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TitleDateReferenceAuthorsCall #ISSN
Notq arrives at the clinic: how Druze therapists deal with the cultural phenomenon of remembering and talking about previous incarnation among the Druze in Israel 2020 Ethos 48 (2): 171-91
  • Avihu Shoshana
  • Maha Natoor
H6/KH [ETHOS-] 0091-2131
A resolute display: culture, life and intersectional identity in Israeli Druze photography 2019 Anthropology of the Middle East 14 (1): 87-107
  • Lindsey Pullum
*H6/KW [ANTHRO-] 1746-0719
Minority politics and the social constrution of hierarchy: the case of the Druze community 2018 Nations and nationalism 24 (4): 977-97
  • Yakub Halabi
*H6/KF [NATIONS-] 1354-5078
Dinâmicas demográficas e sistema político no Líbano 2012 Trabalhos de antropologia e etnologia (52): 89-107
  • Susana Lage de Carvalho
Defending the house, relating to the neighbours: the Druze versions of ATU 123 The wolf and the kids 2011 Folklore 122 (3): 250-63
  • Ravit Raufman
H6/KF [FOLKLORE-] 0015-587X
On the present-day veneration of sacred trees in the Holy Land 2011 Folklore (Tartu) 48 (): 7-30
  • Amots Dafni
H6/KVT [FOLKLORE-] 1406-0957
The Druze in Israel: questions of identity, citizenship, and patriotism 2010 Middle East journal 64 (4): 575-96
  • Mordechai Nisan
*H6/KW [MIDDLE-] 0026-3141
The flagbearers: Israeli Druze women challenge traditional gender roles 2006 Anthropology and education quarterly 37 (3): 217-35
  • Naomi Weiner-Levy
H6 [COUNCIL-] 0161-7761
Reincarnation, sect unity, and identity among the Druze 2006 Ethnology 45 (2): 87-104
  • Anne Bennett
H6 [ETHNOLOGY-] 0014-1828
Consanguinity in a population of Israeli Muslim Arabs, Christian Arabs and Druze 2002 Annals of human biology 29 (4): 414-21
  • R. Vardi-Saliternik
  • T. Cohen
  • Y. Friedlander
Qasrin and the Druze: a cuisine-based model of bone distributions on archaeological sites 2000 Near eastern archaeology 63 (1): 9-19
  • Billy J. Grantham
Speaking the conflict, or how the Druze became bilingual: a study of Druze translators in the Israeli military courts in the West Bank and Gaza 2000 Ethnic and racial studies 23 (2): 299-328
  • Lisa Hajjar
Jews and Druze in Israel: sate control and ethnic resistance 1998 Ethnic and racial studies 21 (3): 476-506
  • Michaly D. Segal
  • Oren Yiftachel
State ethnicization and the crisis of leadership succession among Israel's Druze 1997 Ethnic and racial studies 20 (3): 580-93
  • Hillel Frisch
Israel's Druze: particularist micro-nationalists versus pro-Sunni Arabists, 1 1995 Eastern anthropologist 48 (2): 115-35
  • Dennis Walker
Israel's Druze: particularist micro-nationalists versus pro-Sunni Arabists, 2 1995 Eastern anthropologist 48 (3): 267-92
  • Dennis Walker
Perceptions of community and State among Lebanon's Druze youth 1993 Middle East Journal 47 (1): 41-62
  • J P Harik
A nonsense mutation in the LDL receptor gene leads to familial hypercholesterolemia in the Druze sect 1992 American Journal of human genetics 50 (2): 427-33
  • D Landsberger
Serum protein polymorphisms in Arab Moslems and Druze of Israel: BF, F13B, AHSG, GC, PLG, PI, and TF 1992 Human biology 64 (4): 587-603
  • S Nevo
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