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TitleDateReferenceAuthorsCall #ISSN
Identification of functionally related adaptations in the trabecular network of the proximal femur and tibia of a bipedally trained Japanese macaque 2024 Anthropological Science 132 (1): 13-26
  • Arnaud Mazurier
  • Marine Cazanave
  • Masato Nakatsukasa
  • Matthew M. Skinner
H6/KWV [ZINRUIGAKU-] 0918-7960
Schmorl’s Nodes in individuals from the 21st century identified skeletal collection (CEI/XXI) University of Coimbra (Portugal) 2023 Antropologia portuguesa (40): 95-110
  • Ana Luísa Santos
  • Francisco Curate
  • Schneidar Barbosa Guerreiro
H6 [ANTROPOLOGIA-] 0870-0990
Femoral bicondylar angles among dry-habitat chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes schweinfurthii) resemble those of humans: implications for knee function, Australopith sexual dimorphism, and the evolution of bipedalism 2021 Journal of anthropological research 77 (3): 303-36
  • Kevin D. Hunt
  • Kristian J. Carlson
  • Ryan M. Yohler
  • Sarah E. Dunevant
H6 [SOUTHWESTERN-] 0091-7710
‘We hunt to share’: social dynamics and very large mammal butchery during the Oldowan–Acheulean transition 2021 World archaeology 53 (2): 224-54
  • Gonzalo J. Linares Matás
  • José Yravedra
H6/KE [WORLD-] 1470-1375
Variation in the interthrocateric line in a modern human population from southwestern China (19th-20th centuries) 2020 Anthropological Science 128 (2): 47-55
  • Jiaming Hui
  • Kristian J. Carlson
  • Pianpian Wei
  • Wu Liu
H6/KWV [ZINRUIGAKU-] 0918-7960
Ardipithecus ramidus postcrania from the Gona Project area, Afar regional state, Ethiopia 2019 Journal of human evolution 129 (): 1-45
  • Jay Quade
  • Michael J. Rogers
  • Naomi E. Levin
  • Scott W. Simpson
  • Sileshi Semaw
H6/HB [JOURNAL-] 0047-2484
First metatarsal trabecular bone in extant hominoids and Swartkrans hominins 2019 Journal of human evolution 131 (): 1-21
  • Klara Komza
  • Matthew M. Skinner
H6/HB [JOURNAL-] 0047-2484
Femoral neck and shaft structure in Homo naledi from the Dinaledi Chamber (Rising Star System, South Africa) 2019 Journal of human evolution 133 (): 61-77
  • Alex G. Claxton
  • Christopher S. Walker
  • Damiano Marchi
  • Jeremy M. DeSilva
  • John Hawks
  • Lee R. Berger
  • Lukas Friedl
  • Steven E. Churchill
  • Trenton W. Holliday
H6/HB [JOURNAL-] 0047-2484
Potential adaptations for bipedalism in the thoracic and lumbar vertebrae of Homo sapiens: a 3D comparative analysis 2019 Journal of human evolution 137 (): 1-17
  • Darlene Weston
  • Keith Dobney
  • Kimberly Plomp
  • Una Strand ViÄ‘arsdóttir
H6/HB [JOURNAL-] 0047-2484
Human-like hip joint loading in Australopithecus africanus and Paranthropus robustus 2018 Journal of human evolution 121 (): 12-24
  • Adam D. Gordon
  • Colin N. Shaw
  • Kristian J. Carlson
  • Nina Jablonski
  • Timothy M. Ryan
H6/HB [JOURNAL-] 0047-2484
Inter-ray variation in metatarsal strength properties in humans and African apes: implications for inferring bipedal biomechanics in the Olduvai Hominid 8 foot 2018 Journal of human evolution 121 (): 147-65
  • Biren A. Patel
  • Kristian J. Carlson
  • Nicole L. Griffin
  • Stephanie H. Bui
  • Tea Jashashvili
H6/HB [JOURNAL-] 0047-2484
A quantification of calcaneal lateral plantar process position with implications for bipedal locomotion in Australopithecus 2018 Journal of human evolution 123 (): 24-34
  • Bernhard Zipfel
  • Ellison J. McNutt
  • Eve K. Boyle
  • Gen Suwa
  • Tomohiko Sasaki
H6/HB [JOURNAL-] 0047-2484
In memoriam: Michael Herbert Day (1927-1.6.2018) 2018 Journal of human evolution 124 (): 4-6
  • Bernard A. Wood
  • Leslie C. Aiello
H6/HB [JOURNAL-] 0047-2484
Bipedal gait versatility in the Japanese macaque (Macaca fuscata) 2018 Journal of human evolution 125 (): 2-14
  • Eishi Hirasaki
  • Emanuel Andrada
  • Naomichi Ogihara
  • Reinhard Blickhan
H6/HB [JOURNAL-] 0047-2484
Step width and frontal plane trunk motion in bipedal chimpanzee and human walking 2018 Journal of human evolution 125 (): 27-37
  • Brigitte Demes
  • Matthew C. O'Neill
  • Nathan E. Thompson
  • Nicholas B. Holowka
H6/HB [JOURNAL-] 0047-2484
The vertebrae and ribs of Homo naledi 2017 Journal of human evolution 104 (): 136-54
  • Daniel García-Martínez
  • Marc R. Meyer
  • Markus Bastir
  • Scott A. Williams
  • Shahed Nalla
H6/HB [JOURNAL-] 0047-2484
The thigh and leg of Homo naledi 2017 Journal of human evolution 104 (): 174-204
  • Christopher S. Walker
  • Damiano Marchi
  • Pianpian Wei
  • Steven E. Churchill
  • Trenton W. Holliday
H6/HB [JOURNAL-] 0047-2484
Another look at the foramen magnum in bipedal mammals 2017 Journal of human evolution 105 (): 24-40
  • E. Christopher Kirk
  • Gabrielle A. Russo
H6/HB [JOURNAL-] 0047-2484
Interpretation of footprints from Site S confirms human-like bipedal biomechanics in Laetoli hominins 2017 Journal of human evolution 107 (): 134-8
  • Adam D. Gordon
  • David A. Raichlen
H6/HB [JOURNAL-] 0047-2484
Evolution of the hominin knee and ankle 2017 Journal of human evolution 108 (): 147-60
  • Colin N. Shaw
  • Jean-Jacques Hublin
  • Mélanie A. Frelat
  • Simone Sukhdeo
  • Stefano Benazzi
H6/HB [JOURNAL-] 0047-2484
Foot use during vertical climbing in chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes) 2017 Journal of human evolution 109 (): 1-10
  • R.E. Wunderlich
  • S.B. Ischinger
H6/HB [JOURNAL-] 0047-2484
The evolution of vertebral formulae in Hominoidea 2017 Journal of human evolution 110 (): 18-36
  • Nathan E. Thompson
  • Sergio Almécija
H6/HB [JOURNAL-] 0047-2484
Relationship between foramen magnum position and locomotion in extant and extinct hominoids 2017 Journal of human evolution 113 (): 1-9
  • Dimitri Neaux
  • Frank Guy
  • Gabriele Sansalone
  • Guillaume Daver
  • Thibaut Bienvenu
H6/HB [JOURNAL-] 0047-2484
The origin of bipedality as the result of a developmental by-product: the case study of the olive baboon (Papio anubis) 2017 Journal of human evolution 113 (): 155-61
  • François Druelle
  • Gilles Berillon
  • Peter Aerts
H6/HB [JOURNAL-] 0047-2484
Being fat and smart: a comparative analysis of the fat-brain trade-off in mammals 2016 Journal of human evolution 100 (): 25-34
  • Carel P. van Schaik
  • Karin Isler
  • Sandra A. Heldstab
H6/HB [JOURNAL-] 0047-2484
Cultural and physical characteristics of near-arid savanna chimpanzees in Mali 2016 Human evolution 31 (4): 191-214
  • A. Ronen
  • E. Nevo
  • I. Roffman
  • M. Panchevre
H6/HB [HUMAN-] 0393-9375
Why did Homo sapiens develop a large brain? 2016 Human evolution 31 (4): 229-36
  • Y. Muscat Baron
H6/HB [HUMAN-] 0393-9375
Between culture and biology: trabecular bone microarchitecture variations during children bipedalism development 2016 Annales de la Fondation Fyssen (31): 144-59
  • Antony Colombo
*H6 [ANNALES-] 0980-157X
An ontogenetic framework linking locomotion and trabecular bone architecture with applications for reconstructing hominin life history 2015 Journal of human evolution 81 (): 1-12
  • Adam D. Foster
  • Adam D. Gordon
  • David A. Raichlen
  • James T. Webber
  • Simone Sukhdeo
H6/HB [JOURNAL-] 0047-2484
Do bimanual coordination, tool use, and body posture contribute equally to hand preference in bonobos? 2015 Journal of human evolution 82 (): 159-69
  • Ameline Bardo
  • Emmanuelle Pouydebat
  • Hélène Meunier
H6/HB [JOURNAL-] 0047-2484
Evolution and dispersal of the genus Homo: a landscape approach 2015 Journal of human evolution 87 (): 48-65
  • Geoffrey C.P. King
  • Geoffrey N. Bailey
  • Isabelle C. Winder
  • Maud H. Devès
  • Robyn H. Inglis
H6/HB [JOURNAL-] 0047-2484
Complex and changing patterns of natural selection explain the evolution of the human hip 2015 Journal of human evolution 85 (): 94-110
  • Charles C. Roseman
  • Mark Grabowski
H6/HB [JOURNAL-] 0047-2484
Kinetics of bipedal locomotion during load carrying in capuchin monkeys 2015 Journal of human evolution 85 (): 149-56
  • Daniel Schmitt
  • Elisabetta Visalberghi
  • Jandy B. Hanna
  • Kristin Wright
  • Yonat Eshchar
H6/HB [JOURNAL-] 0047-2484
Skeletal development of hallucal tarsometatarsal joint curvature and angulation in extant apes and modern humans 2015 Journal of human evolution 88 (): 137-45
  • Corey M. Gill
  • Jeremy M. DeSilva
  • Miriam A. Bredella
H6/HB [JOURNAL-] 0047-2484
Ardipithecus and early human evolution in light of twenty-first-century developmental biology 2014 Journal of anthropological research 70 (3): 337-63
  • C. Owen Lovejoy
H6 [SOUTHWESTERN-] 0091-7710
The arboreal origins of human bipedalism 2014 Antiquity 88 (341): 906-14
  • Juliet M. McClymont
  • Robin H. Crompton
  • Susannah K.S. Thorpe
H6/KE [ANTIQUITY-] 0003-598X
Human bipedalism and the importance of terrestriality 2014 Antiquity 88 (341): 915-16
  • Geoffrey C.P. King
  • Geoffrey N. Bailey
  • Isabelle C. Winder
  • Maud H. Devès
H6/KE [ANTIQUITY-] 0003-598X
Unreasonable expectations 2014 Antiquity 88 (341): 917-18
  • Bernard Wood
H6/KE [ANTIQUITY-] 0003-598X
Ignoring Ardipithecus in an origins scenario for bipedality is...lame 2014 Antiquity 88 (341): 919-21
  • C. Owen Lovejoy
  • Gen Suwa
  • Tim D. White
H6/KE [ANTIQUITY-] 0003-598X
When ancestors were arboreal 2014 Antiquity 88 (341): 921-2
  • Brigitte Senut
H6/KE [ANTIQUITY-] 0003-598X
Adaptive diversity: from trees to the ground 2014 Antiquity 88 (341): 923-4
  • Sarah Elton
H6/KE [ANTIQUITY-] 0003-598X
Putting flesh on to hominin bones 2014 Antiquity 88 (341): 924-6
  • Juliet M. McClymont
  • Robin H. Crompton
  • Susanna K.S. Thorpe
H6/KE [ANTIQUITY-] 0003-598X
Complex topography and human evolution: the missing link 2013 Antiquity 87 (336): 333-49
  • Geoffrey C.P. King
  • Isabelle C. Winder
H6/KE [ANTIQUITY-] 0003-598X
Metatarsal torsion in monkeys, apes, humans and austrolopiths 2013 Journal of human evolution 64 (1): 93-108
  • Elizabeth H. Harmon
  • Michelle S.M. Drapeau
H6/HB [JOURNAL-] 0047-2484
How is sagittal balance acquired during bipedal gait acquisition? Comparison of neonatal and adult pelves in three dimensions. Evolutionary implications 2013 Journal of human evolution 65 (2): 209-22
  • Catherine Marty
  • Christine Tardieu
  • Christophe Boulay
  • Jérôme Hecquet
  • Noémie Bonneau
H6/HB [JOURNAL-] 0047-2484
Reevaluation of the lumbosacral region of Oreopithecus bambolii 2013 Journal of human evolution 65 (3): 253-65
  • Gabrielle A. Russo
  • Liza J. Shapiro
H6/HB [JOURNAL-] 0047-2484
Muscle force production during bent-knee, bent hip walking in humans 2013 Journal of human evolution 65 (3): 294-302
  • Adam D. Foster
  • David A. Raichlen
  • Herman Pontzer
H6/HB [JOURNAL-] 0047-2484
Foramen magnum position in bipedal mammals 2013 Journal of human evolution 65 (5): 656-70
  • E. Christopher Kirk
  • Gabrielle A. Russo
H6/HB [JOURNAL-] 0047-2484
Understanding the comparative catarrhine context of human pelvic form: a 3D geometric morphometric analysis 2013 Journal of human evolution 64 (4): 300-10
  • Noreen von Cramon-Taubadel
  • Stephen J. Lycett
H6/HB [JOURNAL-] 0047-2484
Hominin stature, body mass, and walking speed estimates based on 1.5 million-year-old fossil footprints at Ileret, Kenya 2013 Journal of human evolution 64 (6): 556-68
  • Brian G. Richmond
  • Heather L. Dingwall
  • Kevin G. Hatala
  • Roshna E. Wunderlich
H6/HB [JOURNAL-] 0047-2484