Anthropological Index Online

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TitleDateReferenceAuthorsCall #ISSN
A collaborative approach to the analysis of Northwest Coast treasures from the Ehlers collection in Denmark 2024 American Indian culture and research journal 47 (2): 63-96
  • Ḥaa’yuups
  • Aay Aa Gidins
  • Laura Ahlqvist
  • Magdalena Naum
  • Thomas Birch
H6/KUB [AMERICAN-] 0161-6463
Franz Boas’ postulate of the warfare origin of secret societies and myths about the 'culture hero' and the 'trickster' in North America 2021 Ethno-anthropological problems journal 16 (1): 19-48
  • Aleksandar Molnar
  • Dragana Jeremić-Molnar
Using traditional ecological knowledge to understand the diversity and abundance of culturally important trees 2021 Journal of ethnobiology 41 (2): 209-28
  • Jordan Benner
  • Julie Nielsen
  • Ken Lertzman
*H6 [JOURNAL-] 0278-0771
New totem pole made by Bill Henderson for the National Museum of Ethnology, Japan 2020 Bulletin of the National Museum of Ethnology (Osaka) 45 (3): 655-80
  • Nobuhiro Kishigami
H6 [OSAKA-] 0385-180X
Dzunukwa. A Kwakwaka'wakw masterpiece at the Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art 2020 Tribal art (96): 74-83
  • Jonathan Fogel
*H6/KFY [WORLD-] 1354-2990
Gud Gii AanaaGung: look at one another 2018 ab-Original 2 (2): 265-99
  • Jisang Nika Collinson
  • Kathryn Bunn-Marcuse
Drawing on museums: early visual fieldnotes by Franz Boas and the indigenous recuperation of the archive 2017 American anthropologist 120 (1): 72-88
  • Aaron Glass
*H6 [AMERICAN-] 0002-7294
Marianne Nicholson, PhD: Dzawada'enuxw interdisciplinary artist and educator 2016 First American art magazine 11 (): 58-65
  • Matthew Ryan Smith
H6/KUB [FIRST-] 2333-5548
The Kwakwaka'wakw transformation mask that inspired the Seahawks logo 2015 Tribal art 19 (2): 124-7
  • Robin K. Wright
*H6/KFY [WORLD-] 1354-2990
Translating worlds: the epistemological space of translation 2014 Hau 4 (2): 1-16
  • Carlo Severi
  • William F. Hanks
Winter ceremonial (I and II) 2014 Hau 4 (3): 481-508
  • Irving Goldman
The year of the weasel 2014 Hau 4 (3): i-iv
  • Giovanni da Col
Transmutating beings: a proposal for an anthropology of thought 2014 Hau 4 (2): 41-71
  • Carlo Severi
Collecting lives 2013 Natural history 121 (2): 26-37
  • Stanely A. Freed
H6 [NATURAL-] 0028-0712
An innovative project and challenge for intercultural relations. Short reflections on the exhibit 'The power of giving,' 2011 in Alert Bay and Dresden 2013 Jahrbuch der Staatlichen Ethnographischen Sammlungen Sachsen 46 (): 135-57
  • Claus Deimel
H6 [LEIPZIG-] 0075-8663
'(Re)presenting First Nations regalia' - The U'mista Cultural Centre's potlatch collection at Dresden's Kunsthalle in the joint exhibition The power of giving/Die Macht des Schenkens 2013 Jahrbuch der Staatlichen Ethnographischen Sammlungen Sachsen 46 (): 159-69, plates liii-lv
  • Amina Grunewald
H6 [LEIPZIG-] 0075-8663
Anthropology and the covert: methodological notes on researching military and intelligence programmes 2012 Anthropology today 28 (2): 21-5
  • Roberto J. González
H6 [ANTHROPOLOGY-] 0268-540X
From light to darkness: the relocation of the 'Nakwaxda'xw and Gwasa'la 2011 Recherches amérindiennes au Québec 41 (2-3): 83-98, 218-19
  • Marie Mauzé
H6/KUB [RECHERCHES-] 0318-4137
A cannibal in the archive: performance, materiality, and (in)visibility in unpublished Edward Curtis photographs of the Kwakwaka'wakw Hamat'sa 2009 Visual anthropology review 25 (2): 128-49, 212
  • Aaron Glass
H6 [PROGRAM-] 1053-7147
People of the potlach 2009 American Indian NMAI 10 (3): 30-5
  • Danielle Hayes
*H6/KUB [AMERICAN-] 1528-0640
Occurrences of green earth pigment on Northwest Coast First Nations painted objects 2009 Archaeometry 51 (3): 440-56
  • E. A. Moffatt
  • I. N. M. Wainwright
  • P. J. Sirois
Claude Levi-Strauss: mask and myth 2009 Ethno-anthropological problems journal 4 (2): 121-35
  • Senka Kovač
Charlie James: bringing Kwakwaka'wakw art to the outside worlds 2008 American Indian art magazine 33 (4): 78-87
  • Ronald Hawker
*H6/KUB [AMERICAN-] 0192-9968
Crests on cotton: "souvenir" T-shirts and the materiality of remembrance among the Kwakwaka'wakw of British Columbia 2008 Museum anthropology 31 (1): 1-18
  • Aaron Glass
H6 [MUSEUM-] 0892-8339
Three destinies, one fate. Biography of Kwakwa ka'wakw headdress 2008 Gradhiva: revue de anthropology et museologie 7 (): 101-19
  • Marie Mauzé
H6 [GRADHIVA-] 0764-8928
Collecting tribal art: André Breton and Claude Lévi-Strauss 2007 Tribal art 46 (): 100-11
  • Stéphanie Massonet
*H6/KFY [WORLD-] 1354-2990
From cultural slavage to brokerage: the mythologization of Mungo Martin and the emergence of Northwest Coast art 2006 Museum anthropology 29 (1): 20-43
  • Aaron Glass
H6 [MUSEUM-] 0892-8339
Drift and the grammaticalization divide between northern and southern Wakashan 2006 International journal of American linguistics 72 (3): 295-324
  • Michael Fortescue
H6/KK [INTERNATIONAL-] 0020-7071
Cuatro muestras del arte plástico de los indígenas de la costa nordeste procedentes de la coleccion de Tadeo Haenke (1761-1817) 2004 Acta Universitatis Carolinae - philosophica et historica. Studia ethnlogica 12 (): 121-8
  • Oldřich Kašpar
H6/KVL [STUDIA-] 0567-8293
Sharing resources on the north Pacific coast of North America: the case of eulachon fishery 2001 Anthropologica 43 (1): 19-35
  • Donald Mitchell
  • Leland Donald
Dzawadi 2001 Anthropologica 43 (1): 37-41
  • Gloria Cranmer Webster
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