Anthropological Index Online

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TitleDateReferenceAuthorsCall #ISSN
The hill at the end of the world: cosmopolitics and state effects in the Bolivian Amazon 2024 Ethnos 89 (1): 118-38
  • Chuck Sturtevant
H6 [ETHNOS-] 1469-588X
Embodied nativism in Denmark: rethinking violence and the far right 2023 Ethnic and racial studies 46 (7): 1335-56
  • Adrien Beauduin
  • Ryan Switzer
H6/KD [ETHNIC-] 1466-4356
Discovering Slavic mythology between East and West: folklore research and the pagan past in the service of nation-building 2022 Folklore 133 (4): 463-86
  • Pavel Horák
H6/KF [FOLKLORE-] 1469-8315
Ancient wisdom, stigmatised knowledge, and sacred landscapes: ontologies and epistemologies of New Age culture in post-Soviet Russia 2021 Journal of ethnology and folkloristics 15 (2): 19-24
  • Alexander Panchenko
H6/KVT [JOURNAL-] 1736-6518
Traditions and the imagined past in Russian Anastasian intentional communities 2021 Journal of ethnology and folkloristics 15 (2): 25-42
  • Julia Andreeva
H6/KVT [JOURNAL-] 1736-6518
The Siberian village of Okunevo as place of power and its sacred landscape 2021 Journal of ethnology and folkloristics 15 (2): 43-62
  • Julia Senina
H6/KVT [JOURNAL-] 1736-6518
Alternative archaeology and new age traditionalism in contemporary Russia 2021 Journal of ethnology and folkloristics 15 (2): 63-73
  • Andrei Tiukhatiev
H6/KVT [JOURNAL-] 1736-6518
Ossetian ritual feasts and transpersonal experience: re-description of a religion as a religious practice 2021 Journal of ethnology and folkloristics 15 (2): 74-88
  • Sergei Shtyrkov
H6/KVT [JOURNAL-] 1736-6518
The shade of religion: Kyangyang and the works of prophetic imagination in Guinea-Bissau 2020 Social anthropology 28 (2): 451-65
  • Marina Temudo
  • Ramon Sarró
H6/KF [SOCIAL-] 1469-8676
A nativistic defence of Javanism in late 19th-century Java: the Suluk Gaṭoloko and its co-texts in the Sěrat Suluk Panaraga compilation 2019 Indonesia and the Malay world 47 (139): 308-34
  • Edwin P. Wieringa
H6/KX [INDONESIA-] 1363-9811
Nostalgic nationalism: how a discourse of sacrificial reproduction helped fuel Brexit Britain 2019 Cultural anthropology 34 (1): 41-52
  • Sarah Franklin
H6 [CULTURAL-] 0886-7356
Economies of conversion and ontologies of religious difference. Buddhism, Christianity, and adversarial political perception in Sri Lanka 2018 Current anthropology 59 (6): 665-90
  • Neena Mahadev
H6 [CURRENT-] 0011-3204
Wise people of great power: jaguar-spirit shamans among Baniwa of the northwest Amazon 2017 Shaman 25 (1-2): 137-58
  • Robin M. Wright
*H6/KFO [SHAMAN-] 1216-7827
Proxy brigands and tourists: visualizing the Greek-German front in the debt crisis 2016 Visual anthropology review 32 (1): 24-37
  • Konstantinos Kalantzis
H6 [PROGRAM-] 1053-7147
Indigenous Catholicism and St. Joseph Potawatomi resistance in "Pontiac's War", 1763-1766 2016 Ethnohistory 63 (1): 143-66
  • Gregory Evans Dowd
H6/KUB [ETHNOHISTORY-] 0014-1801
The concepts of mestizaje and lo mexicano and their relationship with the Mexican nationalism and the Day of the Dead feast 2016 Český Lid 103 (2): 239-64
  • Petra Ponocná
H6/KVL [CESKY-] 0009-0794
Social context of folklorism in late 19th century Moravia 2016 Český Lid 103 (2): 199-216
  • Roman Doušek
H6/KVL [CESKY-] 0009-0794
'It's almost like white supremacy': interracial mixed-status couples facing racist nativism 2014 Ethnic and racial studies 37 (13): 2438-56
  • April M. Schueths
H6/KD [ETHNIC-] 0141-9870
"In the name of civilization and with a Bible in their hands:" religion and the 1846-48 Mexican-American war 2014 Mexican studies 30 (2): 342-65
  • Peter Guardino
*H6/KUL [MEXICAN-] 0742-9797
Creole nationalists and the search for nativist authenticity in twentieth-century Zanzibar: the limits of cosmopolitanism 2014 Journal of African history 55 (2): 229-47
  • Jonathon Glassman
*H6/KY [JOURNAL-] 0021-8537
Beyond metropolitanism and nativism: re-grounding media theory 2013 Asian journal of social science 41 (5): 471-91
  • Annabelle Sreberny
  • Gholam Khiabany
H6/KW [ASIAN-] 1568-4849
Re-envisioning nativism: the use of ecclesiastical paraphernalia during the Pueblo revolt 2013 Kiva 78 (3): 313-35
  • Erina Gruner
*H6/KE [KIVA-] 0023-1940
The critical traditionalism of Ashis Nandy: occidentalism and the dilemmas of innocence 2012 Theory, culture and society 29 (1): 138-57
  • Alastair Bonnett
H6 [THEORY-] 0263-2764
Zor Alef and Unitarian teaching - between Bulgaria, Russia and the EU 2011 Bulgarski folklor 37 (2): 82-91, 106
  • Ekaterina Anastasova
H6/KVR [BULGARSKI-] 0323-9861
The Jewish debt owned by Spanish national-Catholicism and Basque nativism 2010 Revista de dialectología y tradiciones populares 64 (1): 65-112
  • Juan Aranzadi
H6/KVE [REVISTA-] 0034-7981
Globalisation in the 'fourth world' and new indigenous movements 2010 Lud 94 (): 25-46
  • Aleksander Posern-Zieliński
H6/KVM [LUD-] 0076-1435
Rediscovering the Great Chichimeca: regional assertiveness and social anthropology in the rehabilitation of a Mexican ethnic plurality 2010 Revista de dialectología y tradiciones populares 64 (1): 155-83
  • Pedro Tomé
H6/KVE [REVISTA-] 0034-7981
The revolt of the "Ñatitas": "ritual empowerment" and the cycle of the dead in La Paz, Bolivia 2010 Revista de dialectología y tradiciones populares 64 (1): 185-214
  • Gerardo Fernández Juárez
H6/KVE [REVISTA-] 0034-7981
The nation state v. Indianist revitalization dialectic in Bolivia 2010 Revista de dialectología y tradiciones populares 64 (1): 215-54
  • Juan J.R. Villarías Robles
H6/KVE [REVISTA-] 0034-7981
The ways of Wallmapu (Mapuche country) 2010 Revista de dialectología y tradiciones populares 64 (1): 255-88
  • Beatriz Vitar
H6/KVE [REVISTA-] 0034-7981
Reviving manhood: Algonquian masculinity and Christian following the first Great Awakening in southern New England 2008 Papers from the Institute of Archaeology (London) 40 (): 370-94
  • Alanna Rice
H6/KE [PAPERS-] 0965-9315
Postface: entre l'ethnie et la secte: les dérives de l'essentialisme 2008 Archives de sciences sociales des religions (143): 235-51
  • Nathalie Luca
H6/KFO [ARCHIVES-] 0335-5985
Pentecôtisme et migration. Le prophétisme (manqué) de "la Cité de Sion" 2008 Archives de sciences sociales des religions (143): 175-93
  • Damien Mottier
H6/KFO [ARCHIVES-] 0335-5985
Le Christianisme Céleste en France et en Belgique 2008 Archives de sciences sociales des religions (143): 91-109
  • Christine Henry
  • Joël Noret
H6/KFO [ARCHIVES-] 0335-5985
Pitchers to mugs: Chacoan revival at Sand Canyon Pueblo 2008 Kiva 74 (2): 247-62
  • Bruce A. Bradley
*H6/KE [KIVA-] 0023-1940
Demography, diversity and nativism in contemporary Africa: evidence from Uganda 2007 Nations and nationalism 13 (4): 717-36
  • Elliott D. Green
*H6/KF [NATIONS-] 1354-5078
More on the return of the native 2006 Current anthropology 47 (1): 145-9
  • Colin Samson
  • Michael Asch
H6 [CURRENT-] 0011-3204
Dreamtime and revolution 2006 Etnograficheskoe obozrenie 6 (): 62-76
  • V. R. Kabo
On the wings of a bird: folklore, nativism, and nostalgia in Meiji letters 2006 Asian folklore studies 65 (1): 1-20
  • Charlotte Eubanks
H6/KWS [FOLKLORE-] 0385-2342
Israels Religionsgeschichte aus ethnologischer Sicht 2006 Anthropos (St Augustin) 101 (1): 99-109
  • Bernhard Lang
H6 [ANTHROPOS-] 0257-9774
The 'Japanese trace' in Altai Burkhanism: fiction or reality? 2005 Etnograficheskoe obozrenie 4 (): 65-9
  • S. P. Tiukhteneva
Revitalization movements and Christian missions in the new world 2005 Ethnologia polona 26 (): 147-63
  • Markéta Křížová
H6 [ETHNOLOGIA-] 0137-4079
Burkhanism 2005 Etnograficheskoe obozrenie 4 (): 3-5
  • D. A. Funk
The Burkhanist movement in Altai in 1904-1905 2005 Etnograficheskoe obozrenie 4 (): 6-21
  • N. V. Ekeev
Burkhanism in highland Altai 2005 Etnograficheskoe obozrenie 4 (): 22-37
  • L. I. SHerstova
Ethnic consolidation and intergenerational continuity (comprehending Burkhanism) 2005 Etnograficheskoe obozrenie 4 (): 38-44
  • N. A. Tadina
The influence of Mongolian Buddhism on the formation and development of Burkhanism in Altai 2005 Etnograficheskoe obozrenie 4 (): 45-64
  • V. K. Kos'min
The Teleut version of Burkhanism 2005 Etnograficheskoe obozrenie 4 (): 70-85
  • E. P. Bat'ianova
On the return of the native 2004 Current anthropology 45 (2): 261-7
  • Colin Samson
  • Dieter Heinen
  • Jerome Lewis
  • Justin Kenrick
  • Michael Asch
H6 [CURRENT-] 0011-3204
Moravian identity and the shapes of its intersubjective constructions 2004 Český Lid 91 (3): 221-34
  • Petr Lozoviuk
H6/KVL [CESKY-] 0009-0794