Title | Date | Reference | Authors | Call # | ISSN | ||
My cry gets up to my throat: displacement, indigenous storywork, and visual sovereignty in the Mandan Hidatsa Arikara Nation | 2021 | Collaborative anthropologies 14 (1): 44-73 | H6 [COLLABORATIVE-] | 1943-2550 | |||
The Hazen collection: a new source on Arikara material culture | 2020 | Plains anthropologist 65 (256): 357-77 | H6/KUB [PLAINS-] | 0032-0447 | |||
The Lodge Boy and Spring Boy tale as depicted at Hole in the Wall, Wyoming | 2019 | American Indian rock art 45 (): 63-72 | H6/KUB [AMERICAN INDIAN ROCK ART-] | ||||
Alfred W. Bowers' History of the Mandan and Hidatsa: a significant resource for Plains anthropology | 2018 | Plains anthropologist 63 (246): 113-33 | H6/KUB [PLAINS-] | 0032-0447 | |||
Women in bullboats: indigenous women navigate the upper Missouri river | 2017 | Ethnohistory 64 (4): 449-70 | H6/KUB [ETHNOHISTORY-] | 0014-1801 | |||
Gros Ventre ethnogeography and place names: a diachronic perspective | 2016 | Anthropological linguistics 58 (2): 132-70 | H6/KK [ANTHROPOLOGICAL-] | 0003-5483 | |||
European influence in the Mandan-Hidatsa graphic works collected by Prince Maximilian of Wied | 2014 | American Indian art magazine 39 (3): 58- | *H6/KUB [AMERICAN-] | 0192-9968 | |||
Joking relations. Translated and introduced by Jane I. Guyer | 2013 | Hau 3 (2): 317-34 | 2049-1115 | ||||
The kinship, tradition, and settlement pattern archaeology of middle Missouri community life | 2012 | Plains anthropologist 57 (222): 125-39 | H6/KUB [PLAINS-] | 0032-0447 | |||
Arikara, Hidatsa, Dakota tribal flag songs | 2011 | Whispering wind 40 (2): 26-7 | *H6/KUB [WHISPERING-] | 0300-6565 | |||
Switch-reference in Hidatsa: the evolution of a grammatical system | 2011 | International journal of American linguistics 77 (3): 413-28 | H6/KK [INTERNATIONAL-] | 0020-7071 | |||
The remaking of Lake Sakakawea: locating cultural viability in negative heritage on the Missouri river | 2011 | American ethnologist 38 (3): 468-83 | H6 [AMERICAN-] | 0094-0496 | |||
Feathers, fasting, and the eagle complex: a contemporary analysis of the eagle as a cultural resource in the northern plains | 2011 | Plains anthropologist 56 (218): 143-53 | H6/KUB [PLAINS-] | 0032-0447 | |||
The earliest map of the Mandan heartland: notes on the Jarvis and Mackay 1791 map | 2010 | Plains anthropologist 55 (216): 255-76 | H6/KUB [PLAINS-] | 0032-0447 | |||
Fred Olsen - pioneer North Dakota photographer - Fort Berthold life | 2009 | Whispering wind 38 (6): 18-21 | *H6/KUB [WHISPERING-] | 0300-6565 | |||
Hidatsa photographs from the Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library at Yale University | 2008 | Whispering wind 38 (5): 18-21 | *H6/KUB [WHISPERING-] | 0300-6565 | |||
Dwarves and cranes: Baltic-Finnish mythologies in Eurasian and American perspective | 2007 | Folklore (Tartu) 36 (): 67-88 | H6/KVT [FOLKLORE-] | 1406-0957 | |||
The Gros Ventre/Fall Indians in historical and archaeological interpretation | 2005 | Canadian journal of native studies 25 (1): 155-83 | *H6/KUB [CANADIAN-] | 0715-3244 | |||
Northeastern plains village complex timelines and relations | 2004 | Plains anthropologist 49 (191): 281-97 | H6/KUB [PLAINS-] | 0032-0447 | |||
The beginning and the end: Lewis and Clark among the upper Missouri river people | 2004 | Wicazo Sa review 19 (1): 11-19 | *H6/KUB [WICAZO-] | 0794-6427 | |||
Southern Siberian - North American links in mythology | 2003 | Archaeology, ethnology and anthropology of Eurasia 14 (): 94-106 | H6/KE [ARCHAEOLOGY-] | 1563-0110 | |||
Of baggage and bondage: gender and status among Hidatsa and Crow women | 1993 | American Indian Culture and research Journal 17 (2): 121-52 | |||||
Acculturation in the middle Missouri valley as reflected in modified bone assemblages | 1993 | Plains anthropologist 38 (142): 79-100 | |||||
Hidasta moccasins circa 1830 | 1992 | Whispering Wind 25 (1): 33 |