 Africa 84 (3): 353-70
  • Tom McCaskie
H6/KY [AFRICA-] 0001-9720
On the grammar of Senegalese drum language 2014 Language 90 (3): 644-68
  • Yoad Winter
H6/KK [LANGUAGE-] 0097-8507
From Casamance to Turin Lao Kouyate's modern travelling Griot. The creation of a space for discursive mobility 2014 Cahiers d'études africaines 54 (1-2): 475-98
  • Giulia Pizzolato
H6/KY [CAHIERS-] 0008-0055
The cultural and symbolic significance of the African rhinoceros: a review of the traditional beliefs, perceptions and practices of agropastoralist societies in southern Africa 2014 Southern African humanities 26 (): 21-55
  • Jan C.A. Boeyens
  • Maria M. van der Ryst
H6/KY [NATAL-] 1681-5564
The Géwël Tradition Project: supporting a living tradition 2013 African arts 46 (1): 62-71
  • Robert A. Bellinger
H6/KFY [AFRICAN-] 0001-9933
The Gaelic story-teller and Séamus Ó Duilearga's views on the role and antiquity of Airneán 2013 Béascna: journal of folklore and ethnology 8 (): 1-33
  • Micheál Briody
H6/KVC [BEASCNA-] 1649-2137
The Rev. William Matheson and the performance of Scottish Gaelic 'strophic' verse 2013 Scottish studies 36 (): 15-44
  • V.S. Blankenhoorn
POYI! Bamana jeli music, Mali and the blues 2013 Journal of African cultural studies 25 (2): 211-46
  • Lucy Durán
*H6/KY [JOURNAL-] 1369-6815
Voicing the domestic: Senegalese Sufi women's musical practice, feminine interior worlds, and possibilities for ethnographic listening 2013 Collaborative anthropologies 6 (): 73-103
  • Ali Coleen Neff
H6 [COLLABORATIVE-] 1943-2550
Cantors of the boundary of ecclesiastical religiousness and folk piety cases from the Gemer region 2013 Ethnographia 124 (2): 189-221
  • Annabella Gecse
H6/KVN [ETHNOGRAPHIA-] 0014-1798
La parole epique dans les recits d'un griot du Niger: Djako Sekou 2012 Studia africana (23): 101-29
  • Ousmane Mahamane Tandina
H6/KY [STUDIA-] 1130-5703
Dialiba Konaté, ou celui qui donne à voire la parole des griots 2012 Cahiers de litterature orale (67-68): 203-22
  • Cécile Leguy
H6/KF [CAHIERS-] 0396-891X
Exploring the potential of praise poems for historical reconstruction among the Idepe-Ikale in southeastern Yorubaland 2012 History in Africa 39 (): 77-96
  • Olukoya Ogen
H6/KY [HISTORY-] 0361-5413
An introduction to Tibetan Sa bstod speeches in A mdo 2012 Asian ethnology 71 (1): 49-73
  • Timothy Thurston
H6/KWS [FOLKLORE-] 1882-6865
La parole sur le fil: les contorsions verbales d'un chanteur-conteur dioula 2012 Cahiers de litterature orale (71): 21-52
  • Jean Derive
H6/KF [CAHIERS-] 0396-891X
Modern media and culture in Senegal: speaking truth to power 2011 African studies review 54 (3): 27-43
  • Marame Gueye
*H6/KY [AFRICAN-] 0002-0206
The intimacy of belonging: literacy and the experience of Sunjata in Mali 2011 History in Africa 38 (): 103-22
  • Jan Jansen
H6/KY [HISTORY-] 0361-5413
La construction d'une mémoire partagée. Autour des discours des griots généalogistes songhay-zarma du Niger 2011 Cahiers de litterature orale (69): 107-39
  • Sandra Bornand
H6/KF [CAHIERS-] 0396-891X