Anthropological Index Online

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TitleDateReferenceAuthorsCall #ISSN
A coastal occupation in Bénin, West Africa: earthenwares and salt at the time of Atlantic entanglement 2024 Journal of island and coastal archaeology 19 (2): 249-68
  • A. Haour
  • D. N’Dah
  • I. Coulson
  • N. Labiyi
H6/KE [ISLAND-] 1556-4894
Les archives sonores dahoméennes de l’Exposition coloniale de Paris (1931). Chronique d’un projet de recherche-création 2024 Gradhiva: revue de anthropology et museologie (38): 180-3
  • Cécile Van den Avenne
H6 [GRADHIVA-] 0764-8928
Of masks and men: Stéphan Gladieu's perspective 2023 Tribal art (108): 110-21
  • Elena Martínez-Jacquet
*H6/KFY [WORLD-] 1354-2990
On the origins of Récades of the kings of Dahomey 2023 African arts 56 (2): 10-19
  • Sandro Capo Chichi
H6/KFY [AFRICAN-] 0001-9933
Fá divination, well-being, and coolness in Bénin, West Africa 2023 Journal of religion in Africa 53 (2): 220-47
  • Timothy R. Landry
H6/KFO [JOURNAL-] 0022-4200
A note on the trajectories of the Republic of Benin’s "repatriated heritage" in the 21st century 2023 Cahiers d'études africaines (251-252): 615-30
  • Didier Marcel Houénoudé
  • Paul Akogni
H6/KY [CAHIERS-] 0008-0055
Restitution of African cbjects: formats of history, processes of justice and definitions of heritage 2023 Cahiers d'études africaines (251-252): 493-510
  • Claire Bosc-Tiessé
H6/KY [CAHIERS-] 0008-0055
Agoojiée! Or Gu’s sabers. Economies of (non-)restitution (Benin) 2023 Cahiers d'études africaines (251-252): 631-58
  • Madina Yêhouétomè
  • Sara Tassi
  • Saskia Cousin
H6/KY [CAHIERS-] 0008-0055
Entangled navigations: intergenerational care relations in neoliberal eduscapes in Benin 2023 Critique of anthropology 43 (4): 365-84
  • Erdmute Alber
H6 [CRITIQUE-] 0308-275X
Fear at work: bureaucratic and affective encounters between primary school teachers and their ‘chiefs’ in postcolonial Benin 2022 The Cambridge journal of anthropology 40 (2): 72-87
  • Pauline Jarroux
H6 [CAMBRIDGE-] 2047-7716
Inter-religious demonisation and its persuasiveness: the case of a newly emerged church in southern Benin 2022 Journal of religion in Africa 52 (1-2): 52-79
  • Ran Muratsu
H6/KFO [JOURNAL-] 0022-4200
Travelling gods, ritual memory, and slavery in contemporary Benin 2022 Journal of religion in Africa 52 (1-2): 170-94
  • Jung Ran Forte
H6/KFO [JOURNAL-] 0022-4200
Street hawking or street walking in Dahomey?: Debates about girls' sexual assaults in colonial tribunals, 1924-41 2022 Journal of African history 63 (3): 368-83
  • Jessica Reuther
*H6/KY [JOURNAL-] 0021-8537
Doing fieldwork while parenting. Between challenging and intensifying structural power imbalances in anthropological knowledge production 2022 Tsantsa 28 (): 24-40
  • Anna Madeleine Ayeh
H6/KF [TSANTSA-] 2673-5377
Litigating socio-economic and women’s rights in Benin’s constitutional court 2021 African affairs 120 (478): 57-77
  • Alice J. Kang
  • Susanna D. Wing
H6/KY [AFRICAN-] 0001-9909
The artist as chiffonnier: archival impulse and visual narratives on everyday life in Georges Adéagbo 2021 Visual anthropology 34 (1): 54-74
  • Valentina Lusini
*H6 [VISUAL-] 1545-5920
Rewriting history in order not to have to face it 2021 Tribal art (101): 116-21
  • Yves-Bernard Debie
*H6/KFY [WORLD-] 1354-2990
Sounding the voice of tolerance: the Orò secret society at the Yorùbá borderlands 2021 Material religion 17 (4): 517-38
  • Brian C. Smithson
H6/KFO [MATERIAL-] 1743-2200
Esprits mobiles, figures ancrées. Étudier les parcours migratoires des individus et leur rapport au sacré 2021 Cahiers d'études africaines (241): 105-13
  • Delphine Burguet
  • Olivia Legrip-Randriambelo
H6/KY [CAHIERS-] 0008-0055
Mobilities and rootedness of church planters. Pentecostal plantationa in the villages of southwestern Benin 2021 Cahiers d'études africaines (241): 169-92
  • Clara Bertin
H6/KY [CAHIERS-] 0008-0055
Catholic monasteries in Africa: contemplation and local action 2021 Cahiers d'études africaines (243): 587-97
  • Katrin Langewiesche
H6/KY [CAHIERS-] 0008-0055
Benedictine communities in West Africa through the lens of monastic economy. Between development and the vow of poverty 2021 Cahiers d'études africaines (243): 661-79
  • André Ardouin
H6/KY [CAHIERS-] 0008-0055
Is monastic economy an economy of development? Missionary and contemplative monastic communities in Africa 2021 Cahiers d'études africaines (243): 681-702
  • Isabelle Jonveaux
H6/KY [CAHIERS-] 0008-0055
The poetic and anthropological worlds of an escapee. Notes in memory of Émile Désiré Ologoudou (1935-2019) 2021 Cahiers d'études africaines (244): 859-73
  • Gaetano Ciarcia
H6/KY [CAHIERS-] 0008-0055
A legendary topography of the conversion or the documentary cinema of the two Dahomey by Francis Aupiais 2021 Archives de sciences sociales des religions 66 (194): 131-53
  • Gaetano Ciarcia
H6/KFO [ARCHIVES-] 0335-5985
A brief geography of traces: drawing in the encounter with others in a transcultural context 2021 L'Autre: cliniques, cultures et sociétés 22 (2): 198-209
  • Claude Sternis
H6 [AUTRE-] 1626-5378
Confronting rebellion in weak states: government response to military mutiny in Benin 2021 African studies review 64 (2): 363-89
  • Juste Codjo
*H6/KY [AFRICAN-] 0002-0206
New evidence on relations between Portugal and the Kingdom of Allada in the sixteenth century 2020 History in Africa 47 (): 37-49
  • Pedro Pinto
  • Robin Law
H6/KY [HISTORY-] 0361-5413
Commonalities and disparities in the iconography of Opón Ifá Ìróké Ifá in Òyó, Sábe, and Ifè-Ana Yorùbá communities 2020 African arts 53 (2): 42-53
  • Abiodun Akande
H6/KFY [AFRICAN-] 0001-9933
Temporalities of appropriation of Salsa music and dance in Benin 2020 The World of Music 9 (2): 31-50
  • Elina Djebbari
H6/KFY [WORLD-] 0043-8774
Afro-Portuguese ivories from Sierra Leone and Nigeria (Yoruba and Benin kingdoms) in archaeological contexts from southern Portugal 2020 African arts 53 (4): 24-37
  • Claudia Rodrigues Manso
  • Mário Varela Gomes
  • Tânia Manuel Casimiro
H6/KFY [AFRICAN-] 0001-9933
Ethnological ebbs and historical flows. Effects of two studies by Bernard Maupoil and Pierre Verger (Dahomey, 1943-1953) 2020 Journal des africanistes 90 (1): 80-112
  • Gaetano Ciarcia
H6/KY [SOCIETE-] 0399-0346
Niyanpangu-bansu: an important archaeological site for the reconstruction of the history of caravan trade in northern Benin 2020 Journal of African archaeology 18 (2): 162-80
  • Barpougouni Mardjoua
H6/KE [JOURNAL-] 1612-1651
Vodún/Vodu, resistance, and North/South relations in undemocratic Togo 2020 Journal of religion in Africa 50 (3-4): 224-48
  • Eric James Montgomery
H6/KFO [JOURNAL-] 0022-4200
Toxic waste dumping in the Global South as a form of environmental racism: evidence from the Gulf of Guinea 2020 African studies 79 (3): 285-304
  • Ibukun Jacob Adewumi
  • Ifesinachi Okafor-Yarwood
H6/KY [BANTU-] 0002-0184
Political mobilizations in the midst of the Danxômè International Festival of Cultures (Abomey, Benin) 2019 Cahiers d'études africaines 59 (1): 192-214
  • Lambert Roch Mongbo
  • Midjèou Béranger Avohuémè Togbé
Seats, blood sacrifices and skulls among the Akan, Ewe and Fon of West Africa 2019 Arts & cultures (): 74-83
  • Sandro Capo Chichi
Just like in colonial times? Administrative practice and local reflections on 'grassroots neocolonialism' in autonomous and postcolonial Dahomey, 1958-65 2019 Journal of African history 60 (2): 257-76
  • Alexander Keese
*H6/KY [JOURNAL-] 0021-8537
Urbanizing forest: archaeological evidence form southern Bénin 2019 Journal of African archaeology 17 (2): 95-120
  • Inga Merkyte
  • Klavs Randsborg
  • Søren Albek
H6/KE [JOURNAL-] 1612-1651
Leo Asemota's The ENS Project 2019 Nka: journal of contemporary African art 44 (): 78-92
  • Chris Spring
H6/KY [NKA-] 1075-7163
Neither predator nor prey. What trafficking discourses miss about masculinities, mobility and work 2019 Anthropology today 35 (6): 14-17
  • Neil Howard
H6 [ANTHROPOLOGY-] 0268-540X
Expenditures on malevolent magico-religious powers: empirical evidence from Benin 2019 African studies review 62 (4): 154-80
  • Alison Lang
  • Charlemagne Codjo Tomavo
  • Philippe Le-May-Boucher
*H6/KY [AFRICAN-] 0002-0206
Anthropological vs. Orientalist representation: issues with the National Geographic channel 2019 Visual anthropology review 32 (5): 445-59
  • Kaaleboga Aiseng
  • Ufuoma Akpojivi
H6 [PROGRAM-] 1053-7147
Toward a film-based “oral art history” in Benin: interviews and multi-sited knowledge production in African art contexts 2019 Critical interventions: journal of African art history and visual culture 13 (2-3): 180-96
  • Verena Rodatus
H6/KFY [CRITICAL-] 1930-1944
Confronting contemporary artistic experience in Republic of Benin: the case of “Eclosion Urbaine” and Magou Amédée (1990–2017) 2019 Critical interventions: journal of African art history and visual culture 13 (2-3): 254-83
  • Romuald Tchibozo
H6/KFY [CRITICAL-] 1930-1944
Politics of kinship: child fostering in Dahomey/Benin 2019 Cahiers d'études africaines 59 (2): 359-75
  • Erdmute Alber
H6/KY [CAHIERS-] 0008-0055
Inheritance cases in Cotonou: how the law changed families 2019 Cahiers d'études africaines 59 (2): 377-404
  • Sophie Andreetta
H6/KY [CAHIERS-] 0008-0055
Esclavage, créolisation et constitution des identités en Afrique de l'Ouest: le cas des Agudàs du Bénin 2019 Civilisations 68 (): 47-71
  • João De Athayde
  • Samuel Lempereur
H6 [CIVILISATIONS-] 0009-8140
African national anthems: their value system and normative 'potential' 2018 African study monographs supplementary issue 56 (): 3-20
  • Francis Onditi
H6/KY [AFRICAN-] 0286-9667
'People of Allada, this is our return': indexicality, multiple temporalities, and resonance in the music of the Gangbé Brass Band of Benin 2018 Ethnomusicology 62 (1): 28-57
  • Sarah Politz