Anthropological Index Online

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TitleDateReferenceAuthorsCall #ISSN
Ritual, risk, and danger: avoidance rituals among antiquity looters 2024 Folklore (Tartu) 93 (): 167-90
  • Hicran Karataş
H6/KVT [FOLKLORE-] 1406-0949
The continuity of incantation against the evil eye from mother to daughter 2023 Annuaire roumain d'anthropologie 60 (): 103-9
  • Alexandra Prodan
H6/HB [ANNUAIRE-] 0039-3886
The magical power of Căluș against Ieleʼs possession in Dolj County 2023 Martor: revue d'anthropologie du Musée du Paysan Roumain (28): 137-63
  • Mihaela (Marin) Călinescu
H6/KVQ [MARTOR-] 2734-8350
Vigilant signage and the ephemeral in the magical landscape of the Moluccas: an analysis of the Nuaulu scare charms 2023 Folklore 134 (4): 556-87
  • Roy Ellen
H6/KF [FOLKLORE-] 1469-8315
Religion and the rise of magic in Urdu print culture: the case of Chīn aur Bangāl kā jādū 2023 Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society (Series 3) 33 (4): 1041-50
  • Markus Daechsel
H6/KW [ROYAL-] 1356-1863
Palpating history: magical healing and revolutionary care in rural Serbia and Macedonia 2023 European journal of cultural studies 26 (2): 147-66
  • Christina Novakov-Ritchey
H6/KF [EUROPEAN-] 1367-5494
“The illness of the world”: Bainwa shamanism against the pandemic 2022 Mana 28 (1): 1-33
  • Afonso Fontes
  • Ilda da Silva Cardoso
  • João Vianna
H6/KUL [MANA-] 1678-4944
The spell in regarding: ethnographic notes on aggression and death in a Magüta Community (Alto Solimões – Brazil) 2022 Revista de antropología (São Paulo) 65 (2): 1-18
  • Maria Isabel Cardoso da Silva Bueno
H6/KUL [REVISTA-] 0034-7701
The connection of Viena Karelian ritual specialists to communicative and origin incantations 2022 Folklore 133 (4): 526-42
  • Tuukka Karlsson
H6/KF [FOLKLORE-] 1469-8315
Emotions of fear in narratives about the plague and the contemporary pandemic 2022 Studia mythologica slavica 25 (): 7-25
  • Monika Kropej Telban
H6/KVP [STUDIA-] 1408-6271
The fishermen’s luck: the maritime Clavie and its variants 2021 Folklore 132 (3): 246-67
  • Fiona-Jane Brown
H6/KF [FOLKLORE-] 1469-8315
Writing to the dead - writing the words of the divine. On votive and talismanic texts in the Egypt of the pharaohs 2021 Gradhiva: revue de anthropology et museologie (32): 106-23
  • Sylvie Donnat
H6 [GRADHIVA-] 0764-8928
Avec Alain Epelboin et Jean-Charles Coulon. D’hier à aujourd’hui : enquêtes sur les talismans et les manuscrits de sciences occultes en Islam 2021 Gradhiva: revue de anthropology et museologie (32): 159-73
  • Alain Epelboin
  • Andrea-Luz Gutierrez-Choquevilca interv
  • Jean-Charles Coulon
H6 [GRADHIVA-] 0764-8928
Belorussian incantations in the European perspective: the motif of three virgins-helpers 2021 Vestsi Akademii Navuk Belarusi 1 (): 76-86
  • Tatsiana V. Valodzina
H6/KVY [AKADEMIYA NAVUK BYELARUSKAY SSR. Vestsi seryya hramadskikh navuk] 0321-1649
Dilemmas of corpus construction beyond folklore anthologies: the speech act of threatening in early modern witch trials in Debrecen and in Bihar county 2021 Ethnographia 132 (1): 22-44
  • Emese Ilyefalvi
H6/KVN [ETHNOGRAPHIA-] 0014-1798
Building rapport. 'Curing' and 'charming' as cultural intimacy in everyday bureaucratic encounters in the Northern Ireland farming community 2021 Anthropological journal of European cultures 30 (2): 62-78
  • Irene Ketonen-Keating
Discovering early Syrian magic: new Aramaic sources for a long-lost art 2021 Near Eastern Archaeology 84 (4): 282-92
  • Jessie DeGrado
  • Madadh Richey
H6/KE [BIBLICAL-] 0006-0895
'Between the mouth of the two rivers': The agency of water, springs, rivers and trees in ancient Mesopotamian cosmology and religion 2021 Etnološka tribina 44 (51): 34-53
  • Anna Perdibon
H6/KVP [ETNOLOSKA-] 0351-1944
Spirited away by the female spirit in Swedish folk belief 2020 Folklore 131 (2): 159-79
  • Tommy Kuusela
H6/KF [FOLKLORE-] 1469-8315
The structure and genesis of one type of magical spell against children's insomnia among Slavic peoples 2020 Folklore (Tartu) 80 (): 35-46
  • Andrei Toporkov
  • Tatiana Agapkina
H6/KVT [FOLKLORE-] 1406-0949
Cantos dañinos de los huachipaire (harákmbet) del Valle de Kosñipata 2020 Archivos 18 (): 231-45
  • Mario Califano
H6/KUL [ARCHIVOS-] 1668-4737
On the use of Daoist talismans (Fú) in Chinese shamanism 2020 Shaman 28 (1-2): 157-60
  • Michael Knüppel
*H6/KFO [SHAMAN-] 1216-7827
Swelling words: poetry and ecology in the River Senegal's watershed 2020 Cahiers de litterature orale (87): 101-22
  • Marie Lorin
New ideas about the Wahyis spirits painted on Maya vessels: sorcery, maladies, and dream feasts in prehispanic art 2020 PARI journal 20 (4): 15-28
  • Erik Velásquez García
H1/KUC [PRE-COLUMBIAN-] 1531-5398
Huuneh: Lacandon Maya incantation to neutralize “Kisin’s arrow” 2020 Journal de la Société des Américanistes 106 (1): 187-220
  • Didier Boremanse
H6/KUB [SOCIETE-] 0037-9174
From prayers to spells, researching the miraculous graves from the Bellu Catholic cemetery in Bucharest 2020 Anuarul Institutului de Etnografie şi Folclor ‘Constantin Brăiloiu’ (Serie Nouă) 31 (): 151-86
  • Florenţa Popescu-Simion
  • Mihaela Nubert-Cheţan
H6/KVQ [ANUARUL-] 1220-5230
Internal or external evil: a merism in Luwian incantations 2019 Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies (London) 82 (2): 209-31
  • Alice Mouton
  • Ilya Yakubovich
H6/KW [LONDON-] 0041-977X
Transferring performativity from speech to writing: illocutionary acts and incantation bowls 2019 Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies (London) 82 (2): 233-44
  • Daniel James Waller
H6/KW [LONDON-] 0041-977X
Prenatal rites in the Rirual of the Bacabs, a colonial Maya manuscript 2019 Ethnohistory 66 (4): 721-44
  • Edber Dziz Yam
  • Timothy W. Knowlton
H6/KUB [ETHNOHISTORY-] 0014-1801
Zaum (beyonsense, educanto) in the Komi tradition of incantations: revisiting the issue of origins 2019 Folklore (Tartu) 76 (): 39-56
  • Anatoly Panyukov
H6/KVT [FOLKLORE-] 1406-0957
Aspects of studying the verbal level of cattle-breeding rituals 2019 Folklore (Tartu) 76 (): 57-82
  • Liudmila Lobanova
H6/KVT [FOLKLORE-] 1406-0957
What can the mythical frog tell us? The Symbolism and role of the frog in history and modernity 2019 Folklore (Tartu) 77 (): 63-90
  • Jelka Vince Pallua
H6/KVT [FOLKLORE-] 1406-0957
Islamic incantations in a colonial notebook: a case from interwar Zanzibar 2019 Cahiers d'études africaines 59 (4): 1025-46
  • Anne K. Bang
H6/KY [CAHIERS-] 0008-0055
Sanskrit and pseudo-Sanskrit incantations in Daoist ritual texts 2018 History of religions 57 (4): 348-405
  • Joshua Capitanio
H6/KFO [HISTORY-] 0018-2710
'Wondrous dressing' with celestial bodies in Russian charm and lyrical poetry 2018 Folklore (Tartu) 71 (): 207-16
  • Andrei Toporkov
H6/KVT [FOLKLORE-] 1406-0957
Paths of incantation: shamanic discourse and forest travel among the Hupd'äh 2018 Mana 24 (1): 161-98
  • Danilo Paiva Ramos
  • Patience Epps
H6/KUL [MANA-] 0104-9313
The norm and its deviations in the context of childhood semiotics: the Belarus tradition againsts the Slavonic background 2018 Folklore (Tartu) 72 (): 89-110
  • Tatsiana Valodzina
H6/KVT [FOLKLORE-] 1406-0957
Swearing: dissolution into nothingness 2018 Studia mythologica slavica 21 (): 147-59
  • Piret Voolaid
  • Saša Babič
H6/KVP [STUDIA-] 1408-6271
The conjure woman's poetics of poisoning in Gloria Naylor's Mama Day 2018 Folklore 129 (4): 375-96
  • Yomna Saber
H6/KF [FOLKLORE-] 0015-587X
Assemblage, occlusion, and the art of survival in the Black Atlantic 2018 African arts 51 (4): 20-33
  • Matthew Francis Rarey
H6/KFY [AFRICAN-] 0001-9933
Charming in Newfoundland: recent evidence 2018 Revista de etnografie şi folclor (NS) (1-2): 137-48
  • Jonathan Roper
H6/KVQ [REVISTA-] 0034-8198
Gènevieve en Roumanie 2018 Cahiers de litterature orale 83 (): 179-92
  • Ioana Andreesco
H6/KF [CAHIERS-] 0396-891X
Counterintuitiveness and ritual efficacy in early modern Karelian healing: an application of the ritual competence theory 2018 Traditiones: acta Instituti Ethnographiae Slovenorum 47 (3): 63-82
  • Siria Kohonen
H6/KVP [TRADITIONES-] 0352-0447
Partible bodies: ceremonial ornaments, spells and the aesthetics of production in the upper Rio Negro 2017 Mana 23 (1): 37-76
  • Thiago Lopes da Costa Oliveira
H6/KUL [MANA-] 0104-9313
On some readings and interpretations in the Aramaic incantation bowls and related texts 2017 Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies (London) 80 (2): 191-231
  • James Nathan Ford
  • Matthew Morgenstern
H6/KW [LONDON-] 0041-977X
"Red growth, yellow growth, white growth...": chromatic beliefs in Udmurt folk medicine and healing charms 2017 Incantatio (5): 9-28
  • Tatiana Panina
H6/KVT [TARTU-] 2228-1355
Salome on ice: a case of a rare Latvian fever charm 2017 Incantatio (5): 29-35
  • Toms Ķencis
H6/KVT [TARTU-] 2228-1355
Poetics of Mari incantations 2017 Incantatio (5): 36-52
  • Natalia Glukhova
H6/KVT [TARTU-] 2228-1355
Charms against worms in wounds: the text and the ritual 2017 Incantatio (5): 53-64
  • Tatjana Agapkina
H6/KVT [TARTU-] 2228-1355
Serpent symbolism in Vepsian incantations 2017 Incantatio (5): 65-73
  • Irina Vinokurova
H6/KVT [TARTU-] 2228-1355