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TitleDateReferenceAuthorsCall #ISSN
Exchanges with the dead exhuming human remains among the Ibaloy of upper Loacan (Philippines) 2020 Bijdragen tot de taal-, land- en volkenkunde 176 (4): 475-503
  • Antonie Laugrand
  • Frédéric Laugrand
  • Gliseria Magapin
  • Jazil Tamang
H6/KX [BIJDRAGEN-] 0006-2294
Mortifères ou vivifiantes? Les chaves-souris vues par des autochtones aux Philippines 2020 Anthropologica (New Series) 62 (1): 48-59
  • Antoine Laugrand
  • Frédéric Laugrand
Human mummification practices among the Ibaloy of Kabayan, North Luzon, the Philippines 2017 Papers on anthropology 26 (2): 24-37
  • Analyn Salvador-Amores
  • Dario Piombino-Mascali
  • Gerald J. Conlogue
  • Orlando V. Abinion
  • Ronald G. Beckett
H6/HB [PAPERS-] 1406-0140
Human mummification practices among the Ibaloy of Kabayan, north Luzon, the Philippines 2017 Papers on anthropology 26 (2): 24-37
  • Analyn Salvador-Amores
  • Dario Piombino-Mascali
  • Gerald J. Conlogue
  • Orlando V. Abinion
  • Ronald G. Beckett
H6/HB [PAPERS-] 1406-0140
Abandoning 'guilt causes' in social theory: conditions for and consequences of legal pluralism in the Philippine uplands 1990 Law and anthropology 5 (): 43-65
  • M G Wiber
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