Title | Date | Reference | Authors | Call # | ISSN | ||
Empathy beyond the human. The social construction of a multispecies world | 2024 | Ethnos 89 (5): 848-69 | H6 [ETHNOS-] | 1469-588X | |||
The past will set you free: prophetic movements in twentieth-century Herero religious thought | 2023 | International journal of African historical studies 56 (3): 387-411 | *H6/KY [INTERNATIONAL-] | 0361-7882 | |||
Eleven Namibian rains: a phenomenological analysis of experience in time | 2023 | Anthropological theory 23 (1): 33-55 | H6 [ANTHROPOLOGICAL-] | 1463-4996 | |||
Remembering the Herero-Nama genocide in Namibia | 2023 | African arts 56 (1): 62-81 | H6/KFY [AFRICAN-] | 0001-9933 | |||
Genocide and the politics of memory in the decolonisation of Namibia | 2022 | Journal of southern African studies 48 (5): 805-23 | H6/KY [JOURNAL-] | 1465-3893 | |||
Genocide and the politics of memory in the decolonisation of Namibia | 2022 | Journal of southern African studies 48 (4): 805-23 | H6/KY [JOURNAL-] | 1465-3893 | |||
San servility in the Omajeke, Namibia | 2021 | International journal of African historical studies 54 (2): 217-40 | *H6/KY [INTERNATIONAL-] | 0361-7882 | |||
What does the situation say? Theorizing multiple understandings of climate change | 2021 | Ethos 49 (2): 194-215 | H6 [ETHNOS-] | 1469-588X | |||
Born in the caul, born in the rain: Damara and Nama people with extrasensory abilities in Namibia | 2020 | Southern African humanities 33 (): 119-32 | H6/KY [NATAL-] | 1681-5564 | |||
The life of winds: knowing the Namibian weather from someplace and from noplace | 2019 | American anthropologist 121 (4): 830-44 | *H6 [AMERICAN-] | 0002-7294 | |||
The praying mantis in Namibian folklore | 2018 | Southern African humanities 31 (): 63-77 | H6/KY [NATAL-] | 1681-5564 | |||
Archive of darkness: William Kentridge's Black Box/Chambre Noire | 2018 | African arts 51 (1): 10-23 | H6/KFY [AFRICAN-] | 0001-9933 | |||
Six notes: afterthoughts | 2017 | Visual anthropology review 33 (2): 191-4 | H6 [PROGRAM-] | 1053-7147 | |||
A tale of six circles - A travelogue | 2017 | Visual anthropology review 33 (2): 177-90 | H6 [PROGRAM-] | 1053-7147 | |||
A contested ritual of unity: the Herero Red Flag Day | 2017 | Journal of ritual studies 31 (2): 29-46 | H6/KFO [JOURNAL-] | 0990-1112 | |||
Germany's colonial policy in German South-West Africa in the light of international criminal law | 2017 | Journal of southern African studies 43 (2): 331-47 | H6/KY [JOURNAL-] | 0305-7070 | |||
Selective memory: British perceptions of the Herero-Nama genocide, 1904-1908 and 1918 | 2017 | Journal of southern African studies 43 (2): 315-30 | H6/KY [JOURNAL-] | 0305-7070 | |||
Like biscuits in wrappers: apartheid development and decolonization in south west Africa, 1962-1968 | 2017 | International journal of African historical studies 50 (1): 59-78 | *H6/KY [INTERNATIONAL-] | 0361-7882 | |||
Zex in troubled times: moral panic, polyamory and freedom in north-west Namibia | 2016 | Anthropology Southern Africa 39 (1-2): 31-45 | *H6 [SOUTH-] | 2332-3256 | |||
(Re)classificando espaços e identidades: as reservas nativas sul-africanas na Namíbia desde dentro e às margens (1940–1970) | 2015 | Anuário antropológico (Rio) 40 (2): 23-50 | H6 [ANUARIO-] | 0102-4302 | |||
God, the warlord and the way of the ancestors: on the intertwinement of Christianity and ancestry in Hendrik Witboi's politico-religious mission of the 1880s (southwest Africa) | 2015 | Civilisations 63 (1/2): 81-98 | H6 [CIVILISATIONS-] | ||||
The politics and economics of community-based natural resource management in /Xai/Xai, Ngamiland, Botswana | 2015 | African study monographs 36 (4): 211-60 | H6/KY [AFRICAN-] | 0285-1601 | |||
Identity construction and the causes of genocidal mass murder | 2014 | Studies in ethnicity and nationalism 14 (3): 484-99 | H6/KF [STUDIES-] | 1473-8481 | |||
'The time of the United Nations in South West Africa is near: local drama and global politics in apartheid-era Hereroland | 2013 | Journal of southern African studies 39 (2): 371-89 | H6/KY [JOURNAL-] | 0305-7070 | |||
Remembering against the nation state: Hereros' pursuit of restorative justice | 2012 | Time and society 21 (1): 21-38 | H6 [TIME-] | 0961-463X | |||
Time, memory and historical justice: an introduction | 2012 | Time and society 21 (1): 5-20 | H6 [TIME-] | 0961-463X | |||
'We do it so that we will be men': masculinity politics in colonial Namibia, 1915-49 | 2011 | Journal of African history 52 (1): 43-62 | *H6/KY [JOURNAL-] | 0021-8537 | |||
The structure of San property relations: constitutional issues and interventionist politics | 2009 | Anthropologica (New Series) 51 (1): 53-65 | H6/KUB [ANTHROPOLOGICA N.S.-] | 0003-5459 | |||
From 'general field marshal' to 'miss genocide'. The reworking of traumatic experiences among Herero-speaking Namibians | 2008 | Journal of material culture 13 (2): 175-94 | H6/KF [JOURNAL-] | 1359-1835 | |||
Reparations for the Herero genocide: defining the limits of international litigation | 2007 | African affairs 10 (422): 113-26 | H6/KY [AFRICAN-] | 0001-9909 | |||
Husbanding tradition and marching towards modernity: contrasting forms of resistance among the Ovaherero in pre-independence Namibia | 2007 | Irish journal of anthropology 10 (1): 48-53 | H6/KVC [IRISH-] | 1393-8592 | |||
The visual archive of colonialism: Germany and Namibia | 2006 | Public culture 18 (1): 147-83 | H6/KF [PUBLIC-] | 0899-2363 | |||
'Making tradition': healing, history and ethnic identity among Otjiherero-speakers in Nambia | 2003 | Journal of southern African studies 29 (2): 355-72 | 0305-7070 | ||||
Kosmogonische Mythen der Herero | 2003 | Münchner Beiträge zur Völkerkunde 8 (): 193-219 | H6 [MUNCHNER BEITRAGE ZUR VOLKERKUNDE] | 0936-837X | |||
Love and jealousy in the pace of death | 2002 | Ethnos 67 (2): 155-80 | H6 [ETHNOS-] | 0014-1844 | |||
Funerals and the public space of sentiment in Botswana | 2002 | Journal of southern African studies 28 (4): 777-95 | 0305-7070 | ||||
Missionaries, Hereros, and motorcars: mobility and the impact of motor vehicles in Namibia before 1940 | 2002 | International journal of African historical studies 35 (2/3): 257-85 | 0361-7882 | ||||
Flags, funerals and fanfares: Herero and missionary contestations of the acceptable, 1900-1940 | 2002 | Journal of African cultural studies 15 (1): 105-17 | 1369-6815 | ||||
Shift in culture: worship and healing practices in Herero societies | 2001 | Africana bulletin 49 (): 49-65 | 0002-029X | ||||
Die kulturelle Wirkung der Deutsch-Herero-Beziehungen am Beispiel der [Truppenspieler]-Bewegung in der südafrikanischen Mandatszeit | 2000 | Münchner Beiträge zur Völkerkunde 6 (): 243-77 | 0936-837X | ||||
'I was afraid of Samuel, therefore I came to Sekgoma': Herero refugees and patronage politics in Ngamiland, Bechuanaland protectorate, 1890-1914 | 2000 | Journal of African history 43 (2): 211-34 | 0021-8538 | ||||
The psychology of culture contact | 1999/2000 | Bulletin of the International Committee on Urgent Anthropological and Ethnological Research 40 (): 149-55 | H6/KD [INTERNATIONAL UNION-] | 0538-5865 | |||
Folk and formal, local and national - Damara knowledge and community conservation in southern Kunene, Namibia | 1999 | Cimbebasia 15 (): 1-28 | 1012-4926 | ||||
The road of the man called love and the sack of Sero: the Herero-German war and the export of Herero labour to the south African rand | 1999 | Journal of African history 40 (1): 21-40 | |||||
Toponymical metaphors: a case study in Otjiherero place names | 1998 | Africana bulletin 46 (): 51-64 | 0002-029X | ||||
Color terms and color term acquisition in Damara | 1998 | Journal of linguistic anthropology 7 (2): 181-207 | |||||
The Herero riddle (ovihakwa) | 1997 | Africana bulletin 45 (): 7-22 | H6/KY [AFRICANA-] | ||||
Herero onomastics | 1997 | Africana bulletin 44 (): 7-19 | |||||
The German-Herero war of 1904: revisionism of genocide or imaginary historiography? | 1993 | Journal of southern African studies 19 (1): 80-8 | |||||
Did food increase fertility? Evaluation of !Kung and Herero history | 1992 | Human biology 64 (4): 497-521 |