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TitleDateReferenceAuthorsCall #ISSN
From the ecocosmological to the cosmopolitical: an exploration of contemporary Oroquen shamanism in northeast China 2024 Shaman 32 (1-2): 93-124
  • Feng Qu
*H6/KFO [SHAMAN-] 1216-7827
The proceedings of the Third International and Interdisciplinary Conference about the Tungus 2020 Sibirica: journal of Siberian studies 19 (3): 90-5
  • Nikolai S. Goncharov
H6/KW [SIBIRICA-] 1361-7362
Vladimir Arsen'ev: explorer and researcher of the Tungus-Manchu peoples and their languages 2018 Sibirica: journal of Siberian studies 17 (1): 23-35
  • Al'bina Girfanova
H6/KW [SIBIRICA-] 1361-7362
On the question of traditional dog breeding among indigenous peoples of the Far East (the case of the Oroks if Sakhalin Island) 2017 Anthropology and archeology of Eurasia 56 (1/2): 32-51
  • Alexander A. Kim
  • Andrei P. Samar
H6/KVY [ANTHROPOLOGY-] 1061-1959
Hybrid identities and indigenous language sustainability: reflections on language contact and (neo-)colonial practices on Sakhalin Island 2017 Anthropologica (New Series) 59 (1): 44-59
  • Nadezhda Mamontova
An Oroch word-list lost and rediscovered: a critical edition of Tronson's 1859 pseudo-Nivkh vocabulary 2017 Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies (London) 80 (1): 97-117
  • José Andrés Alonso de la Fuente
H6/KW [LONDON-] 0041-977X
Letters of Maria Czaplicka to Lev SHternberg 2015 Lud 99 (): 321-36
  • Grażyna Kubica
  • Natal'ia IAkubova
H6/KVM [LUD-] 0076-1435
Bronisław Piłsudski on Ainu music 2014 Etnografia nowa 6 (): 205-25
  • Karolina Kondracka
H6/KVM [WARSAW. Panstwowe Muzeum Etnograficzne w Warszawie. Etnografia nowa] 2080-8747
'In the land of the Gold and the Orochs' - about the exhibition 2014 Etnografia nowa 6 (): 178-89
  • Paulina Suchecka
H6/KVM [WARSAW. Panstwowe Muzeum Etnograficzne w Warszawie. Etnografia nowa] 2080-8747
Digitalization of Stanisław Poniatkowski's collection at the Polish Ethnological Society (Department in Wrocław) 2014 Etnografia nowa 6 (): 170-7
  • Stefania Skowron-Markowska
H6/KVM [WARSAW. Panstwowe Muzeum Etnograficzne w Warszawie. Etnografia nowa] 2080-8747
Contemporary 'traditional' cultures of the peoples of the north: introducing the theme 2013-14 Anthropology and archeology of Eurasia 52 (3): 8-12
  • Dmitriĭ A. Funk
H6/KVY [ANTHROPOLOGY-] 1061-1959
The Northern Expedition of the Institute of Ethnography (1956-1991) 2013 Etnograficheskoe obozrenie 4 (): 17-34
  • Elena Petrovna Bat'ianova
I was wandering in circles the whole night long: the symbolism of circular movement in European traditional culture 2013 Studia mythologica slavica supplementa 7 (): 11-232
  • Miriam Mencej
The traditional hunting production of the Ewenki people and Orochon people 2012 Bulletin of the National Museum of Ethnology (Osaka) 36 (4): 457-92
  • Kalina
H6 [OSAKA-] 0385-180X
Ethnicity: stability and changeability (the case of the North) 2012 Etnograficheskoe obozrenie 2 (): 3-12
  • Andreĭ Vladimirovich Golovnëv
Making home in the taiga: movements, paths and signs among Orochen-Evenki hunters and herders of Zabaikal Krai (south east Siberia) 2012 Journal of ethnology and folkloristics 6 (1): 9-25
  • Donata Brandišauskas
H6/KVT [JOURNAL-] 1736-6518
Hide tanning and its use in the taiga: the case of the Orochen-Evenki reindeer herders and hunters in Zabaikalye (east Siberia) 2010 Journal of ethnology and folkloristics 4 (2): 97-114
  • Donata Brandišaukas
H6/KVT [JOURNAL-] 1736-6518
The emergence of Uil'ta writing in the 21st century (problems of the ethno-social life of the languages of small peoples) 2010 Etnograficheskoe obozrenie 1 (): 100-15
  • Liudmila Missonova
Eveny people of the Magadan region: towards the issue of ethnonymy 2009 Etnograficheskoe obozrenie 2 (): 68-75
  • L.N. KHakhovskaia
Variability of sexual dimorphism in the crania and indigenous populations of northern and central Asia 2009 Etnograficheskoe obozrenie 1 (): 61-79
  • A.A. Evteev
  • G.A. Aksianova
The last shaman of the Oroqen people of northeast China 2009 Shaman 17 (1/2): 117-40
  • Kun Shi
  • Richard Noll
*H6/KFO [SHAMAN-] 1216-7827
Indigenous peoples: from the politics of strategic essentialism to the principle of social justice 2008 Etnograficheskoe obozrenie 4 (): 59-76, 101
  • S.V. Sokolovskiĭ
Size and place in the construction of indigeneity in the Russian Federation 2008 Current anthropology 49 (6): 993-1020
  • Agnieszka Halemba
  • Brian Donahoe
  • István Sántha
  • Joachim Otto Habeck
H6 [CURRENT-] 0011-3204
Legal status and indigenous peoples' identity in the data of the all-Russian census 2002 2007 Rasy i narody 33 (): 11-57, 369-70
  • Sergeĭ Valer'evich Sokolovskiĭ
Native minorities of the north: population dynamics according to censuses 2007 Etnograficheskoe obozrenie 5 (): 75-95
  • V. V. Stepanov
  • Z. P. Sokolova
Obstacles to rural development in China: Local minorities, cadres, and ritual 2007 Urban anthropology 36 (1-2): 73-113
  • Lorne Holyoak
H6/KD [URBAN-] 0894-6019
A Solon Ewenki shaman and her Abagaldai shaman mask 2007 Shaman 15 (1-2): 167-74, [plates 21-3]
  • Kun Shi
  • Richard Noll
*H6/KFO [SHAMAN-] 1216-7827
Symbolism and ecological uses of fire among Orochen-Evenki 2007 Sibirica: journal of Siberian studies 6 (1): 95-109
  • Donatas Brandisauskas
H6/KW [SIBIRICA-] 1361-7362
Globalization of Sakhalin's oil industry: partnership or conflict? A reflection on the Etnologicheskaia Ekspertiza 2006 Sibirica: journal of Siberian studies 5 (2): 95-114
  • Tatiana Roon
H6/KW [SIBIRICA-] 1361-7362
The phenomenon of stability of the Uilta ethnic identity in the contex of history of ethnic self-designations among the Peoples of the North: the late 19th - the beginning of the 21st centuries 2006 Etnograficheskoe obozrenie 1 (): 129-45
  • L. I. Missonova
  • Z. P. Sokolova
β-globin gene cluster haplotype frequencies in Khalkhs and Buryats of Mongolia 2006 Human biology 78 (6): 749-56
  • Koji Shimizu
  • Kozue Tokimasa
  • Tudevdagva Gereksaikhan
  • Yuichi Tanabe
  • Yukiko Takeuchi
H6/HB [HUMAN-] 0018-7143
A study of the genetics polymorphisms of five red cell isoenzymes and two serum groups in the Oroqen, Ewenki and Dawuor nationalities in the Chinese of Inner Mongolia 2005 Acta anthropologica sinica 24 (1): 70-6
  • Mu Liu
  • Shu-ping Shen
  • Shuan-zhu Ma
H6/HB [ACTA-] 1000-3139
Scripta manent: Bronisław Pilsudski's scholarly heritage 2004 Lud 88 (): 123-41
  • Władysław Łatyszew
H6/KVM [LUD-] 0076-1435
Characteristic Beta-globin gene cluster haplotypes of Evenkis and Oroques in north China 2004 Human biology 76 (5): 765-78
  • Azusa Marubayashi
  • Keiichi Omoto
  • Koji Shimizu
  • Kozue Tokimasa
  • Shinji Harihara
H6/HB [HUMAN-] 0018-7143
Semantic of the dragon and beliefs among indigenous peoples of the lower Amur river and Sakhalin: ethnocultural parallels 2003 Kunstkamera: ethnograficheskie tetradi 13 (): 89-87
  • S. V. Bereznitskii
H6/KVY [KUNSTKAMERA-] 0869-8384
Economic changes among the indigenous peoples of Sakhalin island in the 20th century 2002 Rasy i narody 28 (): 146-59, 308
  • T. P. Roon
Shamanism of the Tungus-speaking peoples of Siberia and Far East: based on collections of the Russian Ethnographic Museum 2002 Rasy i narody 28 (): 226-42, 310
  • T. IU. Sem
Elements of Nivkh and Oroch beliefs and cults connected with funeral ceremonies: case studies (twins and drowned people) 2002 Rasy i narody 28 (): 214-25, 310
  • A. V. Smoliak
Territories of traditional subsistence in Sakhalin 2002 Rasy i narody 28 (): 160-87, 309
  • S. V. Sokolovskii
Perspectives of socio-economic development of the small-numbered indigenous peoples of the north'ern regions of the Russian Federation' 2002 Rasy i narody 28 (): 61-79, 305
  • Z. P. Sokolova
The growing shadow of the Oroqen language and culture 2001 Cultural survival quarterly 25 (2): 13-15
  • Lindsay Whaley
Studies on 13 morphological triats of Daur, Ewenki and Oroqen nationalities 2001 Acta anthropologica sinica 20 (3): 217-23
  • Han Zhai-zhu
  • Li Yong-lan
  • Li Yu-ling
  • Lu Shun-hua
  • Zhen Lian-bin
Materials on the modern culture and socioeconomic status of the northern group of Uilta 2000 Etnograficheskoe obozrenie 3 (): 14-30
  • A. P. Zen'ko
  • D. A. Funk
  • L. Sillanpää
Why him ? 2000 Literatura ludowa 44 (4/5): 3-10
  • Antoni Kuczyński
Bronisław Piłsudski's photographic collection 2000 Literatura ludowa 44 (4/5): 173-88
  • Antoni Kuczyński
To hunt the black shaman: memory of the great purge in east Siberia 2000 Etnofoor 13 (1): 33-50
  • Heonik Kwon
The bear cult 2000 Archaeology, ethnology and anthropology of Eurasia (2): 121-30
  • Z. P. Sokolova
H6/KE [ARCHAEOLOGY-] 1563-0110
Making a model of a Uilta's house 2000 Bulletin of the Hokkaido Museum of Northern Peoples 9 (): 41-54
  • Reiko Miyazaki
Revisiting Tungusic classification from the bottom up: a comparison of Evenki and Oroquen 1999 Language 75 (2): 286-321
  • Fengxiang Li
  • Lenore A. Grenoble
  • Lindsay J. Whaley
A note on Uilta's culture (2) 1999 Bulletin of the Hokkaido Museum of Northern Peoples 8 (): 125-37
  • Irumi Saskura
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