Title | Date | Reference | Authors | Call # | ISSN | ||
Natural resource development and well-being in Inuit Nunangat: a scoping review | 2023 | The northern review (54): 1-30 | *H6/KUB [NORTHERN-] | 0835-3433 | |||
Socio-cultural values are risk factors for COVID-19-related mortality | 2022 | Cross-cultural research 56 (2-3): 150-84 | H6/KF [BEHAVIOR-] | 1069-3971 | |||
Collectors of recyclable materials in the municipality of Corrente-Piauí | 2022 | Ciência & Trópico 46 (1): 113-24 | H6/KUL [CIENCIA-] | 0304-2685 | |||
Silence is not health. Practices and discourses of health professionals in the Partido de Junín (Province of Buenos Aires) on the use of pesticides in extensive agriculture between 2015 and 2018 | 2022 | Cuadernos de antropologia social (55): 101-18 | H6/KF [CUADERNOS-] | 1850-275x | |||
Climate change on the global agenda: lessons we have learned from the Conferences of Parties (COP) and what’s at stake at the COP26 | 2021 | Ciência & Trópico 45 (2): 37-54 | H6/KUL [CIENCIA-] | 0304-2685 | |||
The denaturalization of global crises and the necessary knowledge in health | 2021 | Ciência & Trópico 45 (2): 11-22 | H6/KUL [CIENCIA-] | 0304-2685 | |||
Arsenic lost years: pollution control at Giant Mine from 1978 to 1999 | 2021 | The northern review (51): 69-104 | *H6/KUB [NORTHERN-] | 0835-3433 | |||
The problem of self-devouring growth. A forward-looking afterwork | 2019 | Medicine Anthropology Theory 6 (3): 186-95 | 2405-691X | ||||
The anthropology of plastics: an agenda for local studies of a global matter of concern | 2019 | Medical anthropology quarterly (New Series) 33 (3): 307-26 | H6/KGT [MEDICAL-] | 0745-5194 | |||
The medical anthropology of climate change: eco-risks and the body environmental | 2019 | Medical anthropology 38 (5): 436-9 | H6/KGT [MEDICAL-] | 0145-9740 | |||
Animal welfare and human health: rising conflicts over stray dogs in Chandigarh | 2019 | South Asia research 39 (3): 339-52 | H6/KWL [SOUTH-] | 0262-7280 | |||
Ethnography in a grievance. Documentary mechanisms in Nicaragua's chronic kidney disease epidemic | 2019 | Medicine Anthropology Theory 6 (2): 193-210 | 2405-691X | ||||
Measures of future health, from the nonhuman to the planetary: an introduction essay | 2019 | Medicine Anthropology Theory 6 (3): 1-28 | 2405-691X | ||||
Global health futures? Reckoning with a pandemic bond | 2019 | Medicine Anthropology Theory 6 (3): 77-108 | 2405-691X | ||||
Health as growth. Bananas, humanitarian biotech, and human-plant histories in Uganda | 2019 | Medicine Anthropology Theory 6 (3): 29-53 | 2405-691X | ||||
Algorithmic futures. The life and death of Google Flu Trends | 2019 | Medicine Anthropology Theory 6 (3): 54-76 | 2405-691X | ||||
Viral sovereignty. Security and mistrust as measures of future health in the Indonesian H5N1 influenza outbreak | 2019 | Medicine Anthropology Theory 6 (3): 109-32 | 2405-691X | ||||
Health beyond the carbon barrier. Convergence, immortality, and transhuman health | 2019 | Medicine Anthropology Theory 6 (3): 161-85 | 2405-691X | ||||
Winter anthropology in Finland: exploring 'green care' in low light | 2019 | Medicine Anthropology Theory 6 (4): 166-78 | 2405-691X | ||||
Catching air: risk and embodied ocean health among Dominican diver fishermen | 2019 | Medical anthropology quarterly (New Series) 35 (1): 64-81 | H6/KGT [MEDICAL-] | 0745-5194 | |||
Thinking-with favorite reads in the anthropology of global health and environmental health | 2019 | Curare 42 (1-2): 96-100 | H6/KGT [CURARE-] | 0344-8622 | |||
From the human to the planetary. Speculative futures of care | 2019 | Medicine Anthropology Theory 6 (3): 133-60 | 2405-691X | ||||
Environmental licensing of large-scale enterprises: what are the limits for evaluating direct and indirect impacts on health? A case study in the Wajãpi Indigenous Land, Amapá | 2018 | Boletim do Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi ciências humanas 13 (3): 519-40 | H6/KUL [BOLETIM-] | 1981-8122 | |||
Sociotopography of Vilnius: industrial zones and their development (1870-1914) | 2018 | Lituanistica 64 (3): 179-99 | H6/KVT [LITUANISTICA-] | 0235-716X | |||
Local biologies, leaky things, and the chemical infrastructure of global health | 2017 | Medical anthropology 36 (2): 141-56 | H6/KGT [MEDICAL-] | 0145-9740 | |||
Global electronic waste, third party certification standards, and resisting the undoing of environmental justice politics | 2017 | Human organization 76 (3): 204-14 | H6/KF [APPLIED-] | 0018-7259 | |||
What gets inside: violent entanglements and toxic boundaries in Mexico City | 2017 | Cultural anthropology 32 (4): 592-619 | H6 [CULTURAL-] | 0886-7356 | |||
Probiotic environmentalities: rewilding with wolves and worms | 2017 | Theory, culture and society 34 (4): 27-48 | H6 [THEORY-] | 0263-2764 | |||
Reger Córrego Dantas: a collective action for coping natural threats and environmental disaster reduction | 2016 | Ciência & Trópico 40 (1): 165-89 | H6/KUL [CIENCIA-] | 0304-2685 | |||
The environmental health surveillance of risk associated with disaster (vigidesastres) in the Ministry of Health | 2016 | Ciência & Trópico 40 (1): 133-44 | H6/KUL [CIENCIA-] | 0304-2685 | |||
Indigenous knowledge in governance of REDD+ for climate change mitigation in Tanzania: opportunities and challenges | 2016 | Journal of human ecology 53 (2): 116-23 | H6 [JOURNAL-] | 0970-9274 | |||
'I feel suffocated': understandings of climate change in an inner city heat island | 2016 | Medical anthropology 35 (6): 453-63 | H6/KGT [MEDICAL-] | 0145-9740 | |||
Confronting tyranny in a public health agency: crafting a 'philosophy of praxis' into a 'community of resistance' | 2016 | Anthropology in action 23 (1): 31-8 | H6/KF [BASAPP-] | 0967-201X | |||
The association between blood cadmium level and airflow obstruction in Korean men | 2015 | Annals of human biology 42 (6): 569-75 | H6/HB [ANNALS-] | 0301-4460 | |||
The psychological contributions of natural site experiences in Kastamonu, Turkey | 2014 | The Anthropologist 18 (3): 991-1004 | H6/HB [ANTHROPOLOGIST-] | 0972-0073 | |||
Transcending 'ordinary times rules' in environmental health: the critical challenge for medical anthropology | 2014 | Medical anthropology 33 (5): 367-72 | H6/KGT [MEDICAL-] | 0145-9740 | |||
Vapor intrusion: the political ecology of an emerging environmental health concern | 2013 | Human organization 72 (2): 121-31 | H6/KF [APPLIED-] | 0018-7259 | |||
The concept of the risk environment and risk factors in the social-epidemiological studies of public health | 2013 | Ethno-anthropological problems journal 8 (2): 403-25 | H6/KVP [ETNOANTROPOLOSKI PROBLEMI Casopis -] | 0353-1589 | |||
Pharmacy, money and public health in Dakar | 2013 | Africa 83 (4): 561-81 | H6/KY [AFRICA-] | 0001-9720 | |||
'Environmental Akalism' and the war on filth: the personification of sanitation in urban Nigeria | 2013 | Africa 83 (4): 606-22 | H6/KY [AFRICA-] | 0001-9720 | |||
Taking the (southern) waters: science, slavery, and nationalism at the Virginia springs | 2011 | Anthropology and medicine 18 (1): 7-22 | H6/KGT [BRITISH-] | 1364-8470 | |||
Down cancer alley: the lived experience of health and environmental suffering in Louisiana's chemical corridor | 2011 | Medical anthropology quarterly (New Series) 25 (2): 141-63 | H6/KGT [MEDICAL-] | 0745-5194 | |||
A legacy of suffering | 2010 | Visual anthropology review 26 (2): 144-50 | H6 [PROGRAM-] | 1053-7147 | |||
The ecobiopolitics of space biomedicine | 2010 | Medical anthropology 29 (2): 170-93 | H6/KGT [MEDICAL-] | 0145-9740 | |||
Using photovoice to investigate environment and health in a Hungarian Romani (Gypsy) community | 2009 | Practicing anthropology 31 (4): 10-14 | qH6 [PRACTICING-] | 0888-4552 | |||
A study of urbanisation trends and environmental health problem's in India | 2009 | Man in India 89 (3): 417-23 | H6/KWL [MAN-] | 0025-1569 | |||
Experiences and hidden values of ecomuseums | 2009 | Etnološka istraživanja 14 (): 237-52 | H6/KVT [ETNOLOSKA-] | 0351-4323 | |||
Dow chemical's knowledge factories: action anthropology against Michigan's company town culture | 2009 | Anthropology in action 16 (2): 39-50 | H6/KF [BASAPP-] | 0967-201X | |||
Dynamic observation of indicators of physical development of schoolchildren from the Republic of Belarus | 2008 | Glasnik antropološkog Društva Srbije 43 (): 292-300 | H6/KVP [ANTROPOLOSKO-] | 1820-7936 | |||
Housing for health in indigenous Australia: driving change when research and policy are part of the problem | 2008 | Human organization 67 (1): 77-85 | H6/KF [APPLIED-] | 0018-7259 |