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TitleDateReferenceAuthorsCall #ISSN
In the footsteps of Ohthere: biomolecular analysis of early Viking Age hair combs from Hedeby (Haithabu) 2023 Antiquity 97 (395): 1233-48
  • Jessica Hendy
  • Krista McGrath
  • Lena Holmquist
  • Mariana Muñoz-Rodriguez
  • Niklas Hausmann
  • Samantha Presslee
  • Steven Paul Ashby
  • Sven Kalmring
  • Volker Hilberg
H6/KE [ANTIQUITY-] 0003-598X
Crafting idiosyncracies. Early social complexity, ivory and identity-making in Copper Age Iberia 2022 Cambridge archaeological journal 32 (1): 23-60
  • Leonardo García Sanjuán
  • Miriam Luciañez-Triviño
  • Thomas Schuhmacher
H6/KE [CAMBRIDGE-] 0959-7743
Onöndowa'ga:' combs. An historic Seneca art form revived 2022 First American art magazine 34 (): 26-31
  • Hayden Haynes
  • Joe Stahlman
H6/KUB [FIRST-] 2333-5548
Iron Age craftworks in the southeast of the Iberian Peninsula. An approach based in cultural inheritance theory 2021 Munibe 72 (): 157-70
  • Consuelo Mata Parreño
  • Elena Mora García
  • Joan Bernabeu Auban
  • Lucía Soria Combadiera
  • Marta Blasco Martín
  • Mercedes Fuentes Albero
H6/KE [MUNIBE-] 2172-4555
The rarest of combs 2021 Tribal art (100): 100-3
  • David Attenborough
*H6/KFY [WORLD-] 1354-2990
Reindeer imagery in the making at Ust'-Polui in Arctic Siberia 2020 Cambridge archaeological journal 31 (1): 161-81
  • Andrei V. Gisev
  • Dmitry V. Arzyutov
  • Natalia V. Fedorova
  • Robert J. Losey
  • Tatiana Nomokonova
H6/KE [CAMBRIDGE-] 0959-7743
Ancient tattooing in Polynesia 2020 Journal of island and coastal archaeology 15 (1-4): 407-20
  • Geoffrey Clark
  • Michelle C. Langley
H6/KE [ISLAND-] 1556-4894
Aperos, artefactos, artilugios: notas para un vocabulario de la civilización peruana 2018 Boletín de Lima 39 (191): 39-136
  • Roger Ravines
*H6/KE [BOLETIN-] 0253-0015
Some materials from the late La Tène period from Sighişoara - Dealul Viilor and the micro-regional relevance 2017 Materiale şi cercetări arheologice (Serie Nouă) 13 (): 31-40
  • Daniel Mspănu
Newly published materials from past investigation of the Roman period cemetery at Ostrowite, County Rypin 2017 Wiadomości archeologiczne 68 (): 296-302
  • Małgorzata Kurzyńska
H6/KE [WIADOMOSCI-] 0043-5082
Partible bodies: ceremonial ornaments, spells and the aesthetics of production in the upper Rio Negro 2017 Mana 23 (1): 37-76
  • Thiago Lopes da Costa Oliveira
H6/KUL [MANA-] 0104-9313
The we should look so good: stick combs of the northwestern Plains and Plateau 2016 Whispering wind 45 (1): 10-13
  • Scott M. Thompson
*H6/KUB [WHISPERING-] 0300-6565
The development of the Moravian-Austrian border in the early middle ages. Mikulov - the gate to Moravia 2016 Památky archeologické 107 (): 117-80
  • Adéla Balcárková
  • David Kalhous
H6/KE [PAMATKY-] 0031-0506
Head combs for delousing in ancient Arican populations: scratching for evidence 2014 Chungará 46 (4): 693-706
  • Bernardo Arriaza
  • Felix Olivares
  • Jorg Heukelbach
  • Vicki Cassman
  • Vivien G. Standen
H6/KUL [CHUNGARA-] 0716-1182
Head combs for delousing in ancient Arican populations: scratching for the evidence 2014 Chungará 46 (4): 693-706
  • Bernardo Arriaza
  • Felix Olivares
  • Jorg Heukelbach
  • Vicky Cassman
  • Vivien G. Standen
H6/KUL [CHUNGARA-] 0716-1182
Typology of composite hair combs from burial complexes of the Altai-Sayan region of the epoch of early nomads 2014 Arkheologicheskie vesti 20 (): 116-42
  • N.A. ZHogova (Kushakova)
Single-side composite combs with metal brackets from Gnëzdovo 2014 Rossiiskaia arkheologiia 1 (): 143-7
  • A.S. Dement'eva
H6/KVY [SOVETSKAYA-] 0869-6063
Korallenberge (KHvoĭnoe): stratigraphy and chronology of the early middle-ages settlement in Kaliningrad region 2014 Rossiiskaia arkheologiia 2 (): 142-52
  • V.I. Kulakov
The site of Aleksandrov mound - the archaeological monument of the 5th c. BC - 17th c. AD 2014 Rossiiskaia arkheologiia 3 (): 140-6
  • K.I. Komarov
H6/KVY [SOVETSKAYA-] 0869-6063
Searching for Scandinavians in pre-Viking Scotland: molecular fingerprinting of early Medieval combs 2014 Journal of archaeological science 41 (): 1-6
  • Isabella C. C. von Holstein
  • Michael Buckley
  • Nienke L. van Doorn
  • Stacie M. Sachs
  • Steven P. Ashby
H6/KE [JOURNAL-] 0305-4403
History of research on the sites of early CHerniakhovo culture 2014 Folia praehistorica posnaniensia 19 (): 175-87
  • Maksym Stroceń
H6/KE [FOLIA-] 0239-8524
A town-plot of pre-Mongol time in the stable-yard of Rostov the Great 2013 Kratkie soobshcheniia 228 (): 87-96 [plate VIII]
  • N.G. Samoĭlovich
H6/KVY [AKADEMIYA NAUK SSSR. Institut Istorii Material'noy Kultury. Kratkiye Soobs'hcheniya-] 0130-2620
Late Prokhorovka burial from the Nagornoe kurgan cemetery in western Kazakhstan 2013 Rossiiskaia arkheologiia 3 (): 108-13
  • S.IU. Gutsalov
H6/KVY [SOVETSKAYA-] 0869-6063
The issue of objects of Byzantine provenience coming into the Polish domain (Based on the case of finds from Ostrów Lednicki) 2013 Archeologia polski 58 (1/2): 89-114
  • Janusz Górecki
H6/KE [ARCHEOLOGIA-] 0003-8180
Sadłowo - turning a new life in the study of Wielbark culture settlement in Dobrzyń land 2013 Wiadomości archeologiczne 64 (): 172-90
  • Artur Kurpiewski
  • Jadwiga Lewandowska
H6/KE [WIADOMOSCI-] 0043-5082
Bronze age and Roman age finds from site 35 at Dzierżysław, Głubczyce county 2013 Wiadomości archeologiczne 64 (): 161-72
  • Klaudia Nawalany
H6/KE [WIADOMOSCI-] 0043-5082
On the Free Dacians' toiletries: combs 2012 Arheologia Moldovei 35 (): 317-23
  • Mircea Ignat
H6/KE [ARHEOLOGIA-] 0066-7358
Comb from a Przeworsk culture well from Konotopa in Mazovia 2012 Folia praehistorica posnaniensia 17 (): 275-85
  • Henryk Machajewski
H6/KE [FOLIA-] 0239-8524
Catalogue of Papuan artefacts associated with Andrew Goldie in the Queensland Museum and the Museum of Cumbraes, Millport, Scotland 2012 Memoirs of the Queensland Museum Cultural Heritage Series 6 (): 163-208
  • Susan M. Davies
H6/KX [QUEENSLAND MUSEUM. Memoirs. Cultural Heritage Series] 1440-4780
Ethnographic collection of Alberto Vojtěch Frič in the Náprstek Museum 2012 Annals of the Náprstek Museum 33 (): 5-50
  • Monika Bad'urová
H6/KVL [PRAGUE-] 0231-844X
Collection of bone objects from Ladoga (based on materials from excavations near Variazhskaia Street in Staraia Ladoga) 2012 Arkheologicheskie vesti 18 (): 124-44
  • I.V. Ivanova
  • N.IU. Ivanova
A Cypro-Archaic I vase rediscovered 2011 Levant 43 (2): 173-7
  • Vassos Karageorghis
H6/KE [LEVANT-] 0075-8914
'Fancy objects' in the British iron age: why decorate? 2011 Proceedings of the Prehistoric Society 77 (): 205-29, 365-6, 370-1, 376
  • Jody Joy
H6/KE [PREHISTORIC-] 0079-497X
Strategy of animal economy in the medieval village of Suchy Las, powiat Poznań 2011 Fontes archaeologici posnanienses 47 (): 243-54
  • Daniel Makowiecki
  • Marzena Makowiecka
qH6/KE [FONTES-] 0071-6963
Bog deposit of burnt human remains from site 2 in Modlniczka, dist. Cracow 2010 Sprawozdania archeologiczne 62 (): 439-72 [insert i-ii]
  • Marcin M. Przybyła
  • Małgorzata Byrska-Fudali
H6/KE [SPRAWOZDANIA-] 0081-3834
Roman and Migration period cemetery at Kamień in the Masurian lake district 2010 Wiadomości archeologiczne 61 (): 201-331
  • Izabela Szeter
H6/KE [WIADOMOSCI-] 0043-5082
An attempt at reconstruction of the stone industry of the Mierzanowice culture on the basis of settlement materials from the area of Nowa Huta 2010 Materiały archeologiczne Nowej Huty 25 (): 81-159
  • Konrad Kopacz
New burial complexes from the middle of the first century BC in the upper Don region 2010 Kratkie soobshcheniia 224 (): 245-66, 338
  • A.M. Oblomskiĭ
H6/KVY [AKADEMYA-] 0130-2620
The Prague-type pottery culture and the problem of diffusion of Slavs into central Europe: on the article by Florin Curta 2009 Archeologické rozhledy 61 (2): 303-30
  • Nad'a Profantová
H6/KE [ARCHEOLOGICKE-] 0323-1267
Historischer Überblick der Beinschnitzerwerkstätten in Intercisa 2009 Archaeologiai értesitő (134): 63-79
  • Mária T. Bíró
H6/KE [ARCHAEOLOGIAI-] 0003-8032
Die Beinkämme der Sarmatensiedlungen im Karpatenbecken 2009 Archaeologiai értesitő (134): 165-95
  • Gábor Pintye
H6/KE [ARCHAEOLOGIAI-] 0003-8032
Salgótarján, shopping centre - multiperiod archaeological site 2008 Régészeti kutatások Magyarországon (): 5-42
  • Andrea Vaday
  • Antal Szabó
H6/KE [REGESZETI-] 1587-978X
Hunnenzeitliche Gräber in Budakalász und Páty 2008 Communicationes archaeologicae Hungariae (): 229-61
  • Katalin Ottományi
The making of the Slavs (with special emphasis on Bohemia and Moravia) 2008 Archeologické rozhledy 60 (4): 643-94
  • Florin Curta
H6/KE [ARCHEOLOGICKE-] 0323-1267
Characteristics of brushing and covering heads of married women in Vojvodina: elements of underlying equipment for forming and covering heads of married women from the collection of folk costumes from the Museum of Vojvodina 2007 Rad vojvodanskih Muzeja 49 (): 165-90
  • Katarina Radisavljević
H6/KVP [NOVI-] 1450-6696
Origins of zoomorphic combs of the great migration period in Europe 2006 Arkheologischeskie vesti 13 (): 254-63
  • M. V. SHarygina
Unilateral antler combs from Romuliana 2006 Starinar 56 (): 353-66
  • Sofija Petković
H6/KE [STARINAR-] 0350-0241
Il dialogo fra analisi tecno-funzionale, etno-archeologia e tradizione nell'interpretazione archeologica: il caso dei 'pettini' di Coppa Nevigata (Foggia) 2006 Origini 28 (): 261-79
  • Cristina Lemorini
  • Emanuela Cristiani
H6/KE [ORIGINI-] 0034-6805
A Wielbark culture cemetery at Rzadkowo, Piła district 2006 Fontes archaeologici posnanienses 42 (): 73-95
  • Alicja Gałęzowska
qH6/KE [FONTES-] 0071-6963
Alaskan collections of the school of political science and economics, Meiji university: artifacts occurred from Shishmaref 2005 Bulletin of the Hokkaido Museum of Northern Peoples 14 (): 93-104
  • Tatsunosuke Sumi
*H6/KWV [BULLETIN-] 0918-3159