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TitleDateReferenceAuthorsCall #ISSN
Why do we have to turn on this washing machine? The processes of domesticating household technology (Situations of resistance) 2020 Etnografia polska 64 (1/2): 197-218
  • Marta Skowrońska
H6/KVM [ETNOGRAFIA-] 0071-1861
'And it all happened in our lifetime' (Progress and comfort: the meaning of technology domestication practices) 2020 Etnografia polska 64 (1/2): 219-42 [insert i]
  • Joanna Zalewska
H6/KVM [ETNOGRAFIA-] 0071-1861
Service and solidarity: domestic workers, informal organising and the limits of unionisation in Zambia 2019 Journal of southern African studies 45 (1): 31-47
  • Sacha Hepburn
H6/KY [JOURNAL-] 0305-7070
On the establishment and activity of the State Institute for Promoting Self-Employment in Turčiansky Sv. Martin with particular regard to the participation of Czech personalities 2018 Zborník slovenského národného Múzea v Martine 112 (59): 92-127
  • Hana Zelinová
H6/KVL [SLOVENSKE-] 0139-5475
Craft moulds and blocks in the collection of the Slovak National Museum in Martin 2017 Zborník slovenského národného Múzea v Martine 111 (58): 43-65
  • Daša Ferklová
H6/KVL [SLOVENSKE-] 0139-5475
Pathways to child work in Tajikistan: narrative of child workers and their parents 2017 Central Asian survey 36 (2): 231-46
  • Mashura Akilova
*H6/KW [CENTRAL-] 0263-4937
"The dirt came up": domestic service and women's agency in Oaxaca City, Mexico 2017 City and society 29 (3): 393-412
  • Jayne Howell
H6/KD [CITY-] 0893-0465
Microenterprise development, industrial labour and the seductions of precarity 2017 Critique of anthropology 37 (2): 201-22
  • Rebecca Prentice
H6 [CRITIQUE-] 0308-275X
Krippenbauzentrum Králíky (Grulich) als polyfunktionelles Produktionszentrum 2016 Folia ethnographica 50 (1): 97-110
  • Hana Dvořáková
Putting-out's return: informalization and differential subsumption in Thailand's garment sector 2016 Focaal (76): 71-84
  • Stephen Campbell
H6/KF [FOCAAL-] 0920-1297
Despite adults: learning experiences on the Tapajós river banks 2016 Ethos 44 (3): 248-68
  • Chantal Medaets
H6/KH [ETHOS-] 0091-2131
What makes children work? The participatory trajectory in domestic and pastoral chores of children in southern Mongolia 2016 Ethos 44 (3): 223-47
  • Aude Michelet
H6/KH [ETHOS-] 0091-2131
New studies of children's work, acquisition of critical skills, and contributions to the domestic economy 2016 Ethos 44 (3): 202-22
  • David F. Lancy
H6/KH [ETHOS-] 0091-2131
'Below ground - no, on the surface - yes.' Women and their work in the ore mine plant of Banská Štiavnica 2014 Etnologické rozpravy 21 (1): 8-26
  • Zuzana Denková
H6/KVL [ETNOLOGICKE-] 1335-5074
Beschäftigung in Šlapanice und die Fassbinderfamilie Schoř 2014 Folia ethnographica 48 (1): 71-83
  • Jarmila Pechová
Buy or barter? Illegal yet licit purchase of work in contemporary Sweden 2013 Focaal (66): 75-87
  • Lotta Björklund Larsen
H6/KF [FOCAAL-] 0920-1297
"The paper that you have in your hands is my freedom": migrant domestic work and the sponsorship (Kafala) system in Lebanon 2013 International migration review 47 (2): 414-41
  • Amrita Pande
H6/KD [INTERNATIONAL-] 0197-9183
Contemporary reflection of handmade manufacturing in Moravia at the turn of the 19th and 20th century 2013 Etnologické rozpravy 20 (1/2): 55-75
  • Daniel Drápala
H6/KVL [ETNOLOGICKE-] 1335-5074
Production of bent furniture in the foothills of the Hostýnské vrchy (some specifics of the labour of domestic workers) 2013 Etnologické rozpravy 20 (1/2): 86-104
  • Radek Bryol
H6/KVL [ETNOLOGICKE-] 1335-5074
Learning to weave the threads of honor: understanding the value of female schooling in southern Morocco 2012 Anthropology and education quarterly 43 (4): 372-84
  • Myriem Naji
H6 [COUNCIL-] 0161-7761
Celaning (in) the Swedish black market 2012 Anthropology in action 19 (1): 8-21
  • Lotta Björklund Larsen
H6/KF [BASAPP-] 0967-201X
Perlmutterbearbeitung in Předín 2011 Folia ethnographica 45 (2): 147-68
  • Jarmila Pechová
New rules for old gems: can El Salvador sustain and develop home grown design? 2011 Textile: the journal of cloth and culture 9 (3): 288-307
  • Carolina Gomez-Aubert
H6/KGG [TEXTILE-] 1475-9756
Un acercamiento a mujeres empresarias de zonas rurales 2011 Temas antropológicos 33 (1): 73-89
  • Ana Elena Durán Lizama
  • Leny Pinzón Lizárraga
  • Rocío Aguiar Serra
H6/KUL [YUCATAN-] 1405-843X
Samosas and saris: informal economies in the informal city among Portuguese Hindu families 2011 Urban anthropology 40 (3-4): 417-44
  • Rita d'Ávila Cachado
H6/KD [URBAN-] 0894-6019
The domestic economy and its implications for social complexity: spondylus craft production in coastal Ecuador 2010 Research in economic anthropology 30 (): 111-55
  • Alexander J. Martín
H6/KF [RESEARCH-] 0190-1281
"I can say that we were healthy and unhealthy": food choice and the reinvention of tradition 2010 Food Culture and Society 13 (4): 573-94
  • Amanda R. Marinez
  • Joseph R. Sharkey
  • Julie Ribardo
  • Kevin-Khristián Cosgriff-Hernández
  • Weslery R. Dean
H6/KF [FOOD-] 1528-9796
Techniques as a window onto learning: Kazakh women's domestic textile production in western Mongolia 2009 Journal of material culture 14 (4): 471-93
  • Anna O. Portisch
H6/KF [JOURNAL-] 1359-1835
Imperial globalisation: migration, gender relations, exploitation and domination 2009 Journal des anthropologues (118-119): 89-111
  • Catherine Quimnal
H6/KF [ASSOCIATION-] 1156-0428
Theorising patriarchyy: the Bangladesh context 2009 Asian journal of social science 37 (4): 599-622
  • Farah Deeba Chowdhury
Understanding child labour problem in an urban setting: a third worldly perspective 2009 Journal of the Indian Anthropological Society 44 (3): 285-98
  • Subrata Sankar Bagchi
H6/KWL [INDIAN-] 0019-4387
Home-based work: the status of women hosiery workers in Ludhiana 2009 Man in India 89 (4): 535-49
  • Bindu Duggal
H6/KWL [MAN-] 0025-1569
Gender, work, and opportunity in Oaxaca; some thoughts on the importance of women in the economic life of the rural village 2009 Research in economic anthropology 29 (): 147-61
  • Analise Polsky
  • Brooke Everett
  • Francisco Montiel-Ishino
  • Jeffrey H. Cohen
Informal work and gender equality in post-socialist Bulgarian society 2008 Bulgarska etnologiia 34 (2): 53-66
  • Ana Luleva
H6/KVR [BULGARSKA-] 1310-5213
En casa: women and households in Post-Soviet Cuba 2008 Journal of Latin American studies 40 (4): 743-67
  • Anna Cristina Pertierra
*H6/KUL [JOURNAL-] 0022-216X
To hire an "Albanian": household economy and immigration in rural Greece 2007 Research in economic anthropology 25 (): 75-95
  • Christopher M. Lawrence
H6/KF [RESEARCH-] 0190-1281
Domestic labor in globalized Tepoztlán: from a gendered labor process standpoint 2007 Research in economic anthropology 24 (): 241-60
  • Sidney Perutz
H6/KF [RESEARCH-] 0190-1281
The embarassement of co-presence: au pairs and their rooms 2006 Home cultures 3 (2): 99-122
  • Zuzana Búriková
H6/KF [HOME-] 1740-6315
Transformation and gender arrangements in post-socialist Bulgaria 2006 Ethnologia bulgarica 3 (): 12-22
  • Ana Luleva
H6/KVR [ETHNOLOGIA-] 1311-0918
Producción doméstica, mercado y actividad artesanal en comunidades mapuches del sur de la provincia de Neuquén 2005 Cuadernos de antropología social (Nueva epoca) (22): 95-114
  • Eugenia Morey
  • Sebastián Valverde
H6/KF [CUADERNOS-] 0327-3776
Reconsidering the cost of childbearing: the timing of children's helping behavior across the life cycle of Maya families 2004 Research in economic anthropology 23 (): 335-53
  • Karen L. Kramer
H6/KF [RESEARCH-] 0190-1281
Situation of the s plaiting cottage industry in the Carpathian basin in the late 19th and early 20th centuries 2004 Acta ethnographica Hungarica 49 (3-4): 299-311
  • Magdolna N. Szabó
H6/KVN [ACTA-] 1216-9803
Education for credit: development as citizenship project in Bolivia 2004 Critique of anthropology 24 (3): 301-19
  • Sian Lazar
H6 [CRITIQUE-] 0308-275X
Home as workplace in nineteenth-century Wiltshire and Gloucestershire 2004 Textile history 35 (1): 27-57
  • Marilyn Palmer
  • Peter Neaversen
*H6/KGG 'TEXTILE-' 0040-4969
El trabajo de campo como colaboración en la diáspora: iglesia, ONGs y trabajadoras domésticas filipinas en Roma 2003 Revista de dialectología y tradiciones populares 58 (1): 171-90
  • Margaret Magat
H6/KVE 'REVISTA-' 0034-7981
Cultural borders within domestic environment. Foreign workers and Italian employers within the urban area of Naples 2003 Alteridades 13 (25): 63-75, 158
  • Adelina Miranda
H6/KF 'ALTERIDADES-' 0188-7017
The alliance between a big market and a multitude of home shops 2002 Etudes rurales 161/2 (): 37-52
  • Liu Shiding
Of servanthood and self-employment: changing patterns of domestic service in southern Mexico 2002 Urban anthropology 31 (3/4): 389-422
  • Jayne Howell
'Selling girls in Kuwait': domestic labour migration and trafficking discourse in Nepal 2001 Anthropologica (New Series) 43 (2): 153-64
  • Tom O'Neill
The moral economy of low-income groups: poverty and informality 2001 Focaal 38 (): 83-101
  • Godfried Engbersen
  • Richard Staring